The above is a link to a review of "The Cay" along with some links to sites that may give you more information on topics that come up while reading the book. Let me know if you find anything interesting.
In the last chapter we read, Phillip is very upset when Timothy leaves him alone to go fishing on the reef. Do you think Phillip's reaction to Timothy was justifiable? In other words, was he fair or unfair in reacting angrily to Timothy when he returned with the lobster? Why or why not?
What qualities would you want someone to have if you were shipwrecked on an island with them?
I think that Phillip was over reacting when he was left alone.
I know he's blind and it can be scary, but the only way to survive is if Timothy goes to get food/water. Timothy can't necessarily take Phillip along because it would be to dangerous.
Also Phillip should be thanking Timothy for getting the food, instead of yelling at him for leaving him alone.
I think that Phillip was very ungrateful.
Will.p Will.p
Well I would be upset but I would not really really be upset.But if I was there right now I would be standing over the lobster.(Lobster is the best food or treat in the world, I think.)
Well I would want to be on a island with a strong, young, active person and he has to and I mean has to know how to catch a LOBSTER. Because if he is strong we can get a lot of wood or water.If he is young he might play games with me or be able to fall and still get up. If he is active he could get water and wood 2 times as fast.
P.S. I cant go on www.booknutsreadingclub.com????
It's Me
If I was on an island with someone I would probably want them to be adventurous and strong. I would also want them to be caring and fast.
They would need to be fair. they would need to be helpful.
I bet that it would be very hard to be stranded on an island with someone you didn't like. Especially if they were nothing like you.
blog 2
I think that Phillip's reaction was mean!!!I would be scared if I could not see and no one was around.But, when you are on an island, you need food.I think he could be more grateful!!!!I think it wasn't anger but fear.And I think that he was mad because his mother does not like black people. So, he probably does not like them either.
from your normal servent alex.
I agree with *Katherine*, he over reacted. Being blind can be freakish because YOU CAN'T SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was stranded, I would want a smart, quick witted, experienced survivalist and a friend. I predict that Phillip will be blinded permanently and that Timothy will save his life. I think that Timothy is being very tolerant of Phillip's actions.
Hernie/Hendelberry/Hendelson hold the applause people
I think That phillip was very mean to Timothy and he was also over reacting about it.But it must be scary to be left alone when Timothy went to go get the lobster. I also think that Phillip thinks Timothy is a sico I Don't know why I think that!?!?!?! If I was stuck on a island I would want to be with Survior man or Man vs. wild dudes. If It couldn't be one of them it would be someone who know alot about the woods and the wild and how to survie really good.
W!Ll DoNnElL
If someone left me alone while I was on an island and blind I'd be pretty scared. There are so many sounds that Phillip can't see. It makes him wonder what is the cause of these noises. If someone is with you they can warn you of dangers or protect you when necessary. Phillip had said there were snakes that could attack him at any moment and if they did make a move he wouldn't see them coming. It's fair that Timothy left Phillip to search for food because they were becoming hungry and needed to supply themselves for their time on the island. From another viewpoint it's unfair because Phillip is blind and if something should occur he would be defenseless.
The qualities I would want in a person are the qualities Timothy possesses. They are strength, wisdom, selflessness and bravery. But the only thing I would be against is his old age. That makes it kind of scary that at any moment, he can die (god forbid).
IOO% $@r@|-| (Sarah)
I find it interesting that Curacao is now a paradise island. In the book it just doesn't sound like one. I think Philip has the right to be mad at Timothy because Philip is blind and every sound could be something worse than it is. Also Timothy is Philip's pair of eyes now so if something bad is about to happen, Timothy would tell Philip. But if Timothy is not there then something could hurt Philip. If I were stranded on an island I would want the person I was with to be water smart and kind. I would want the person to know how to survive with only natural resources. What I mean by water smarts is that I wuld want the person to be knowledgable about the sea. But if I could prevent that, I would rather not get lost at sea.
-the 1 the only julia-
#1. I think Katherine is right because phillip shoud be happy to have timothy with him becuase if not I think he would of been in danger. xocandy heyy heyy heyy heyy i want a pizza!!
Yes Philip was justifiable. Philip was fair reacting to Timothy when he returned with the lobster.Because Philip was really scared because timothy was out so long.And because this was the second time he was gone for a long time.I would want them to have selfishness and scared.
by Andrew Leduc
date 1-20-10
I disagree with Katherine because I think Philip had all the right to get really scared. Timothy wasn't there to tell him what was happening so he didn't know what was going on around him. I agree with Katherine about the need for food and water, though. Also I agree with her about it being too dangerous. I think Philip should have done both though, thank Timothy and get mad at him. You may think getting mad at someone is a bad thing, but really Timothy scared Philip by leaving him alone. I also agree (once again) that Philip should have been a little more grateful. Philip loses his temper very easily.
#1 a.k.a julia
I agree with Katherine because #1 He is being to ungrateful.#2 He rely is being a pain in the but.
