Hello Wonderful Room 2308'ers!
So, today we finalized our book groups for our literature circles we will be starting in a few weeks. the books we will be reading are the following:
Trouble By Gary Schmidt
A Million Shades of Grey by Cynthia Kadohata
All the Broken Pieces by Ann Burg
Firegirl by Toni Abbott
Alabama Moon by Watt Key
The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff
March Toward Thunder by Joseph Bruchac
Share your thoughts about why you choose the books you requested. Share your thoughts about the group you are in. Do you have any background knowledge about the book you will be reading? Do you have any knowledge about any of the other books? What are you looking forward to with our literature circles? Is there anything you are worried or concerned about? I am looking forward to this new experience tin our reading class. You have become so good at sharing your thoughts, I can't wait to see you take it up a level!
I can't wait to read a Millon Shades of Gray. Also the March Toword Thunder.I love the groups they're great.Woh, I feal like the tiger from forsted flakes CREEPY.I choose Millon Shades of Gray because it sounded interisting about the book. I know a little about elphants From Elphant Run.I don't have any nowledge about any of the othetr books but they look cool.
By Will Donnell
I chose Alabama Moon for my first choice and I'm kind of happy I chose it. It seemed really interesting to me. When Mrs. Simonds said that it was kind of like Schooled I wanted to try it out! Also, Mrs. Simonds said I should try it in a kind of demanding way:|
I was wondering if Stargirl and Firegirl may be the same concept because I thought it was the same author. I was wrong. Stargirl is by Jerry Spinelli and Firegirl is by Tony Abbot. (I know the names are completely different, but I feel like they're related) That made me change my mind on what's going to happen. Maybe it IS going to be the same concept but what if it doesn't...... Anyways, I think after I'm done with Percy Jackson and Kira-kira, I'm going to read it to solve my mystery.(I don't want any person who's going to read it in the group, ruin it for me, because if you do, bad things will happen!!)
100% S@R@H
I can't wait to read our books! I chose my book, because it sounds very unique. I looked up a summary for it, and I read that is about a girl named Jessica who moves to a new school. She was a victim of a fire, and her burns make her look scary. Then one day a boy becomes friends with her. It sounds so awesome! I think I will read A Million Shades of Grey because it sounds really interesting. I did not pick it for my group book because I wanted to read Firegirl more and I did not know if I would like A Million Shades of Grey as much as Firegirl. I can't wait to read Firegirl!
I chose my books because I thought their names sounded cool.I do not have background knollege.No I do not have any knollege about any of the books.I hope that I will do a great job in my group.No I am not worried about anything at all.
by Andrew Leduc
date 3-20-10
I chose "Found" because it sounded like an interesting book filled with adventure. I would have chosen "Out of my Mind", but it sounded like a book I would like to read by myself. I've never read a book like "Found", it seems very unique. "Alabama Moon" and "All the Broken Pieces" sounded like very good books also. I'm looking foward to reading the book and hearing about the other books. I also might like to read "March Toward Thunder", it sounds like an action packed book. Warning: people in the Firegirl group don't tell Sarah what happens in the book. Last year she attacked poor Jim because he told her what happen in a book, it was not pretty. Cam Zann Taggerung
I don't think Sarah sounds very happy about Alabama Moon! She said she chose Alabama Moon for her first choice and shes kind of happy she did, but I am really happy I chose Fire Girl for my first choice! I can't wait to read in the groups because my group is really good! It's so hard to wait two weeks!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
Will.p Will.p Will.p Will.p Will.p
Well I think I should of ask for Trouble or Alabama Moon. Its just I thought about it a little more and those seam more interesting.
Well hears something to think about.
Mrs.S, what book would you read if you were in our literature circles???
Talk to you on the before our trip. Ya!!!!!!
I am reading All The Broken Pieces.
The book is about a kid that is trying to recover from the war with a new family in the United States. The reason I chose this book is because I have read stories in the newspaper about refugees who go insane or become mentally damaged from the horrble things they have seen in the war. Another reason I want to read this book is because in the book order it only gave a brief summary of the book. I like the group that I am in. The reason I like it is because there is only one other person in my group. This makes it easier for me because it is like being with a partner instead of a group.
Alex L.
I chose The Thing About Georgie and Trouble. I chose The Thing About Georgie because it seems like Georgie has a problem, I like stories when kids have a problem because I like to se if there problem comes to an end at the end of the story. I liked Trouble because the kid had an injury and i'm interested in injury's I don't know why?. I like my group there small and there all my friends, not saying I don't like the people in the class. I don't know anything about the book i'm reading so thats good I can read it and tell people about it. I looking forward to reading in a group because thats my favorite way of reading! I"M LOOKING FORWRD TO THIS!!!!!!!!!!
