Happy 2010! I hope this will be a year filled with reading for you! I heard from many of you that you received lots of books for Christmas.......books are my favorite presents! ( or a gift certificate to a book store :)
One of my favorite books I received was a book from Alex called "The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable". I enjoyed looking through it over vacation and getting many ideas for my goats and sheep ( dogs too). It is a non-fiction book, and is organized in chapters by different animals. I skipped over some of the chapters and read the ones about the animals that I have right now. I am planning on going back and reading about the animals that I am planning on getting, like bees. I enjoy many non-fiction books that way, by reading the parts or information that interests me. This non-fiction book is easy for me to read, as it is written in an uncomplicated and clear way with information that is usable for me. Thanks Alex!
1. Tell me about any books you got over the holidays. What are the titles and authors? Have you read any and are you enjoying them?
2. Tell me about what you read over the vacation.
3. On a scale of one to ten, ten equaling having read everyday and 0 being not having read at all, how would you rate your reading over vacation? If you read a lot, tell me why you did and what made it easy for you to do this. If you did not read a lot, tell me why you did not, and what made it difficult for you to read.
Remember, I am looking for posts of at least 5 sentences, and the more you explain your opinions and thoughts, the better. Make sure you edit for punctuation and spelling.......also check that your post makes sense. Imagine you are someone else reading it before you send it off. Be sure to sign your name as well.
Happy reading and posting!
Mrs. Simonds
#1. Well it was not hrad but i just forgot my book at my moms and i was going to my dads house over the vacation and it was a little boring. Well anyways i was borde. xocandy
The books I got over vacation are BLEACH BLEACH AND MORE BBBBLLLLLEEEAAACCHHH!!!!!!!! The titles are Bleach vol 20 to 29. The author is Tite Kubo. I have read them all. By jugding by my message do you THINK I ENJOYED THEM?
From your A.L.E.X + b.l.e.a.ch SERVENT b.A.l.L.e.E.a.X.ch
#1.Well a book i got for chirtsmas was the Red Badge Of Courage and I think it sounds good but i have not read it yet i have read the back of the book just the the book it slef yet if you want to here the back of the book here you go.(at age of 21,the red badge of courage is one of the greatset war novels of all time so groundbreacking that critics consider it to be the first work of modernamerican ficton.Although crane never witnessed warfare,the red badge of courage is a young solier must face on the battlefield as well as within himslef. xocandy
I got three world war 2 books that look really good and I also got the Hunger Games.I only read a little of one of my books called Tamar.I give myself a one because I only read 70 pages of Tamar. I didn't read that much because I REALLY bissy.Or I was playing outside or playing video games.
/Will D
For Christmas I got the whole Twilight Saga by Stephine Meyer and I'm really excited. I decided to get started on Twilight and read the whole saga over the vacation. That plan of mine didn't really work out. I made a deal with my mom and brothers that I have to read another book in between each Twilight book I read since I have already read them. I guess I'm going to get through the other books fast! Also, I got $90 worth of Barnes & Noble gift cards and I've already spent a little bit of it. I bought "Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles, Book 3."
If I would rate my reading on a 0 to 10 scale I would rate myself a 7because I had so much going on. Well, one of the reasons is that unfortunately, one of my family members passed away,and another is that the snow made me go out and play instead of staying in and reading. I was very busy.
100% Sarah
I did not get any books for christmas this year but I did get a certificate to buy new books. My book was very interesting because even though I did not read the whole book I did like it. The characters best friend was a real dork because he cried when one of the teachers found him with a dvd player and took it away from him, and because he wore the same costume from last year. Greg and his friend were the only ones at the Halloween party. He has a brother that does annoying stuff to his brother and his parents think its cute.
I would rate 1 for reading. Instead I played with my presents I got for Christmas because I was having fun!
by Andrew Leduc
#1. I didn't get any books for christmas :( but I'm going to spend some of my christmas money on books :) but I'm not sure witch ones. Do you Know any ones that might be good?
#2. I read a book called Cat Burglars. It's about a cat called Pete (I call him Peety)(i love cats!!!!). Robbers come and Pete has to save Benji (Pete's owner is called Alex and Benji is Alex's little brother) because he gets kidnapped.
#3. Probably a 8. I read almost every day. I also kinda ran out of books to Read so I re-read some of my old Warriors books.I read mostly before bed (around 9:00) :) and we weren't that busy.
~~~****3mm@****~~~ emma
BlOg 2
I read Bleach!!!! I read all 9 of them. I had a great time reading them.
Bleach is an addicting manga that is about Ichigo Kurosaki, a teen who can see ghosts.Ichigo has been able to see ghosts as long as he can remember.When one night, a girl in black samurai gear walks into Ichgo's room. That night things change forever!Ichigo soon figures out that she is a ghost.She calls herself a soul reaper.She does a brief intro- duction of what the evli spirts that are called hollows.When a holllow attacks Ichigo's family and the soul reaper is hurt he does not know what to do.The soul reaper, whose name is Rukia, tells Ichigo to grab the the end of her sword so she can turn him into a soul reaper.Ichgo turns into a soul reaper and that's where the adventure starts!!!!
But I'm sad because I have to wait like 2 MONTHS to get ONE more! I read one book each day after xmas so I finshed the last book on the last day of vacation.
From your stalking servent ALEX:c
For Christmas I got the book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer. I also got a bunch of Barnes and Noble gift cards.
