Hi Room 2308 Readers!
I was just reading my monthly email from Kidsreads.com and thought you might enjoy reading bout some new book ideas. Some of the books are some that we have seen in class, but there are quite a few that I had not heard of that sound interesting to me.
The most interesting one is called THE BEST BAD LUCK I EVER HAD by Kristin Levine. Check out the following book recommendations and tell me what you think........
All that looks intresting was moonshot:the story of apollo 11 and Zoobreak. I was thinking of this chapter of The Cay and well Timothy is not going to last unless they give treatment. I think that the "jumbi" is nonsense. I did reaseach on the devil's mouth and it's a ring of islands from Haiti to Venuela. I pridicet that phillip will see again then hel'l be rescued.
Wow this sounds wicked cool!!!!!
Now I want to read that book. I might read it to!!!Have you heard of any other good books? Do you go to portsmouth all the time??????
I checked it out and found four books that I have read! I also saw a Redwall book that I need to get! I read the rewiew for it and it looks awsome! Mrs.Simonds that book you said that looked good to you looks good to me too! Hey Ben you should read that extra Harry Poter book I read it and it's pretty good and it also pretty funny. I also think I'm going to try to buy that Redwall book of Amazon!
Hi Everybody,
I am as same as you Mrs. Simonds, THE BEST BAD LUCK I HAVE EVER HAD by Kristin Levine caught my eye. When I was reading about the book it kind of reminded me of the relationship of Frita and Gabe. They are so alike an different. Also, she is African/American and he is plain white. At the end of where it descibed the book and said that at the end Emma (the black girl) has to leave Dit.(the white boy) It makes me wonder how it's going to end and is Dit going to go find her? Also, I wonder if Dit will quit hunting animals because he learned from Emma that it's wrong to kill for no reason?
!00% $@r@!-! (SARAH)
I read the book reivew and it sounded realy good. It made me think how to make a sling shot. I would not shoot animals with a sling shot or a person. One part freaked me out, that part was when they said their friend was going to get hanged. Otherwise me, myself, and I might read that book.
I only read the review for The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had. It sounds like it would be a really good book. Maybe Mr.Elwell would like that. I want to know what happened to Emma and Dit's friend. I guess I like books set back in the early 1900's because I loved Wednesday Wars and that was set back in 1967, I believe. I notice that a lot of writers like to make black and white kids friends. If you find any more books like that one, please please please tell me. I really like those books.
-50% julia and 50% tazmanian devil-
THE BEST BAD LUCK I EVER HAD sounds sounds very interesting from what Sarah said. I think I might try reading that! I predict that when Dit is trying to find Emma, he has bad luck but it actually turns out that it helps him find her! Sounds like an awesome book!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I read most of the first 39 Clues book and I didn't like it. It was confusing with all the mystery and stuff. It was not a good book. Zoobreak was a good book because they try to get this monkey back that got stolen and then they take all the animals and it gets into the action really quick. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series was good and funny but it wasn't really about one thing it was about Gregs life about what happens in his life thats bad. So don't read 39 Clues but read Zoobreak and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
-Mr. Elwell favorite kid the book boy-
It looks like a good book. None of the book recommendations really looked that good to me though. But if you have or get The Best Bad Luck I've Ever Had I think I will try to read it. Right now I'm reading New Moon (the 2 Twilight book) and its really really really really really good! I'm also waiting for the next Warrior Cats book to come out and for the Lightning Thief movie to come out!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT wait!!!!!!!!!
Emma who likes cats
I think that Mr.Ellewel would LOVE the book.It sounds like a book that really tells you what the U.S.A was like back then.It also reminded me of Gabe and Frita. I wonder if the K.K.K is in it.It kind of is weird but I don't know why I thought that?!?!?!
100.35472974978% Will Donnell
I thought the book review was a little sad.Because Dit and Emma had a great year but emma has to go away. Dit wanted to win the hunting challenge so his dad would call his son his real name.I thought that it was good that Dit and Emma became friends because they came from different cities.I wonder if was sad when he left.
by Andrew Leduc
date 1-27-10
On the first website I read the review on "The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had." I think the person that wrote the review wrote to much about the book. What I mean is that they basiclly told us most of the story. They should have left us more suprises.
They did sort of leave a surprise at the end about what happens to Emma and Dit when Emmas father is being transferred.
If I was writing the review then I would have left mor questions and I would have not told that much of the story.
I think that it's a good looking book. What grabs my attention is the part where they try 2 stop that guy from getting hanged. Could u please get the book 4 us? I wonder if the girl will really move? Can somebody answer my qustions? From(the dude that writes in ()'s) Cheeseball
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