P.S I have a game against Kittery I do not like them at all!!!!!!!! :(
these books sound really cool. i want to read them all.
I can't wait to read Alabama Moon. I have never seen a book like it. I want to see if the main character survives. I think it will be fun because I have only done one other literature circle. In third grade, we read Hedgehogs in the Hall. It is fun to communicate with other people about a book that you like. Henro the genius.
I'm glad I picked Trouble because I thought it looked really good. The back said some stuff about a boy who's brother got hit by a car or something and then he meets the boy who hit his brother. So I'm not really sure what the whole book is about but I know it's going to be good. I'm not that worried about anything because I'm a pretty fast reader so I don't really think I'll fall behind or anything. Can we read ahead? Because if I read like 50 pages or whatever we pick and I'm at a good part I wont be able to stop reading. After we're done the reading groups can I read Firegirl? It sounded really good too. It was also my 2nd choice. I wonder what happens in It... I know it's about a girl that gets burned so she looks really scary and weird, but I won't know the plot until I read it. I'm glad I picked Trouble though, if I picked Firegirl I might be done in one night! :) The next Warriors book is coming out in like 2 days so I'm psyched!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
P.s. This is really off topic but I went to Hannaford's today and when I looked at the cereal isle I saw that they have a Hannaford brand for EVERYTHING. For Fruit Loops they have Fruit Rings. For Rice Crispies they have Crispy Rice! It's so weird!
From Kitty Land, the happiest place in the world.
I am excited to start the book group that I got selected for.
The group I am in is "A Million Shades of Grey". I chose this book because it sounded very interesting from what Ms. Simonds read from the back of the book.
I saw this book in the book orders but I did not select it. I look forwarded to seeing what other people think of the book.
My first choice was Out of my Mind. That was voted off, though, so my second choice was The Thing About Georgie. I thought it sounded like a book that would be a little out of my range so I chose it. I am excited to start the book groups because at first the conversations start out slow, but then they really start to pick up. Then before you know it you are talking at 100 miles an hour ( I know this from experience). I have never even seen the cover of The Thing About Georgie. It is completely new for me. I think I have heard about Firegirl because I read Stargirl and I'm pretty sure it's the same author. I am looking forward to the literature circles because you can talk to someone else who read the book. The summary on the back of the book really hooked me. I am sooo excited to start reading!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
I can't wait to read The Thing About Georgie! I think it is going to be a wonderful book. I just can't wait because we are going to be reading in a group. Allie and I are really excited because we are in the same group. I can't wait for what the other kids think and hopefully we get more comments on this I cant wait till are books come in. I got to go now bye!
Power Puff Girl
I chose "Alabama Moon" because it appealed to me more then the other books did. I like how a guy is hiding from the government. He has to rely on his survival skills in order to survive. I wonder why he is running from the government. Did he maybe commit a crime? Does his father die? If he did die,how and why. From (the dude that is super smart)Cheeseball
I chose "Trouble" because it sounds like a good story. The reason is because it has an interesting topic.
Have you read "Stargirl" before? If you haven't, I won't ruin it for you and tell you about it. (WARNING the main character is not stargirl).
I really like the groups! I think that each group has people with the same or close to the same reading levels. Everybody made a good choice on picking which book to read.
I can't wait to start reading them!!!!!
I picked Millon Shades of Gray because it looked really cool because I thought I might have a conexition from Elphant Run but they're a part so much time diffrence. So I think it will be intesting to read the book.i also think that the book ggroups are awesome.I have no other conextions to the other books.The March Towords Thunder looks good.The Thing About Georgie looks pretty good also I think the Firegirl book doesn't look that good because it didn't really grav my atettion.
By Will Donnell
(P.S Mrs.Simonds please post a new post!!!!)
When I saw All The Broken Pieces from far away I thought it was a road with roses on the side??!!
P.S I have a game against Marshwood and I do not like them at all THEY PLAY FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jeepers!
I don't know if it was A Million Shades of Grey or March Towards Thunder, but it was about war, and I'm really not into that kind of stuff. So I picked Firegirl because when you described it, it sounded interesting. I like the groups, but when are we going to start them? I'm excited but I want to finish the book I'm reading before we start these other books. I have never heard of this book but it does sound like something I would maybe like. Mrs.Simonds, I don't see some of the blogs I did on here but I did see a blog that had only two sentances that were really short and it was posted.
