Hello Room 2308 Readers!
We keep hearing about Gabriel and Frita's lists of things they are scared of, but do not know exactly what are on them, especially Frita's.
What things do you think Frita might have on her list and why?
What would you put on your own list if you made one?
Happy Blogging......
Mrs. S
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Liberation of Gabriel King By K.L.Going
Today we started a new read a loud, The Liberation Of Gabriel King. We read the first two chapters. Share with us your reactions so far. Do you have any questions about the book so far, or predictions........any connections to something else you have read before?
Happy reading and Blogging!
Mrs. S
Happy reading and Blogging!
Mrs. S
Monday, December 13, 2010
Second Time Around
Today we read "Voices In The Park" by Anthony Browne. You all agreed that you noticed much more and "got it" a lot better after re-reading it.
I love this book so much, and every time I read it with a different class I notice new things. Often, we need to re-read books for clarity or to get more out of it. That is something that good readers do.
1. Have you ever re-read a book and noticed things that you had not noticed the first time around? Tell us about it; when you read it the first time, when you re-read it and why it might have been different.
Sometimes we may not be mature enough to understand certain parts of a story we are reading. Sometimes we may not be concentrating when we are reading because we are distracted by something else going on in our lives. Sometimes we just missed something the first time around.
2. Tell me about some things that you noticed today when we read "Voices" again that you did not catch on Friday. What new insights did you have into the story today? How important were the pictures to Mr. Browne's story? Tell me why you think that way and give examples.
Happy Reading and Blogging....don't forget to use your blog page to keep track of your posts this week and the requirements!
Mrs. S
I love this book so much, and every time I read it with a different class I notice new things. Often, we need to re-read books for clarity or to get more out of it. That is something that good readers do.
1. Have you ever re-read a book and noticed things that you had not noticed the first time around? Tell us about it; when you read it the first time, when you re-read it and why it might have been different.
Sometimes we may not be mature enough to understand certain parts of a story we are reading. Sometimes we may not be concentrating when we are reading because we are distracted by something else going on in our lives. Sometimes we just missed something the first time around.
2. Tell me about some things that you noticed today when we read "Voices" again that you did not catch on Friday. What new insights did you have into the story today? How important were the pictures to Mr. Browne's story? Tell me why you think that way and give examples.
Happy Reading and Blogging....don't forget to use your blog page to keep track of your posts this week and the requirements!
Mrs. S
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hello Room 2308 Goblins!
What did you think of the Spiderwick Cronicles? I love it, but then again, I tend to love the genre of fantasy. Do you?
Some of my favorite books are from this genre. One I really loved when I was in 5th grade was "The Last Of The Really Great Wangdoodles". I think I liked that so much because of the idea of using your imagination to travel to a secret world. I also loved the crazy, wacky characters.
The Narnia series was also a favorite, I think I read them all about 5 times each! There was a secret world involved there as well....hmmm....seems to be a pattern for me...:)
Tell me about your involvement with the fantasy genre. Do you tend to like to read fantasy? What are some of the best fantasy books that you have read? Tell me what was so good about them.
If you do not particularly like fantasy,tell me why. Tell me about a fantasy book that you have read and what may have turned you off of the genre.
Happy Goblin and Fantastical Creature Hunting.....
Mrs. S
What did you think of the Spiderwick Cronicles? I love it, but then again, I tend to love the genre of fantasy. Do you?
Some of my favorite books are from this genre. One I really loved when I was in 5th grade was "The Last Of The Really Great Wangdoodles". I think I liked that so much because of the idea of using your imagination to travel to a secret world. I also loved the crazy, wacky characters.
The Narnia series was also a favorite, I think I read them all about 5 times each! There was a secret world involved there as well....hmmm....seems to be a pattern for me...:)
Tell me about your involvement with the fantasy genre. Do you tend to like to read fantasy? What are some of the best fantasy books that you have read? Tell me what was so good about them.
If you do not particularly like fantasy,tell me why. Tell me about a fantasy book that you have read and what may have turned you off of the genre.
Happy Goblin and Fantastical Creature Hunting.....
Mrs. S
Monday, December 6, 2010
Point of View
Hello Room 2308'ers!
Happy Monday!
Today we read "Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport"by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. We talked about point of view and how authors can choose different points of view to tell their stories. Different points of view can change how a story is told, and each person's point of view comes from their own experiences, history and who they are.
In your independent book, think about what point of view the story is told from. Explain to us in your post who's point of view the story is told from ( please include the title and author of your book). Why do you think the author chose that point of view? How is it important to the story? How could the story change if it was told from another point of view?
Happy Blogging!
Mrs. S
Happy Monday!
Today we read "Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport"by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. We talked about point of view and how authors can choose different points of view to tell their stories. Different points of view can change how a story is told, and each person's point of view comes from their own experiences, history and who they are.
In your independent book, think about what point of view the story is told from. Explain to us in your post who's point of view the story is told from ( please include the title and author of your book). Why do you think the author chose that point of view? How is it important to the story? How could the story change if it was told from another point of view?
Happy Blogging!
Mrs. S
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Bell Curve
Hello Readers!
Did you enjoy "Edward and the Pirates" today? I love to read stories about other readers, especially when they use their imaginations and show good reading practices!
We talked about the "shape" of stories, or, as Jayme put it, "story maps". In class we have talked about Hero Cycles and Bell Curves.
Here are today's discussion points:
1. What is your favorite picture book? If you are like me and can't pick just one, pick one that you like a lot.
2. Does it fit either of the "shapes" that we have talked about in class? Tell me which one and how it fits. If it does not, what does the shape of that story seem to be?
Did you enjoy "Edward and the Pirates" today? I love to read stories about other readers, especially when they use their imaginations and show good reading practices!
We talked about the "shape" of stories, or, as Jayme put it, "story maps". In class we have talked about Hero Cycles and Bell Curves.
Here are today's discussion points:
1. What is your favorite picture book? If you are like me and can't pick just one, pick one that you like a lot.
2. Does it fit either of the "shapes" that we have talked about in class? Tell me which one and how it fits. If it does not, what does the shape of that story seem to be?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Hi Room 2308ers!
I was just checking out Mr. Geranis' reading blog and I really liked how he does WOW, Weekend One Word. If you have a chance, check it out. The link is on the right side of our blog.
Anyway, I think we may do that starting next term ( which is next week:)
Today, however, I am going to copy his idea and give you a MOW, Monday One Word post. That means that this is an easy post, that you can answer in just one, or a few words. Normally, you will have to post at least 5 sentences.
Anway, today's question is this......
What is the best book you have read so far this year?
Happy reading and blogging........Mrs. S
I was just checking out Mr. Geranis' reading blog and I really liked how he does WOW, Weekend One Word. If you have a chance, check it out. The link is on the right side of our blog.
Anyway, I think we may do that starting next term ( which is next week:)
Today, however, I am going to copy his idea and give you a MOW, Monday One Word post. That means that this is an easy post, that you can answer in just one, or a few words. Normally, you will have to post at least 5 sentences.
Anway, today's question is this......
What is the best book you have read so far this year?
Happy reading and blogging........Mrs. S
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Our Characters
Hi Readers!
Today we thought about the characters that we have met while reading Krindlekrax. There have been a lot of them.
Ruskin, our main character, is pretty unique. I think we may all have a pretty similar picture in our heads as Philip Ridley really painted a clear pictures with his descriptions of what Ruskin looks like. For that matter, he really did the dame for many of the other characters as well.
The class seemed to have a harder time coming up with adjectives that described each character, it was definately easier for you all to draw that picture!
I would like you, for today's post, to think about the main character in the book you are now reading for your independent choice. In at least 5 sentences ( that means you can certainly write more......), please describe your character with adjectives. I do not want a physical description of what they look like, but what they are like as a person. Not as easy as the picture......but, if you are reading deeply and think about your character, you should be able to come up with a description of what your character is like as a person. It is a good idea to give examples to back up how you describe your character. For example, Ruskin is a brave boy. An example of this is that in class, he tells Elvis exactly what he thinks of his bad acting, even though there may be repercussions from Elvis later.
I can't wait to hear about your characters.......Happy Reading and Writing!
Mrs. S
Today we thought about the characters that we have met while reading Krindlekrax. There have been a lot of them.
Ruskin, our main character, is pretty unique. I think we may all have a pretty similar picture in our heads as Philip Ridley really painted a clear pictures with his descriptions of what Ruskin looks like. For that matter, he really did the dame for many of the other characters as well.
The class seemed to have a harder time coming up with adjectives that described each character, it was definately easier for you all to draw that picture!
I would like you, for today's post, to think about the main character in the book you are now reading for your independent choice. In at least 5 sentences ( that means you can certainly write more......), please describe your character with adjectives. I do not want a physical description of what they look like, but what they are like as a person. Not as easy as the picture......but, if you are reading deeply and think about your character, you should be able to come up with a description of what your character is like as a person. It is a good idea to give examples to back up how you describe your character. For example, Ruskin is a brave boy. An example of this is that in class, he tells Elvis exactly what he thinks of his bad acting, even though there may be repercussions from Elvis later.
I can't wait to hear about your characters.......Happy Reading and Writing!
Mrs. S
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Krindlekrax By Philip Ridley day 1
Hello Room of Readers!!!
So, we started a new book today, "Krindlekrax" by Philip Ridley. I would love to hear your reactions to chapter one. Think about the following questions and post me a response. Your response should be AT LEAST 5 sentences, edited for your best work, thoughtful and complete.
What was your first reaction as we started the chapter and met Ruskin and his family? Did you like any one character more than the others? If so, why or why not?
Many of you talked about the pictures that you had in your head as we read the first chapter. Tell me about the pictures that you had. How do you think the author influenced the pictures that you saw? Do you think what you saw in your head was the same for each of us in the class?
What are you looking forward to learning about as we read through the story?
So, we started a new book today, "Krindlekrax" by Philip Ridley. I would love to hear your reactions to chapter one. Think about the following questions and post me a response. Your response should be AT LEAST 5 sentences, edited for your best work, thoughtful and complete.
What was your first reaction as we started the chapter and met Ruskin and his family? Did you like any one character more than the others? If so, why or why not?
Many of you talked about the pictures that you had in your head as we read the first chapter. Tell me about the pictures that you had. How do you think the author influenced the pictures that you saw? Do you think what you saw in your head was the same for each of us in the class?
What are you looking forward to learning about as we read through the story?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Hello Room Full of Readers!
I am excited to see that many of you have tried blogging! This will be the first post of the year that you are required to post at. Starting in October you will be required to post three times a week as part of your reading grade. A post should be at least 5 sentences, thoughtful, and edited for conventions. If you make a claim, make sure you give evidence or explain your thinking.
For this first post, please share with your classmates what your favorite genre of books is and what you are currently reading. Also, tell us where is your favorite place to read.
One of my favorite places to read when I was your age, I loved to curl up in a big soft chair. I had a lamp right over the chair and after school I would make myself a big snack, curl up with my book and pass the hours away.
Another place I loved to read was outside in the fall. I would take a blanket and curl up in the sun with my book and snack.
I am currently reading "The Floating Island". Dylan, my daughter, is also reading it. We talk about it together.
My favorite genre is probably fantasy, although I do really enjoy mysteries as well.
I can't wait to hear about your favorite genres, your current book and your favorite places to read. Happy Blogging and Reading!
Mrs. S
I am excited to see that many of you have tried blogging! This will be the first post of the year that you are required to post at. Starting in October you will be required to post three times a week as part of your reading grade. A post should be at least 5 sentences, thoughtful, and edited for conventions. If you make a claim, make sure you give evidence or explain your thinking.
For this first post, please share with your classmates what your favorite genre of books is and what you are currently reading. Also, tell us where is your favorite place to read.
One of my favorite places to read when I was your age, I loved to curl up in a big soft chair. I had a lamp right over the chair and after school I would make myself a big snack, curl up with my book and pass the hours away.
Another place I loved to read was outside in the fall. I would take a blanket and curl up in the sun with my book and snack.
I am currently reading "The Floating Island". Dylan, my daughter, is also reading it. We talk about it together.
My favorite genre is probably fantasy, although I do really enjoy mysteries as well.
I can't wait to hear about your favorite genres, your current book and your favorite places to read. Happy Blogging and Reading!
Mrs. S
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Summer Reading

