Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss....happy birthday to you!
We all love Dr. Seuss....or do we? Do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss book? If you do, what is it and why?
One of my favorites is "Yertle the Turtle". I love it because it is a small character, the little guy on the bottom, that shakes things up and teaches the king a lesson. Ok, I also really like turtles :) Then there is "The Lorax"......hmmm, I love that one too! I love the environmental theme, taking care of our earth, and the connections between living things that it shows. Oh, I love "Hooray for Diffendoofer Day" as well........ok, maybe I better let you all blog..........
Share your thoughts and opinions here about Dr. Seuss. I can't wait to hear what you think.......
My favorite book by Dr.Suess is "Green Eggs And Ham". I like it because there's an annoying dude (nothing like me of course) named Sam. He makes another guy annoyed by continuously asking this question "would you like some Green eggs and ham". The guy keeps saying no. You have to read it though. Another book I like by Dr.Suess is "The Zax". A South going Zax encountered a north going Zax. They won't move at all. Just a short blog today. From(the dude that is ruler of the 7 seas.) Cheeseball
My favorite is Yertle the Turtle as well. I actually brought in the book called Yertle the Turtle and other stories. I like because I like turtles too. Dr.Seuss always makes me smile:) I also just naturally like rhyming books because they are really fun. I wonder where he got the idea to change his professional name to Dr.Seuss. I also love Gertrude McFuzz. It is a fun book. Actually, all of his books are fun books. I don't just like Gertrude McFuzz because it's my stuffed hippo's name. Well, keep on reading!!!
-julia the #1 tazmanian devil-
p.s: go Dr.Seuss!!!
I love his books they are so cool.They are in a made up world and made up charcters.His books are so amazing because they have a holiday for this guy. His books are awesome because of how he writes and draws in his books. I wish he could make more even though he is dead.I also wish he would write a chrter book even though he is dead. What did he die from???
By Will Donnell
My favorite book is [I think this is what's it is called] Cat in the Hat A to Z. I read it a lot when I was little. I don't have it any more BECAUSE MY MOM GAVE IT AWAY!!! The one I remember the most is the Z - it was a made up creature/monster.
See I had a monster in my closet phobia. I had an image in my head that the monster in my closet was the same monster as the monster in Monster in my Closet. And I was scared of that, but when I saw the monster at the end of that Dr.Seuss book IT was 10 times worse.
My favorite Dr. Seuss book is "The Lorax". When I was little my favorite Dr. Seuss book was " One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish". It is still one of my favorites. I liked it because you are first reading about fish and then you are reading about a wump with seven humps. There is a lot of different subjects in it.
I do not think that there is a protagonist or an antagonist in the book.
Six Point Five (6.5)
I luv a lot of Dr. Suess' books, so it's really hard 2 pik my fav!!! But, if i had 2, i wood say..... "Green Eggs and Ham" because i, 4 some reson, lik when it gets 2 da very end and he says this very long chain of words where he could eat the eggs and ham. Lik when he says "Not in a bus, not in a trai,n not in a car, or a plane. not here, not there, not anywhere!!!!" I lik 2 read it out loud as fast as i can and try not 2 mess up. i wood also say dat i really lik "The Sneeches" because i lik he crazy contraption that dude sells them that will take off and put on those little stars on thier bellies!!!!! "The Zax" is a good 1, 2!!! I lik how they dont want 2 go off track, so they just sit there through changing seasons waiting 4 the other person 2 move.
Fred Figglehorn
a.k.a. not gianna if dats wat u tink!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEEHEE!!!!!!!!
this message was brought 2 u by oxy clean stain remover. IT GETS DA TOUGH STAINS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite Dr.Seuss book is The Sneeches. Where some of the Sneeches have stars and some don't so this dude comes and has a machine that puts stars on them. I'm not sure why it's my favorite but I just like it. It's funny because they have to pay like $5 per star or per remove of a star, and they keep changing their minds so they have to keep paying so they run out of money. I sadly have never read Yertle the Turtle or The Lorax or Hooray for Diffendoofer Day. :( :( :( :( I really like Dr.Seuss's books, they are probably my favorite picture books. I have TONS of favorite chapter books, like the Warriorcats books, and The Hunger Games, and alot of others. Mrs.Simonds what is your favorite book?