Lollypop Larry
a.k.a not Gianna if that's what you think!!!
I can't wait to read Millon Shades of Gray it looks so good. Alamba Moon looks really good.I think the book groups are really good. For some odd reason Firegirl looks bad it just doesn't look that good.The only nowledge i might have is about Millon Shades of Gray because some stuff might look formiller to me from Elphant Run (wich Herb HATES really bad).
By Will Donnell
I can't wait to read these books!!! They look soooooo good!!!! March Towards the Thunder looks so good. I don't know why but it caught my attention!!!! Alabama Moon looked good too because it's like Schooled, only it's more intense with the dad dying and him alone and stuff. They are all great books to read!!!
book boy/Manga guy/cool Naruto kid
Hi Guys,
My mystery still awaits with Firegirl because when I finished those two books(Percy Jackson 5 and Kira-kira) it wasn't on the shelf. After that I just decided to read So B. It which was recommended by Katherine.
I love having book groups in the classroom because they're SO much fun!! I think it's interesting to see how each person thinks and feels about the book. Also, I like to share my opinions and dis-agree when it is appropriate because that's what keeps the groups going. I always think that I should be on the debate team.
I think that even though you didn't get picked for one book that you wanted to read, you should read it anyways! That's what I'm doing anyway. I'm going to read: Firegirl(for the mystery), The Thing About Georgie, A Million Shades of Grey......... Well, you get the point! All I'm saying is that you can read what you want in the book groups.(Except for your group book. You have to wait for your group:)
100% $@r@H (SARAH)
P.S. Oh my gosh Julia, Stargirl and Firegirl are from a DIFFERENT author! I did all that reseach for you to ask that again! Really!?!
I wanted to read A Million Shades of Gray because it sounded a little bit like Elephant Run. Elephant Run was OK but A million Shades of Gray sounded better. I also thought Trouble sounded good. By reading the back it looks really misterious. March Toward Thunder also sounded really good. Out of all the books I wanted to read Trouble the most.
I like how we rearranged the tables into our book groups because there is a big space in the middle to do stuff like dancing like wierdos... Mrs.Simonds, Why did you post Ben's? It was two sentances and had no capitals or anything. Anyway, Anna, you said Sarah didn't seem happy that she picked Alabama Moon, but she said she is happy that she chose it. One the cover of Firegirl, it shows little paper people and one of which, looks burnt. So I have a feeling that she somehow gets burned.
Captian Knuckles
a.k.a Not Gianna if that's what you think!!!!
p.s Allie, I live in Kittery! THAT'S AN INSULT TO ME!!!!!!!
p.s.s Who is Power Puff Girl??????
I can't wait to start reading! I think Trouble will be really good. That's also pretty much why I picked it! I hope the dudes brother doesn't die in the book! That would be so sad! :c If anyone dies in any book it's really sad! Like in my Warrior books Bluestar dies at one point and that almost made me cry! I hate it when the author kills my favorite people! Or cats for that matter. I still can't wait!
c@t n!p
I was going to pick All the Broken Pieces for the book groups but then I figured out the book is in the poem-ish form. Then I decided not to read it in the groups and read it on my own later. The only book that I like that are in poem-ish form is 'Love That Dog' ang 'Hate That Cat'. Those two are my total favorites!!
In class a couple a days ago, we decided how many pages we're going to read in the time range.(3 weeks) I feel pretty comfortable about what my group chose. Even if I miss days or something, I could read it on the weekend because we're not doing weekends.
I swear, I have to finish So B. It because my mystery STILL rolls on with Firegirl! I am getting so tempted to stop my book now but I like So B. It. It was recomended by a friend(Katherine) and I want to tell her what I think.
That's all for now folks! TTFN (Tah, tah for now!-Tiger)
100% Sarah
This is when we already started the book groups. So Te Thing About Georgie is so good!! It leaves you on cliff hangers every chapter, I cant tell you any though. I love the book groups because everybody got at least one book they wanted so they can at least enjoy the groups. I can't stop reading mine if keep reading i'm probably gonna be done with it! I even read in the car which makes me sick!
Since we already got our books and some of us already finished some I have to say I loved mine. The person who wrote the book did a very nice job with details and writhing in a very fluecent way, so you know how there talking. I think the main idea of the story was very clever because, In the begining of each chapter they explain what a dwarf can and can't do, and so I learned a lot about them because the facts were true. I also felt bad for Georgie because people made fun of him stared at him.
Rajon Rondo :D :D :D :D :D ???!!! BY BY BY BY BY
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