Hello Room 2308 6th graders and incoming 5th graders!
Summer has begun, I am so happy to begin my summer reading. I have a pile of books I am planning on reading, as well as a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble to add some more to my pile, how fun!
Right now I am reading Rick Riordan's "The Red Pyramid". I am liking it, although I am not as "hooked" as I was when first reading "The Lightning Thief". This is similar, but with the Egyptian gods and goddesses playing a big part in the plot.
I am also reading "The Girl That Can Fly" by Victoria Forester with Dylan. It is a fun story, adventure, with the heroine a spunky girl named Piper who can fly. She ends up in an place where she is told she can be "helped", but is Dr. hellion her friend or enemy? Read it to find out!
I also plan on reading a lot of gardening and homesteading magazines, as well as cookbooks.
Share with us what you are reading, what you plan on reading, or if you need any recommendations.
New room 2308'ers, if you are new to our blog, you can go back through some of our older blogs to get an idea about our conversations. I hope to hear what kinds of book you like and to get to know you as readers over the summer!
Keep in touch, I will be posting more every week!
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Simonds
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hello Room 2308ers!
So, you just read pages 50 - 58 in Rules. Share with everyone what you learned about Catherine from this chapter. Make sure you explain your thoughts fully and share what evidence from the chapter leads you to your thoughts.
Happy Weekend and Reading!
Mrs. S
So, you just read pages 50 - 58 in Rules. Share with everyone what you learned about Catherine from this chapter. Make sure you explain your thoughts fully and share what evidence from the chapter leads you to your thoughts.
Happy Weekend and Reading!
Mrs. S
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ok room 2308, we have read a few chapters into our new classroom novel "Rules" by Cynthia Lord. Thoughts.......reactions........impressions....connections....wonderings........? Pleae share........
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Trackers By Patrick Carman