the person who likes kit kats and cats
I would have to say my favorite book from dr.seuss would have to be "One Fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish" kind of long but oh well haha. I really have a lot of books I guess I will name them all for you! Frist is "It's Not Easy Being Big", "The Berenstaines Book", "Arthurs Reading Race", "Glasses For D.W.", "The Cat In The Hat", "Aer You My Mother", "Foxs In Socks", Mr.Brown Can Moo! Can You", Green Eggs And Ham", The Tooth Book", "Ten Apples Up On Top!", and "Dr.Seuss:s A B C!", that is about it those are all the books that I have right now to give you. I have nothing else to say so im going to go now bye.
candace p.s. I need a new name for the bolg Gigi!
I have to say something about Dr.Suess, well frist I think he is really funny when it comes to kid books and he also sounds like a nice person when he writes his AWSOME books. I have to say one more thing I think when it come to his pictures and is really cerative. When I say that I mean when he draws his cartoon charcter they are reallly funny hahahahahaha funny right haha but ya I got to go bye.
One of my favorite Dr. Seuss books is "Oh the places you'll go". I liked when he was traveling and he visited many places. This is something I would like to do in my life, except the large populated areas (for example..New York, NY.)
I have told my parents that I do not want to visit New York City after 9/11.
I like the silly rhyming that Dr. Seuss uses in his books. I like Green eggs and Ham.. Do you like Green eggs and Ham? Just Joking.
My favorite is "If I Ran the Zoo" because it has super cool animals and I think its cool how the kid is thinking of if he ran the zoo he would discover crazy animals and go on an adventure! I also like "Green Eggs and Ham" because well..... I've heard it so much since my brothers name is Sam!!!! My mom used to read it to Sam in I almost every night!!!!
-Mr. Elwells favorite kid the book boy-
Of course we love Dr.Seuss.My favorite is Cat in the Hat.Because the three main characters are fun and one of them is funny.Also because it tells about kids.I thought Dr.Seuss was a good book writer when I started to read his books.Dr.Seuss was also a great book writer because he made a lot color in his books.
by Andrew Leduc
date 3-3-10
I like The Cat In THe Hat, because it is an original and you just got to love an original!! I also like Oh The Places You'll Go, cause it has all these funny places!! I haven't read it in a while. I basically like all his books because I love how he rhymes! I think Dr. Seuss is an awesome author, probably because all his books are funny, and his characters are bendy which makes it look very fun looking. I also like how he makes it rhyme like I said before, because sometimes there hard to read and its really fun to mess up and laugh! :D hehe! His books are all so colorful and like I said before they are really fun to read!!!
Brought to you by the Celtics especially Rajon Rondo :D :D :D SMILE AND THE WORLD WILL WATCH AFTER YOU!!! :)
I agree with Gianna. I like Green Eggs and Ham too. It is a funny book!!! When are we going to read the Dr.Seuss books out on the table? I LOVE Sam from Green Eggs and Ham!!! He is just like me!!! I have the same question as Will Donnell. What did Dr.Seuss die from??? Did he die on old age??? I think we should research it a little more. I love it when authors illustrate their own books. It makes the book so much more special!!!
the class angel
Well i never really read Dr. Suess books. The only ones i read were 1 fish, 2 fish, Green Eggs and Ham, and Yertle the Turtle. And that was along time ago. I like how Dr. Suess always Rhymes and makes his storys have a happy ending. By the way Will D; He dies of old age. When we did those activities we did on Dr. Suess's Birthday, Mrs. Young said he was like 94 or something.
Hey People!
I have SO many favorite books by Dr.Seuss my favorites are "The Lorax" and "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". I love "The Lorax" because it shows that you need to spare everything that you have even if you have a lot of it. What I even love the most is the character the Lorax. Dr. Seuss makes up these characters that you absolutely love even though you know that they don't even exist.(Not that we know of.) When it first came out, everybody probably said, "What's a Lorax?" I also love the scenery of the book. It's a colorful, beautiful far off land..... Anyways, I think that book has a great lesson to teach everyone.