Over vacation I read the book "Rules" by Cynthia Lord. It is about a girl with an autistic brother and how over the summer she meets a new friends that change her summer. I loved the book.
On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate how much I read about a 6 1/2. The reason is because I had hockey camp and plus most of the time I was playing with the stuff I got for Christmas. Also I played in the snow a lot.
I got The Daring Book For Girls, The Mother Daughter Bookclub, and Hoot. I don't know the authors because the books are somewhere else. I have looked through The Daring Book For Girls. It is pretty neat. I read Wednesday Wars over vacation but I am not going to tell about it because I am going to do my book talk about it. I probably read about a 5 because I listened to Harry Potter in the car for about 8 hours, so I didn't have a lot of reading time. But I read a pretty good amount at a time. I wish I had more time to read, but I was in a hotel a lot of the time. Hope you all had a hapy new year!!!!!
-julia the koolia-
p.s: notice I spelled koolia with a K!!
BlOg 3
I am a 10! I have read every single day! I read a lot because the books are so addicting! It is easy for me to read them well because they're ADDiCTING!!!!!I LOVE reading... BLEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From your bleach reading servent ALEX
I only got two books for Christmas witch is Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Demigod Files. I haven't read it yet but I am planing to read it soon. The second book is called something like 1001 Cool inventions. I have read a few pages in that book. I also got fifty dollers on gift cards to Barnes and Noble. I bought three books there. Two of the books I got was A Dogs Life and Twilight witch my older brother read. I haven't read those either. The third book I got was Heck, Where the Bad Kids go (witch I am currently reading). That book is about to kids named Marlo and Milton Fauster who die in A marshmello bear accident and go to heck. If I metioned any more this blog would take a long time to read.
I would give myself A 4.9999999999 on reading over waction. Ididnt get to read alot over vacation because I left my backpack witch happened to have my book in it, at my dads house.
- Justin
I got alot of good books such as The Far Side by Gary Larson. I also got Al Copone Shines My Shoes. The Far Side is full of hilarious comics and I haven't started Al Copone. I've read alot of Far Side. I would rate my reading a 9.999999999999999(till infinity).
I could have read more but it was too hectic. from
hendlberry/hernie, hold the applause people!! :)
I got a book for Christmas from my friend Artie and it is filled with science projects. It is a pretty cool book it came with magnet and it has awesome pictures. it has cool illusions like one with circles and a freaky picture of Elvis with upside down eyes and lips. It has a laser that heals. I like to read this book! Mullet Man Noah...
I got Naruto Vol. 38 by Masashi Kishimoto and Bleach 28 by Tite Kubo. I finished them both! I read maybe a 3 because the books I got only took an hour each and I didn't get to read Harry Potter as much as I wanted. I forgot to read and I was in the pool and doing things a lot because I was in Florida. On the plane ride and drive I mostly did my DS and Ipod not my book,but I still love to read.
-Mr. Elwell's favorite kid.....................................B........
I know some really great books you can geat.
You can get the book "So B. It". It is very sad but I think that it is a great book.
Have you read "Seekers"? I know that you love the series (or read some of the series) "Warriors".Warriors and Seekers are alike except Seekers is about bears.
I totally agree with the person that read The Red Badge of Courage
(I don't know who it is, they sign xocandy)haha. But that is a Great book. i would rate it a 10. I like how the book takes place in the earlier days (1863)I would rate this book a 9.
That kid Herb?
For Christmas i got MOBY DICK. i did not read it yet but i plan to. (not) just kidding. So i got another book called THE WICHES.I red it and it was my favorite book.On a scale to 1 to10 it would be 10. so Mrs.Simods what did you get?
I noticed that a lot of people did not read much. Also a lot of people got books for Christmas. I did not get many books for Christmas. But I am going to spend some of my Christmas money to get some. Also, I got a lot of gift cards from Barns & noble. I'll be using them soon!!!!!!
I did not get any books for Chirstmas. I read The Wild Girls over vacation, which I have been reading for the past month or so. I would rate myself a 7 because I did not read every single day on vacation, but I read almost 1 and 1/2 hours in one day because I went to Mass. and had nothing else to do!
~Anna Thee Banana~
P.S. The Wild Girls is an AWESOME book!!!!!!!!!!
Over vacation I read Snakehead,Ark Angel,Crocodile Tears and Mattimeo.For Snakehead,Ark Angel and Crocodile Tears the author was Anthony Korwitz.For Mattimeo the author was Brian Jacques.[I have 16 more books I haven't read.] I really enjoyed Mattimeo,once again Brian Jacques wrote another thriller of a book in the Redwall series. If you like action,battles and a surprising hero read the Redwall books.I know alot of us love the Alex Rider books well Anthony Korwitz 3 latested books are the best ever!I recommend these 3 latested Alex Rider books to the people who have read the first 5 Alex Rider books and to anyone who haven't read these books I recommend them.
(1) I didnt get any books for Christmas!!!
(2) I read Mandy over vacation and I finished it and I made a prediction for the end and got it right!!! I finished the book and I hope there is second book because it very uplifting and at times it was scary.
(3) I would give my reading an 8 because I didnt read everyday but I read everyday except for like 3 days because I was close to the end and I kept telling myself to read but I finished it like the day before the last day.
Rajon Rondo (allie)
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