We read about this new book in class and heard from the author why he wrote it. What do you think about combining technology with reading? Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not?
Here is the the author's website where you can check out his other books.
Are there any you have read? What did you rate them and why?
Are there any that look interesting? Why or why not?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
What Are Our Stories Really About

Hello Wacky Readers of 2308!
What a fun "WACKY WEDNESDAY"! Too bad I forgot to dress up :)
Today in writing we began to explore what our literature circle books were REALLY about. You began to think deeply about your stories, about what the story's meaning was, what the character learns and if it is a life lesson that can help you live your life differently. You thought about which parts of the story contributed to the message of the story, such as the title, setting, beginning, the changes in the characters, the form and word choice or the ending.
I would like you to use what you practiced today to think deeply about the independent book you are reading on your own. What do you think that story is really about? Share your thoughts, give examples and back up your opinions!
Can't wait to read your posts......you all did an amazing job in class today......yahooo!
Mrs. S
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Lit Group Work
Hello Bookworms!
Today in class you met and discussed the following for your group books:
Protagonist and Antagonist
Central tension
Possible Themes
Share with me here your discussion. Let me know if you agreed on things as a group, if you had different ideas, and if you did not agree on any of the following. Make user to explain why you thought what you did and give any evidence you can from the book.
Happy Writing......
mrs. S
Today in class you met and discussed the following for your group books:
Protagonist and Antagonist
Central tension
Possible Themes
Share with me here your discussion. Let me know if you agreed on things as a group, if you had different ideas, and if you did not agree on any of the following. Make user to explain why you thought what you did and give any evidence you can from the book.
Happy Writing......
mrs. S
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thoughts about our Characters

Hello Room 2308 Readers!
Today in class we had our third lesson in literary essays. We talked about characters and how thinking deeply about them can help us to generate thoughts about what we read. We read the following from a book review written in 1952 on Charlotte's Web.
Wilbur is of sweet nature-he is a spring pig-affectionate, responsive to the moods of weather and the song of the crickets, has a long eyelashes, is hopeful, partially willing to try anything, brave, subject to faints from bashfulness, is loyal to friends, enjoys a good appetite and a soft bed, and is a little likely to be overwhelmed by the sudden chance for complete freedom.
Eudora Welty ( New York Times, October 19, 1952)
We brainstormed ways to think about our characters and used the following list to begin to create min-glimpses of Rachel, the main character in "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros.
Thinking about Characters
what kind of person is this character?
What does this character long for? Fear?
What is the character struggling against? What gets in the character’s way?
What relationships does the character have and how do these relationships play a significant role in the story?
How does the character change over the course of the story?
Does the character learn lessons or come to realizations?
Tonight, think about the main character in your independent book. Write a paragraph, similar in style to the one above, using the "Thinking about Characters" list to help you. Try to use the author's choice of words to help you gain insight into your character.
Happy Reading!
Mrs. S
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Reading Deeper
Hi Class!
Today I saw some great work on our new literary essay unit. You worked hard at trying to generate original thoughts about what you are reading. Tonight, you are asked to continue that work in your head, focusing on what you are reading, noticing the little details that may go unnoticed, and generating your thoughts about these details.
We talked about how wondering about character's motivations, actions, thoughts and feelings can help us to understand our characters. It can also help us to think deeper about our characters.
Share with me your thoughts so far with this process. How is this going with your own independent reading? Remember to explain yourself fully, with at least 5 sentences, check your grammar and spelling before sending off your post......Happy Reading!
Mrs. S
Today I saw some great work on our new literary essay unit. You worked hard at trying to generate original thoughts about what you are reading. Tonight, you are asked to continue that work in your head, focusing on what you are reading, noticing the little details that may go unnoticed, and generating your thoughts about these details.
We talked about how wondering about character's motivations, actions, thoughts and feelings can help us to understand our characters. It can also help us to think deeper about our characters.
Share with me your thoughts so far with this process. How is this going with your own independent reading? Remember to explain yourself fully, with at least 5 sentences, check your grammar and spelling before sending off your post......Happy Reading!
Mrs. S
Thursday, March 25, 2010
More Schoolhouse Rocks!
Ok, back by popular demand.....
Tell me what you think.....practice by writing super sentences with interjections about today's field trip!
Tell me what you think.....practice by writing super sentences with interjections about today's field trip!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Grammar Rocks!
Ok kiddos, here is another Schoolhouse Rocks video. Check it out.......
Write a sentence using at least two adverbs, used correctly. Underline the adverbs. Tell me your reaction to the video. What do you think about the schoolhouse rocks videos? Compare adverbs and adjectives. If you forgot what adjectives are.....here is the video we watched today....
Write a sentence using at least two adverbs, used correctly. Underline the adverbs. Tell me your reaction to the video. What do you think about the schoolhouse rocks videos? Compare adverbs and adjectives. If you forgot what adjectives are.....here is the video we watched today....
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Literature CIrcles, First Thoughts