Another one of my favorites is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". I love how at the beginning, his heart is too SMALL and at the end his heart grows too big! Every Dr. Seuss book has a great lesson, but I think this is the BEST! It teaches you that the joy of Christmas is not all about the toys and eating food, but it's the joy of getting together with family and friends.(Awwwww!) I love that book! I swear, if you haven't read the book, I'm going to be pretty upset. The cartoon is quite the same as the book, but at the same time, it isn't. So read the book!
I think Dr. Seuss is a good person to look up to because he dedicated his total career to writing books for children and even adults. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR.SEUSS! You rock!
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
I like Oh The Places You go. I love the little dude that goes everywhere. I agree with cheeseball Green Eggs and Ham is a good book. I like how he makes different machines like in Sneaches the starinator and the de-starinator. I think that all his books are good except The Lorax. Henry the Champion of the world
There is something about Dr. Seuss that makes him stand out so much. Maybe it's his crazy drawings or his funny characters or maybe it's his lesson at the end of his stories. Other authors have wrote just as many books but they're not even close to how famous Dr. Suess is. He introduced a new era in books and no one will ever be like him. I like "Green Eggs and Ham" and "Yertle the Turtle" they are funny but tell a great story as well. I have only read 6 of his books but he hookes you in with his books somehow. I think it will remain a mystery of how he gets you into his books but no matter how many times you read them you will never get tired of hearing them.
Martin the Warrior came to me in my dreams last night saying that I should stop bloging right...now. [Only Cheeseball will know what I mean.] that thing !!!Cam!!!
My favorite book that Dr.Suess wrote is "The Sneetches" I love that book! I also like a lot of other books too like.....The Zax,Too Many Daves,What was I Scared of,Green Eggs and Ham,One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish,Cat in The Hat,Horton Hears a Who and a lot of others! Do you want me to bring in "The Sneeches" Mrs Simonds? Dr.Suess is a master at writting funny books!!! I wish there were movies for ALL of them!!!
will.p will.p
Well my favorite Dr.Seuss is The Cat In The Hat. I like it just because it was the first one I have read.
I think Dr.Seuss is a good writer. Because he is.
Do you like Dr.Seuss or Chris Van Allsburg???
I love turtles too.(I have one.)
I LOVE his books they are so cool and funny.My favorite Dr.Suess Book is probably ther snitches book and is sad how much they get ripped of by the deal.Also like Yurtle the turtle because it shows that you don't have to be powerful to make a diffrence.I love how they have their little made up world.It would be very fun to be in one of his books.
By Will Donnell
I have never read "Yertle the Turtle" but it sounds and looks really cool! I love "If I ran the zoo"! It's really interesting! I also love "The Lorax" and "Hooray for Diffendoofer Day". I also like "Green Eggs and Ham". There is really cool contraptions! Dr.Seuss is awesome!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
Dr. Seuss books are all really bizarre fiction stories. Were does he get his ideas?
On my other blog I said that when I was little my favorite Dr. Seuss book was "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" well... I also liked "Mr. Brown can Moo". I don't remember much of it because I haven't read it in ages, but I do remember that Mr. Brown could make all these animal noises.
I also said in my first blog, that I did not think that there is a protagonist or an antagonist in "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish". Now I think that the two kids telling the story are the protagonists. Is it possible to have two protagonists in a book? I am not sure who the antagonist is. Does there have to be an antagonist in every book?
Six Point Five (6.5)
My favorite Dr.Seuss book is The Lorax, because the book starts out colorful, and everything changes because the Lorax is cutting down all the trees. I also like it because they never show The lorax!! I love how Dr.Seuss rhymes because he puts them in wierd way so its hard to read, and because he makes books sometimes for little kids and kids that are that are read it, think this book is for a little kid I shouldn't mess up. I think Dr.Seuss was a really happy man, because he was enthusiastic about his books!
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