#3 If he is going to be so rude he should go and do the work.
P.S. He should get some good helpful how to be nice book.
Peace out home slice.
I think Philip should be upset because he was all alone and he is blind. Timothy should have brought Philip with him so he wouldn't be all alone. But it wasn't fair to treat Timothy so mean because he is old. Timothy doesn't know as much as Philip does because he did not get to go to school he had to go on boats when he was young. He should not have said so many mean things to him. Philip was was frustrated because he had to do so much work. Mullet Man Noah
If I were on an island with someone I would want it to be with someone who give me what I want. I would want them to be brave smart and strong. I would like it to be someone that I like talking to and that I trust. Someone who knows how to build things. Someone who know the outdoors really well.
Mullet Man Noah
I would want them to be strong. I would want them to have experiences of outdoor survival skills. I would like them to have survival skills because if we had been on a island he could tell me what to do. I would like them to be smart. I like this because he would not be extra weight.
from your vilont servent alex
I was on the website and found out that Theodore Taylor passed away on October 26. He passed in 2006. He passed away in his "house in the woods" in Laguna Beach, California. He was born in North Carolina. At age thirteen he started writing. The first book he wrote was The Magnificent Mitscher.
I also agree with Katherine that Phillup over reacted when he was left alone.I must go now.
I do not agree that Philip was over reacting.Timothy does need to get food but he needs to make it quick as possible.It is dangerous for Philip to go with Timothy but Timothy needs to stop getting back late.I know it was really great for timothy to get the food again but what if something terrible happened to timothy.Philip was a little ungrateful but because Timothy is out so long he is making Philip ungrateful.
by Andrew Leduc
date 1-21-10
Since it was the first day at the island and Phillip does not know the island well, so I do agree with julia a little bit.
Also Phillip was waiting there for at least 30 minutes. But he was getting TO upset over it. He should of just said "Timothy could you just not leave me alone anymore." Instead of saying "don't leave me alone Timothy" 1000 times. (not literally). I think that he should have been calmer.
This doesn't have anything to do with the questions.I did a little research on langosta. There are three different colors that langosta are the most common is light brown and the other two colors are black and blue. They live mostly in reefs off islands. They live in the Caribbean as you know. I think they eat small shrimp but I'm not sure because the website didn't make it clear so I don't really know.
Your Langosta Loving Kid Cam
I think it was fair that Timothy left him alone because they had to eat, but I would also be scared if I was on an island by myself and being blind makes it even worse. If I was shipwrecked on an island with someone, I would want the person to be nice and not keep all the food for themselves, I would want them to know how to build shelters and fires, and I would want them to be good a fishing.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I think Timothy should always tell Phillip before he leaves him alone because if Phillip knew where he was he probably wouldn't over-react. If I was shipwrecked on an island with someone I would want them to be smart, nice, and could build things like shelter to help survive and stuff. I would also want the person to have alot of patients because alot of times i lose me patients easily!!! I agree with Kathrine because if you were blind, it would be scary to be alone. Phillip was being ungrateful and mean because he was yelling at Timothy even though he was fishing so they could eat.
Fred Figglehorn a.k.a G!@nn@ a.k.a Gigi a.k.a Billy Mays oxy clean stain remover it gets the tough stains out! a.k.a normaL a.k.a (not Gianna if thats what you think!!!)
#1. I didn't find anything that interesting but my Dad wanted to look at the parent's zone. :)
#2. I think that Philip did over react a little to much. If I were on the island I might get upset but I think he got a little too angry with Timothy.
#3. I would want someone who was strong and I would want them to be nice. I would also want them to know how to survive so I could survive.
emma+cat+book=me happy
I also agree with Katherine but put yourself in Phillip shoes. Your're stranded on an island in the middle of the Caribbean not knowing what is around you. You have a right to be scared. I think Timothy should of brought Phillip down to the beach with him. He doesn't have to bring him into the water Phillip can just wait on the beach next to the water.
o.oooooo1% Cam
The review from booknutsreadingclub.com was very good. The writer did a good job of doing the five Ss. I like how she sold it with saying that he is stranded on an island with an old black man. It makes you wonder if he will survive, if the old man might be a little bit weak. But there is one thing that she could have said is that Phillip is blind from a head wound.
I did some research on the website you told us we should check out. I found out that two of Theodore Taylor's more popular titles are Ice Drifts and The Trouble With Tuck. It is sad that he died. There is also the prequel of The Cay. That book is called Timothy Of The Cay. I really want to read that book. I might get it of Amazon.com . This post was from the wonderful, Hedge hog lover , Justin P.
I think it was fair that Timothy left Phillip alone. If Phillip got got Hurt or died it would only be Timothy and Stew Cat. That means the book would pretty much just END. Unless there was someone on the island with Timothy. But also, More people=More food. And If I were there i would steal all the food and say Stew Cat did it.
Herb Chambers
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