Hello Wonderful Room 2308'ers!
So, today we finalized our book groups for our literature circles we will be starting in a few weeks. the books we will be reading are the following:
Trouble By Gary Schmidt
A Million Shades of Grey by Cynthia Kadohata
All the Broken Pieces by Ann Burg
Firegirl by Toni Abbott
Alabama Moon by Watt Key
The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff
March Toward Thunder by Joseph Bruchac
Share your thoughts about why you choose the books you requested. Share your thoughts about the group you are in. Do you have any background knowledge about the book you will be reading? Do you have any knowledge about any of the other books? What are you looking forward to with our literature circles? Is there anything you are worried or concerned about? I am looking forward to this new experience tin our reading class. You have become so good at sharing your thoughts, I can't wait to see you take it up a level!
Monday, March 15, 2010
More Poems........
My mom is from moody maine,
My mom thinks barbies,dolls,silly puddy,and hula hoop’s were the best,
My mom used to play Yahtzee,pickup sticks,kickball,Monopoly,cards,and Scrabble,
My mom used to do ballet,tap,baton,acting,and her hobby was beach,
My mom used to like these groups:Partridge Family, the Osmonds,and the Beatles,
My mom also used to like these singers:Carly Simond, and carol king,
My mom used to like these Celebritys:David cassidy,and donny Osmonds,
My mom used to buy mint juleps,Good and Fruities,Squirls,and pixie sticks,
My mom’s favorite t.v. show was Bewitched,
My mom’s favorite series of books was Pippi long stocking,
My mom’s favorite saying was cool,
My mom wanted to be a architect when she grew up.
By Andrew L.
Where I’m From
I’m from Winny the Poo and classic rock ,from solving the mystery with Sherlock Holmes to swimming and fishing the water so cool,
From “your mother wears combat boots” and Mr Kennedy who sadly died,to the sweet almond joys with the nut inside and the cool Kinks “so rocken”,
To peanut butter fudge so warm and good,and the up and down of the yo yo’s ,and bee bee guns that stung so bad to the many more adventures that await us.
by Alex L
Where I’m From
I am a snowflake
I am a leaf
I am the grass
I am the hungry lion
I am a peace of sand
from sea
I am an ant
I am a little rattle from my past
I am a apple my favorite
I am my dads old hat
I am my moms dress
I am my grandmas old
I am my old past
I am my dads 1 car
I am my moms blanket
to keep her warm
I am my dads home
to help him live
I am me and only me.
Where I’m From
I am from M&Ms and chocolate,
the ringing of the bell in the candy store.
I am from IHOP,
the woman who always says:
“How you doing honey?”
I am from the fake needle,
being my father’s saviour.
I am from Lord of the Rings
and The Hobbit, the crease of the pages
and the crusty old smell.
I am from the noises city,
the unbearable heat in the summer.
I am from pine trees,
barefoot in the soft green grass.
I am from “Duh” and “Nah kidding”.
I am from Nanny and the Professer,
and movie night on the couch.
I am from playing house
and me always being daddy.
I am from Twilight
and Taylor Launtner (The hunk Jacob).
I am from all the Beatles,
especially their greatest hits like “Let It Be”.
I am from scrapbooking,
putting in happy and sad memories,
but most of all, the most unforgettable ones.
My mom thinks barbies,dolls,silly puddy,and hula hoop’s were the best,
My mom used to play Yahtzee,pickup sticks,kickball,Monopoly,cards,and Scrabble,
My mom used to do ballet,tap,baton,acting,and her hobby was beach,
My mom used to like these groups:Partridge Family, the Osmonds,and the Beatles,
My mom also used to like these singers:Carly Simond, and carol king,
My mom used to like these Celebritys:David cassidy,and donny Osmonds,
My mom used to buy mint juleps,Good and Fruities,Squirls,and pixie sticks,
My mom’s favorite t.v. show was Bewitched,
My mom’s favorite series of books was Pippi long stocking,
My mom’s favorite saying was cool,
My mom wanted to be a architect when she grew up.
By Andrew L.
Where I’m From
I’m from Winny the Poo and classic rock ,from solving the mystery with Sherlock Holmes to swimming and fishing the water so cool,
From “your mother wears combat boots” and Mr Kennedy who sadly died,to the sweet almond joys with the nut inside and the cool Kinks “so rocken”,
To peanut butter fudge so warm and good,and the up and down of the yo yo’s ,and bee bee guns that stung so bad to the many more adventures that await us.
by Alex L
Where I’m From
I am a snowflake
I am a leaf
I am the grass
I am the hungry lion
I am a peace of sand
from sea
I am an ant
I am a little rattle from my past
I am a apple my favorite
I am my dads old hat
I am my moms dress
I am my grandmas old
I am my old past
I am my dads 1 car
I am my moms blanket
to keep her warm
I am my dads home
to help him live
I am me and only me.
Where I’m From
I am from M&Ms and chocolate,
the ringing of the bell in the candy store.
I am from IHOP,
the woman who always says:
“How you doing honey?”
I am from the fake needle,
being my father’s saviour.
I am from Lord of the Rings
and The Hobbit, the crease of the pages
and the crusty old smell.
I am from the noises city,
the unbearable heat in the summer.
I am from pine trees,
barefoot in the soft green grass.
I am from “Duh” and “Nah kidding”.
I am from Nanny and the Professer,
and movie night on the couch.
I am from playing house
and me always being daddy.
I am from Twilight
and Taylor Launtner (The hunk Jacob).
I am from all the Beatles,
especially their greatest hits like “Let It Be”.
I am from scrapbooking,
putting in happy and sad memories,
but most of all, the most unforgettable ones.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tell me about your current book.......

