Hello Room 2308 6th graders and incoming 5th graders!
Summer has begun, I am so happy to begin my summer reading. I have a pile of books I am planning on reading, as well as a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble to add some more to my pile, how fun!
Right now I am reading Rick Riordan's "The Red Pyramid". I am liking it, although I am not as "hooked" as I was when first reading "The Lightning Thief". This is similar, but with the Egyptian gods and goddesses playing a big part in the plot.
I am also reading "The Girl That Can Fly" by Victoria Forester with Dylan. It is a fun story, adventure, with the heroine a spunky girl named Piper who can fly. She ends up in an place where she is told she can be "helped", but is Dr. hellion her friend or enemy? Read it to find out!
I also plan on reading a lot of gardening and homesteading magazines, as well as cookbooks.
Share with us what you are reading, what you plan on reading, or if you need any recommendations.
New room 2308'ers, if you are new to our blog, you can go back through some of our older blogs to get an idea about our conversations. I hope to hear what kinds of book you like and to get to know you as readers over the summer!
Keep in touch, I will be posting more every week!
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Simonds
Hi Mrs. Simonds! I miss you so much. I'm just like you because literally, I have a pile of books on my side table.
I have also read "The Red Pyramid" and again, just like you I wasn't hooked. When I read the Percy Jackson books, the longest it would take me to finish a book was a week and it took me almost TWO weeks to read it!
Anyways, I just finished the 3rd Maximum Ride book (Everyone has to read them! They're really good!!) and I figured I'm going to read another book before I read the 4th one. Why, you might ask?? Because I want to kepp the suspense up so I'm really excited to read it. Well, now you might be wondering what I'm reading right now and it's "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". I've only been reading it for a day and I'm already on page 67.
100% Sarah (Haras ronnoc'o)
Hi its noah I am having a great summer. I went to a trivia game last night my team the sandhogs lost but it was fun anyway. My sister is going to camp wanakee its a religes camp. I going to mooselookmeguntick to go camping on bald mountin. I found two blanding turtles about two weeks after school ended they were both trying to lay eggs but in the morning they were gone and then my sister annie and my brother gus woke up and walked down the road to were the turtles were and started diging in the nests and I told my dad and he told them to not to go over there again. the turtles never came back. A few minets ago my mom had a huge moth on her hand and she freaked out at first and I looked up what kind it was it looked like a Blackburn's sphinx moth but were not sure because the one we found was brown and the one that we looked up was black. Mullet Man Noah
Hi Mrs. Simonds!!! How is your summer going? I miss you soo much!!! I just finished reading the first Percy Jackson and it was AMAZING!!! I guess I will read this until the next Maximum Ride comes out!!! I promise I will come and visit you next year!!! Sarah, I can't believe you JUST finished reading the third maximum ride!!! Weren't you reading that when school got out??? Hope you all have an awesome summer!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil
Hi Sarah, Julia and Noah!
I am so happy to hear from you all, I miss you all! My summer is good, but very busy! I have been milking my goat, making cheese and ice cream, taking care of my garden and the rest of my animals and getting ready for my summer camp! I actually have had some time to read though, and got some really good books with the gift certificate you all gave me at the end of the year. I bought one on cheesemaking called " Home Cheesemaking" by Rikki Carrol. I also got a book on raising pigs....my pigs are so funny! I put some pictures on Rumsey Farm and am going to add some more to the website and blog. you can check them out by Monday on www.rumsey-farm.com.
I also am reading an adult book...imagine that! It is called "Eat, Pray and Love". That is the book I bring to the beach to enjoy while Dylan is running around!
Another book I finished that I got was "Goat SOng" by Brad Kessler. It was a nonficition book, but a story about some people in Vermont when they started to rasie Nubian goats. I loved it!
Anyway, I am glad to hear you are all busy and reading! I still did not finish "The Red Pyramid" by Rick Riordan. I just did not get into it I guess.
I am planning on going to see the next Twilight movie this weekend. have any of you seen it yet?
Well, keep writing, and Noah, keep me posted on what wildlife you see this summer! We have been seeing lots of wild turkey, fox and even coyote!
Keep reading and writing!
Mrs. S
Hi Mrs.S it's Cam! I've been re-reading the Redwall series. At the begining of the summer I read "Fang". When we come in i'm going to donate it to you. Wow I really miss the class. Juila bullying me,Alex.C driving me crazy and Herb being Herb. Well I could on forever so, good bye my my old friends.
p.s It was so much fun not having a graded blog!
Father Abott Cam.
Hi Mrs,simonds i'm having a lot of fun so far and i can't wait till there are new questions posted.
Hi Mrs. Simonds! I'm having a good year so far. Right now I'm reading Fablehaven. It reminds me of another book I've read, Inkheart. both of which have made up creatures and are "separate worlds".
Thats all for now.
Mrs. Simonds, well right now I am reading Dear Dumb Diary #2. It's about a girl named Jamie and her diary. It's very funny and addicting, seriously I just can't put it down!!!
Sam C.
Hi mrs. Simonds right now I'm reading Among the Hidden it's a really good book!!!!
from Georgia
hola. i love having you as a teacher. this summer i read a lot of books.one of them was the girl who could fly. i really liked it because it had a lot of action in it. another book i liked was inkheart. at first i wasn't really into it then i read some more of it and i got hooked. i think that i might try fablehaven.
from the amazing reader!
a.k.a diana
hola. i love having you as a teacher. this summer i read a lot of books.one of them was the girl who could fly. i really liked it because it had a lot of action in it. another book i liked was inkheart. at first i wasn't really into it then i read some more of it and i got hooked. i think that i might try fablehaven.
from the amazing reader!
a.k.a diana
hey mrs simonds i'm re reading maximum ride series
im having an awesome year with you
from FRUIT LOOPS (diana)
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