Ok Room 2308 Readers, this week I have not been able to conference too much with you about what you are reading, although we have done daily check-ins.You all are really blowing me away with your reading.
I want to know more about your current books. Tell me.......
What genre are you currently reading?
Can you tell me the main plot in a sentence or two?
Can you do a quick character profile for me on a main character and a secondary character?
How does the setting play into your book?
What would you rate your book at this point on a scale of one to ten?
I can't wait to hear more...........
Mrs. S
Monday, March 8, 2010
More "Where I am From" Poems
Where I’m From
I’m from never liking the Yankees while being born in New Jersey
I’m from 5 hours away to my old home
I’m from soccer and hockey
I’m from swimming to swimming
I’m from freedom
I’m from Biscuit to Wednesday Wars
I’m from a guinea pig to a dog
I’m from a swimmer and a nurse
I’m from servers of our countries and secretaries
I’m from baby clothes
I’m from the outside world
I’m from Frosha and whipping cream
I’m from lots of sisters and one brother
I’m from Falmouth people
I’m from the woods and I’m from the town
I’m from Goldenrod taffy
I’m from lots of dogs
I’m from Jamie and Keri
I’m from the Patriots and the Red Sox and the Bruins
I’m from Rubix Cubes and HO trains
I’m from softball and street hockey
I’m from bike riding
I’m from Journey and Van Halen
I’m from Tom Howell and Ronald Regan
I’m from Twix bars and Big League Chew
I’m from Love Boat and Dukes of Hazzard
I’m from Wrinkle in Time and Narnia
I’m from the sayings “cool” and “nuh-unh”
I’m from the dreams of being a gym teacher and an accountant
I’m from a world that, is and always will be, my home.
I’m from DS and Ipod, public pools and
riding bike.
I’m from camping in Acadia every summer every
I’m from Daughtry and owl city,cars and
breakfast in america.
I’m from buzz lightyear,thomas the train and
hula hoops.
I’m from clue and battleship.
I’m from skittles and resses cups, razzles,
twizzler and almond joy.
I’m from Bone, Nancy Drew and the lion the Witch and
the Wardrobe.
I’m from “hip”,”groovy” and “cool”.
I’m from the Brady Bunch,partridge family and
Phineas and Ferb.
I’m from all the memories.
I’m from little, plays With dolls cries a Lot to,
I’m from wipes my face when a cold dry tear is falling,
I’m from older, sits down in the living room laughing, wetting my pants
watching my favorite T.V show, WIPE OUT,
I’m from Halloween are favorite holiday scary to as we are running away from the scary people chasing as as we run away from them,
I’m from favorite food that we all love is Italian Rice,
by Candace
Where I’m From
By Anna
I’m from my vegetable garden in the front yard,
I’m from snowshoeing in my woods and playing with my dog.
I’m from dancing and Sports Illustrated.
From baseball and tootsie rolls.
From Nightly News and Gilligan’s Island.
I am from.........
Where I’m From
I am from Jodie and Michael
From going “beep beep” with my barbie jeep
From “choo chooing” with my train tracks
To going “cling clang” with my pots and pans.
I am from riding up and down the streets on my bike
From playing stressful games of Trouble with my dad
To drawing pink hearts on the driveway with chalk.
I am from sweaty shingaurds and warn cleats
To playing hopscotch barefoot on the driveway
From long plane rides listening to Raffis good music.
I am from the Celtics especially Rajon Rondo
To shooting hoops with my mom
From smelly basketball shoes and sweaty socks.
I am from the old camp on the blue lake
From siting around the campfire cooking smores
And telling ghost stories
To getting scared at night.
I am from the soft disney blanket
Full of smells and memories
From Clifford the big red dog
And “Allie dont eat that” to “put that down”
From “calm down now” to sleeping in the car.
I am from mornings with Dora and Boots
And evenings with Wizards
I am What I am
And that makes me, me
I’m from never liking the Yankees while being born in New Jersey
I’m from 5 hours away to my old home
I’m from soccer and hockey
I’m from swimming to swimming
I’m from freedom
I’m from Biscuit to Wednesday Wars
I’m from a guinea pig to a dog
I’m from a swimmer and a nurse
I’m from servers of our countries and secretaries
I’m from baby clothes
I’m from the outside world
I’m from Frosha and whipping cream
I’m from lots of sisters and one brother
I’m from Falmouth people
I’m from the woods and I’m from the town
I’m from Goldenrod taffy
I’m from lots of dogs
I’m from Jamie and Keri
I’m from the Patriots and the Red Sox and the Bruins
I’m from Rubix Cubes and HO trains
I’m from softball and street hockey
I’m from bike riding
I’m from Journey and Van Halen
I’m from Tom Howell and Ronald Regan
I’m from Twix bars and Big League Chew
I’m from Love Boat and Dukes of Hazzard
I’m from Wrinkle in Time and Narnia
I’m from the sayings “cool” and “nuh-unh”
I’m from the dreams of being a gym teacher and an accountant
I’m from a world that, is and always will be, my home.
I’m from DS and Ipod, public pools and
riding bike.
I’m from camping in Acadia every summer every
I’m from Daughtry and owl city,cars and
breakfast in america.
I’m from buzz lightyear,thomas the train and
hula hoops.
I’m from clue and battleship.
I’m from skittles and resses cups, razzles,
twizzler and almond joy.
I’m from Bone, Nancy Drew and the lion the Witch and
the Wardrobe.
I’m from “hip”,”groovy” and “cool”.
I’m from the Brady Bunch,partridge family and
Phineas and Ferb.
I’m from all the memories.
I’m from little, plays With dolls cries a Lot to,
I’m from wipes my face when a cold dry tear is falling,
I’m from older, sits down in the living room laughing, wetting my pants
watching my favorite T.V show, WIPE OUT,
I’m from Halloween are favorite holiday scary to as we are running away from the scary people chasing as as we run away from them,
I’m from favorite food that we all love is Italian Rice,
by Candace
Where I’m From
By Anna
I’m from my vegetable garden in the front yard,
I’m from snowshoeing in my woods and playing with my dog.
I’m from dancing and Sports Illustrated.
From baseball and tootsie rolls.
From Nightly News and Gilligan’s Island.
I am from.........
Where I’m From
I am from Jodie and Michael
From going “beep beep” with my barbie jeep
From “choo chooing” with my train tracks
To going “cling clang” with my pots and pans.
I am from riding up and down the streets on my bike
From playing stressful games of Trouble with my dad
To drawing pink hearts on the driveway with chalk.
I am from sweaty shingaurds and warn cleats
To playing hopscotch barefoot on the driveway
From long plane rides listening to Raffis good music.
I am from the Celtics especially Rajon Rondo
To shooting hoops with my mom
From smelly basketball shoes and sweaty socks.
I am from the old camp on the blue lake
From siting around the campfire cooking smores
And telling ghost stories
To getting scared at night.
I am from the soft disney blanket
Full of smells and memories
From Clifford the big red dog
And “Allie dont eat that” to “put that down”
From “calm down now” to sleeping in the car.
I am from mornings with Dora and Boots
And evenings with Wizards
I am What I am
And that makes me, me
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Book's Gonna Be a Good, Good Book..........
Here is the link to the fantastic video we watched today......
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"Where I'm From" Poems
Ok, I have finally gotten around to posting your final poetry projects, the "Where I'm From" poems. I am going to put 5 or so on each post. Please go on, read the poems and let your classmates know what you liked and found interesting about their poems.
Where I’m From
I’m from ice rinks and sail boats
I’m from violin lessons and girl scouts
I’m from apple pie and cheese cake
I’m from weekends and Mondays
I’m from tee-shirts and snow pants
I’m from scrapbooks and journals
I’m from videos and DVD’s
I’m from I’m from maps and GPS’s
I’m from cats and I’m from dogs
I’m from personal narrative and poems
I’m from Mrs. Beasly and Kiddles
I’m from Madonna and U2
I’m from Skittles and Sour Patch Kids
but most of all I’m from memories.
Where I’m from
I’m from The World of Cats
and Erin Hunter.
From Booksville
and the band Colplay.
I’m from Disneyworld, Facebook,
and Cartoon Network.
From Animal Planet
and the movie Avatar.
I’m from the Monopoly Universe,
my Ipod, and chocolate.
From Vegetariansville, swimming,
and my DS.
I’m from Snowman City, Sledding,
and the big rock behind my house.
I’m from all the places I’ve ever been
and all the things I’ve ever done.
By: Emma
I’m from Aero chocolate, from crystal rocks in my plastic container. I’m from “this thing won’t react!” & “Sheesh!”. I’m from a country with kings & queens and roast lamb with gravy.
I’m from foxes in the garden and frog catching & the black cat on my wall.I’m from the Cub Scouts and my loser mobile. My apple and pear tree. I’m from ACDC and Guns and Roses. I’m from rock and pop, the Wii and “I’ll betcha five dollars I’m right!” I’m from a fun dad and mum plus a annoying brother. I’m from “I wish I had that” and “ MAX! MAX! MAAAAAAAAAAAAX!”That's where I’m from.
By Alexander C
I am from the from my unfinished homework.
I am from the sadness from my heart.
I am from the happiness of my soul.
I am from the candy in my wrapper.
I am the lead singer for Lady Gaga
I am from the curiosity in a baby’s head.
I am from the shock when someone’s feelings get hurt.
I am the guy that works with James Bond.
I am the earth.
by Noah
Where I’m From
I am from homemade Italian food.
The great smells would fill the kitchen.
I am from Suzanne and Enrico.
I am from video games and scrabble.
I am from Blues Clues
and all of those other kids shows.
I am from tasty spaghetti
with homemade meatballs and sauce.
I am from Reese peanut butter cups.
I am from drums and Guitar Hero.
I am from brownies and cookies
I am from Frisbee and Badmitten
By Gianna
Where I’m From
I’m from ice rinks and sail boats
I’m from violin lessons and girl scouts
I’m from apple pie and cheese cake
I’m from weekends and Mondays
I’m from tee-shirts and snow pants
I’m from scrapbooks and journals
I’m from videos and DVD’s
I’m from I’m from maps and GPS’s
I’m from cats and I’m from dogs
I’m from personal narrative and poems
I’m from Mrs. Beasly and Kiddles
I’m from Madonna and U2
I’m from Skittles and Sour Patch Kids
but most of all I’m from memories.
Where I’m from
I’m from The World of Cats
and Erin Hunter.
From Booksville
and the band Colplay.
I’m from Disneyworld, Facebook,
and Cartoon Network.
From Animal Planet
and the movie Avatar.
I’m from the Monopoly Universe,
my Ipod, and chocolate.
From Vegetariansville, swimming,
and my DS.
I’m from Snowman City, Sledding,
and the big rock behind my house.
I’m from all the places I’ve ever been
and all the things I’ve ever done.
By: Emma
I’m from Aero chocolate, from crystal rocks in my plastic container. I’m from “this thing won’t react!” & “Sheesh!”. I’m from a country with kings & queens and roast lamb with gravy.
I’m from foxes in the garden and frog catching & the black cat on my wall.I’m from the Cub Scouts and my loser mobile. My apple and pear tree. I’m from ACDC and Guns and Roses. I’m from rock and pop, the Wii and “I’ll betcha five dollars I’m right!” I’m from a fun dad and mum plus a annoying brother. I’m from “I wish I had that” and “ MAX! MAX! MAAAAAAAAAAAAX!”That's where I’m from.
By Alexander C
I am from the from my unfinished homework.
I am from the sadness from my heart.
I am from the happiness of my soul.
I am from the candy in my wrapper.
I am the lead singer for Lady Gaga
I am from the curiosity in a baby’s head.
I am from the shock when someone’s feelings get hurt.
I am the guy that works with James Bond.
I am the earth.
by Noah
Where I’m From
I am from homemade Italian food.
The great smells would fill the kitchen.
I am from Suzanne and Enrico.
I am from video games and scrabble.
I am from Blues Clues
and all of those other kids shows.
I am from tasty spaghetti
with homemade meatballs and sauce.
I am from Reese peanut butter cups.
I am from drums and Guitar Hero.
I am from brownies and cookies
I am from Frisbee and Badmitten
By Gianna
Monday, March 1, 2010
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss....happy birthday to you!
We all love Dr. Seuss....or do we? Do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss book? If you do, what is it and why?
One of my favorites is "Yertle the Turtle". I love it because it is a small character, the little guy on the bottom, that shakes things up and teaches the king a lesson. Ok, I also really like turtles :) Then there is "The Lorax"......hmmm, I love that one too! I love the environmental theme, taking care of our earth, and the connections between living things that it shows. Oh, I love "Hooray for Diffendoofer Day" as well........ok, maybe I better let you all blog..........
Share your thoughts and opinions here about Dr. Seuss. I can't wait to hear what you think.......
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Guiding Principles and Protagonists

Hello Class!
Today we brainstormed what the 6 guiding principles look like in our classroom and chose two class goals for each. We also worked on our comparison chart for our Chris Van Allsburg picture book unit. We almost have all of our protagonist's characteristics listed out. ( all except Walter so far.....)
Thinking about the guiding principles,
Do you see any patterns in the main characters that we have read about so far in Van Allsburg's books? Does a lack of one certain principle, or existence of one certain principle keep popping up in his protagonists? Let's hear your thoughts on this......
Mrs. S
Monday, February 22, 2010
Movies and Books

Hello Class!
Welcome back from vacation!
Today it was apparent that many of you had seen "The Lightning Thief" at the movies. Many of you said you were disappointed in the movie. I would like to hear from you all if you liked it or not and why. It would be interesting to hear from those of you that saw it but had not read the book as well.
If you did not see it, can you comment on how you feel about books being made in to movies? Are there any that you liked the movie better? What about the book better? Why.........tell me more!!!!
Mrs. S
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Allsburg

I thoroughly enjoyed our reading together today of "The Sweetest Fig" by Chris Van Allsburg. It is always fun to read a new book by an author that I already like.
So far we have read together two of Van Allsburg's books, "The Sweetest Fig" and "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi". In both of those books, Van Allsburg creates characters that make me feel strongly about them. In today's book, I took quite a dislike to Bibot. How did you feel toward the two characters? It is important to think about how we feel toward the characters that we are reading about.
Can you think of another book that made you feel strongly about a character? Maybe you can think of a book where you felt indifferent to a character. What does an author do in his or her writing that makes you feel strongly, either like or dislike, toward a character?
By the way,here is a link to the author's homepage....some neat stuff to check out.....
Chris Van Allsburg
Different Angle
Ok history buffs, you have learned about a different side to an event in history. You read about Christopher Columbus from the point of view of the native people as well as people who witnessed the events that we have read about. You even read Columbus' own words in his journal. I think we can all agree that you are all feeling pretty negative about events that happened and Christopher Columbus himself.
I would like you to try to look at it now from another angle. What reasons might Columbus have had to act the way he did? I would like you to really push your thinking here. Try to think of things around him, or things that might have happened to him that would have caused him to make the choices that he did.
Many historians paint Columbus as a great man. Did he do anything to warrant that? Try to find some positive things that he did. See what you can come up with........
I would like you to try to look at it now from another angle. What reasons might Columbus have had to act the way he did? I would like you to really push your thinking here. Try to think of things around him, or things that might have happened to him that would have caused him to make the choices that he did.
Many historians paint Columbus as a great man. Did he do anything to warrant that? Try to find some positive things that he did. See what you can come up with........
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Social Studies and Columbus

Hi Class!
You asked if I would post a blog about our wonderful class discussion today, led by our own Sarah O'Connor. Many of you had wonderful thoughts, questions and impressions to share. If you were not able to share, or you would like to add more to the discussion, please feel free to here.
The chapter we read and discussed was from Howard Zinn's "A Young People's Guide to History".
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hello Readers!
You have been so engrossed in your independent reading books we have not had too many discussions in class. However, I have greatly enjoyed your blog discussions on protagonists and antagonists and am especially proud of your ability to read each other's posts, reflect on them and agree or disagree in a most respectful and mature manner! What amazing students you all are :)
We are going to be talking about fluency in the next few days. What does fluency in reading mean to you? Is it something you have heard before? If not, do a bit of research and see if you can figure out what it means. Why do you think we might be talking about it in class and why might it be important.
Happy Blogging, I can't wait to read your responses.............
Mrs. S
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wow, Wow, Wow......

Wow, Wow, Wow......you all are really blowing me away with all your excellent blogging and conversations! I am so excited to see how good you have all gotten at this.
I have read your posts on antagonists and protagonists and someone asked if there has to be an antagonist. Does there? What do you all think?
Does an antagonist have to be a person...can it be something else? If you think it can, give me an example.
Can there be more that one antagonist? Why or why not? Can you give an example?
Is an antagonist always bad? Do a little research, see how many definitions you can find and let me know what you think. Thinking about all the books you have read in the past might help you answer this question.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Protagonists and Antagonists

Hello Room of Readers!
I did enjoy reading "The Cay" with you, but am also glad to get back to more independent reading time. I get to hear about more books that way. ( I LOVE books :)
Today we read "The Garden of Abdul Gasai" by Chris Van Allsburg. We talked about what antagonist and protagonists are again.
A protagonist is the main character of a story.
An antagonist is the one who opposes that character.
You all decided that Alan Mitz was the protagonist, and Fritz the dog and the magician Abdul Gasai were both antgonists.
Tell me about the protagonist in the book you are reading. What is he or she like?
Is there an antagonist, or more than one? What is he/she/they like?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Finished with The Cay!
We finished today! Wow, what an ending. I could see in your faces, you thought Phillip would get rescued, then you thought he wouldn't, then you realized he would!
So, now that we are finished, what would you rate this book?
Write a book talk to recommend this book and post it here. Try to sell, sell, sell, as Henry says! ( Even if you do not rate it a 9 or 10, try to write a book talk that would sell the book anyway)
So, now that we are finished, what would you rate this book?
Write a book talk to recommend this book and post it here. Try to sell, sell, sell, as Henry says! ( Even if you do not rate it a 9 or 10, try to write a book talk that would sell the book anyway)
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Cay chapters 13 and 14

Wow, we had some good comments from our class discussion after reading chapter 13. Many of you commented on Phillips question at the end of the chapter "Timothy, are you still black?
I would love to hear from some of you further comments on this line. Why do you think it is significant?
How has Philip changed so far in the story? Has Timothy changed at all? If so, how? Be sure to give examples.
What has been your favorite chapter so far in the story? Why? If you were going to give that chapter a title, what would it be?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Book ideas-Kidsreads.com

Hi Room 2308 Readers!
I was just reading my monthly email from Kidsreads.com and thought you might enjoy reading bout some new book ideas. Some of the books are some that we have seen in class, but there are quite a few that I had not heard of that sound interesting to me.
The most interesting one is called THE BEST BAD LUCK I EVER HAD by Kristin Levine. Check out the following book recommendations and tell me what you think........
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The above is a link to a review of "The Cay" along with some links to sites that may give you more information on topics that come up while reading the book. Let me know if you find anything interesting.
In the last chapter we read, Phillip is very upset when Timothy leaves him alone to go fishing on the reef. Do you think Phillip's reaction to Timothy was justifiable? In other words, was he fair or unfair in reacting angrily to Timothy when he returned with the lobster? Why or why not?
What qualities would you want someone to have if you were shipwrecked on an island with them?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Characters in "The Cay"
We have met a few characters in "The Cay" so far. Phillip, his mom and dad, and Henrick van Boven. Pick one to tell me about.
How would you describe him or her.
What adjectives would you use?
Tell me what evidence from the book helps you to get a picture of this character in your mind.
How would you describe him or her.
What adjectives would you use?
Tell me what evidence from the book helps you to get a picture of this character in your mind.
Monday, January 11, 2010
January Book Orders!

Yahooo, new book order flyers went home today. The due date for orders this month is January 19. I have set up the online ordering again, you can connect here to do that and our username and password is "room 2308" and "simonds".
I have sent home a new "Teen Reader's Club" to expand the selections available for you.
However, if we order 200 dollars or more from the Arrow flyer, we can earn 5000 bonus points for our classroom library! Wow!!!! That ends up being just about 10.00 per student! We could add a lot of books to our library with those points! Anyway, enjoy checking out the new flyers!
The Cay

Hello Class!
Tomorrow we will be beginning our class novel study of "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor. Just as in "The Liberation of Gabriel King", there may be some references to historical facts, vocabulary or incidents that you do not have knowledge of. The book takes place in 1942 during World War II. What do you know about this war?
The story takes place on an island called Curacao. Do a little research and see if you can find where this island is. Tell me what you find out or know about where it is located.
Here are a few terms you will come across while reading the book. See if you know what any of them mean or if you can do a bit of research about them. Tell me what you know or find out.
blackout curtains
pontoon bridge
Friday, January 8, 2010
Birches by Robert Frost

We have ended our term two poetry unit today, and I am blown away with your responses to the two poems you had to choose from. I loved reading about your feelings to the poem you choose, what you liked, why you liked it, what you noticed the author did in his or her writing, and questions and wonderings that occurred from reading the poem.
Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets. He lived in New Hampshire in the early 1900's. He lived on a 30 acre farm, and this is where most of his writing took place and his ideas came from. He knew he wanted to be a poet, and he gave himself 20 years to accomplish this task.
Below is one of his poems that I would like to share with you. Please let me know what you think, what you notice, what you wonder about after having read it........
When I see birches bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
But swinging doesn't bend them down to stay.
Ice-storms do that. Often you must have seen them
Loaded with ice a sunny winter morning
After a rain. They click upon themselves
As the breeze rises, and turn many-colored
As the stir cracks and crazes their enamel.
Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells
Shattering and avalanching on the snow-crust--
Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away
You'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.
They are dragged to the withered bracken by the load,
And they seem not to break; though once they are bowed
So low for long, they never right themselves:
You may see their trunks arching in the woods
Years afterwards, trailing their leaves on the ground
Like girls on hands and knees that throw their hair
Before them over their heads to dry in the sun.
But I was going to say when Truth broke in
With all her matter-of-fact about the ice-storm
(Now am I free to be poetical?)
I should prefer to have some boy bend them
As he went out and in to fetch the cows--
Some boy too far from town to learn baseball,
Whose only play was what he found himself,
Summer or winter, and could play alone.
One by one he subdued his father's trees
By riding them down over and over again
Until he took the stiffness out of them,
And not one but hung limp, not one was left
For him to conquer. He learned all there was
To learn about not launching out too soon
And so not carrying the tree away
Clear to the ground. He always kept his poise
To the top branches, climbing carefully
With the same pains you use to fill a cup
Up to the brim, and even above the brim.
Then he flung outward, feet first, with a swish,
Kicking his way down through the air to the ground.
So was I once myself a swinger of birches.
And so I dream of going back to be.
It's when I'm weary of considerations,
And life is too much like a pathless wood
Where your face burns and tickles with the cobwebs
Broken across it, and one eye is weeping
From a twig's having lashed across it open.
I'd like to get away from earth awhile
And then come back to it and begin over.
May no fate willfully misunderstand me
And half grant what I wish and snatch me away
Not to return. Earth's the right place for love:
I don't know where it's likely to go better.
I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree,
And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk
Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,
But dipped its top and set me down again.
That would be good both going and coming back.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.
-Robert Frost
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tangerine by Edward Bloor

Can you imagine seeing the world from behind coke bottle glasses and trying to play soccer? Can you imagine moving to a new home where a sinkhole swallows your school? Well, the main character in "Tangerine" by Edward Bloor has to deal with these things and so much more in this sometimes funny, sometimes sad and shocking realistic fiction story.
Paul, the main character also has to put up with some strange happenings in his own family, especially from his all-star brother....who may not be so "all-star' after all. I really enjoyed reading about Paul, who tells the story from his first person perspective. He is a boy that I can imagine existing. Sometimes he seems so smart to me, and at other times I think he is not so smart in the choices he makes.
The format of the book is similar to some you may have read, like the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series or "The Dork Diaries". "Tangerine" is told in sections, and each entry is given with the date beginning it. However, it is not written in diary form and the story is much more serious than those other books. Another book that I think of as being similar is "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary Schmidt.
I rated this book a "10". I do not get surprised too often at the end of the books, but in "Tangerine" I was taken by surprise and did not anticipate the ending. If you like realistic fiction, mixed with a bit of humor and seriousness, with a surprise at the end, I highly recommend "Tangerine" by Edward Bloor.
Possible Discussion Points:
What did you like or not like about this book talk? Was there anything that made you want to read this book? If so, what and why?
Was there anything that made you decide you would not like this book? If so, what and why?
Did this book talk include all the 5 "S"'s? Was there anything that could be improved in this book talk? What and how?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year!

Happy 2010! I hope this will be a year filled with reading for you! I heard from many of you that you received lots of books for Christmas.......books are my favorite presents! ( or a gift certificate to a book store :)
One of my favorite books I received was a book from Alex called "The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable". I enjoyed looking through it over vacation and getting many ideas for my goats and sheep ( dogs too). It is a non-fiction book, and is organized in chapters by different animals. I skipped over some of the chapters and read the ones about the animals that I have right now. I am planning on going back and reading about the animals that I am planning on getting, like bees. I enjoy many non-fiction books that way, by reading the parts or information that interests me. This non-fiction book is easy for me to read, as it is written in an uncomplicated and clear way with information that is usable for me. Thanks Alex!
1. Tell me about any books you got over the holidays. What are the titles and authors? Have you read any and are you enjoying them?
2. Tell me about what you read over the vacation.
3. On a scale of one to ten, ten equaling having read everyday and 0 being not having read at all, how would you rate your reading over vacation? If you read a lot, tell me why you did and what made it easy for you to do this. If you did not read a lot, tell me why you did not, and what made it difficult for you to read.
Remember, I am looking for posts of at least 5 sentences, and the more you explain your opinions and thoughts, the better. Make sure you edit for punctuation and spelling.......also check that your post makes sense. Imagine you are someone else reading it before you send it off. Be sure to sign your name as well.
Happy reading and posting!
Mrs. Simonds
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