Ok Room 2308 Readers, this week I have not been able to conference too much with you about what you are reading, although we have done daily check-ins.You all are really blowing me away with your reading.
I want to know more about your current books. Tell me.......
What genre are you currently reading?
Can you tell me the main plot in a sentence or two?
Can you do a quick character profile for me on a main character and a secondary character?
How does the setting play into your book?
What would you rate your book at this point on a scale of one to ten?
I can't wait to hear more...........
Mrs. S
I haven't started Titan's Curse but it would probably be a adventure/fanasty.So I'm going to do Night a book I just finished it would be a historical ficton.The main plot would probably be the nazis are going to kill all the jews and other people.THe seeting is little huts with huge creamories all auround them and dead bodies all over the place.There are also SS all over the place.I would rate this a 99 billon but since we can't go that high a TEN!!!!
By Will Donnell
I am glad you chose to talk about "Night". I am going to question the genre though. Is it a fictional story or a true account? Who is the main character? How would you describe him? Today in class you told me that he changed over the course of the book. Can you share what you think about this wiht your classmates? Happy blogging....
Mrs. S
Mrs.Simonds, im really glad that I got into Bone. I think it is really good and funny. But what I have to say for tonight is that I would rate bone a 10. Why, because like I already said because its really funny and I think they are really good. I also think the same thing you think we all are going trough a lot of books. I im really excited to ya for room 2308. I got to go everone bye.
fuzzy gum!
The book I was reading is called"The Pearls of Lutra." It's a fiction book. It has multiple plots because it does it in multiple characters views. There is no main charecter in most of the "Redwall" books. There are always multiple settings in the "Redwall" books I definetly rate "The Pearls of Lutra" a 10!
From(the dude that survived the prehistoric era)Cheeseball
I am re-reading the Percy Jackson Series. So far I am on the first one. It would probably fit under realistic fiction. The plot of the story is that something big was stolen and if Percy doesn't get it back a big war would break out. This would be like World War III. This book contains alot of Greek mythology facts. It's also about Greek mythology. The Titan's Curse, the book Will said he hasn't started is the third book in this series. The setting in this book changes all the time. Sometimes Percy is in school and other times he is on Mount Olympus. This book is definitely my favorite, thats why I'm rating it a ten.
Right now I am reading the Pricess Diaries and it's really good! The only thing is is that it's a bit inappropriate at parts. For that reason I would rate it an 8 so far. The main plot of the story is that there is a girl named Mia who finds out that her dad is a prince, which means that she's a princess! And she's having a hard time getting used to all the make-up and fancy stuff. I would say that the genre is diary/realistic fiction.
A character profile on Mia is this: Mia is a diifrent kind of girl who can't stand up for herself. She lies about her feelings so when her mom asks her if it's OK that is dating Mia's algebra teacher, she lies and says it's fine when it really is not. Mia has a pushy friend named Lily. Oh, I forgot to tell you that she has a HUGE crush on Josh Richter who's the cool jock that won't even look at her. Talk about a hard life.
Even though I saw the movie, I can't wait to see how The Princess Diaries ends. You can't trust the movie because the dad is still ALIVE in the book. Don't trust those movies!!
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
P.S. Will, why not 100 billion instead of 99?
P.S.S. Mrs. Simonds, what are you reading right now?? Please answer!
I am reading fiction/action/suspense. The Guardians of Ga'hoole is about a band of owls that have all been hurt in some way by an evil organization called St. Aggie's.
St.Aggie owls are some of the worst!!! They steal baby owls from nests or burroughs when their parents are hunting. Once the baby owls have been snatched they are brought to a low moutain crevice where they get MOON BLINKED!!!!!!! Moon blinking is when an owl loses all character and becomes practically a mindless life being!!!
Sorin{main character} and Gylfie {Second main character} escaped from St. Aggie's together.
The point is that they have all heard of the legends of Ga'hoole. The legends of Ga'hoole are about nightly owls that rise up to do noble deeds. So this band of owls (Sorin, Gylfie, Twilight and Digger)go out to find this great Ga'hoole tree.
I am not going to tell you the rest because that would make me a SPOILER!!!!!!!
I will tell you a bit more tomorrow.
Alex Lumia
I am currently reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It is a fantasy book. It is AWESOME!!! The main plot is the triwizard tournament ( a tournament that can kill you and contains 3 tasks) is being held at Hogwarts. Someone puts Harry's name in obviously hoping he will die during the tournament. Who put Harry's name in? I haven't found out yet so you will have to read it!!! The main character is Harry Potter and his parents got killed by Lord Voldemort. There are actually two secondary characters. Hermione Granger is a really smart girl who is one of Harry's best friends. His other best friend is Ron Weasly is a not-very-wealthy person but has a good heart ( Ron and Hermione get in a lot of fights). The setting is a castle invisible to muggles (non-wizards) and has a fabulous headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore rocks, but my favorite characters are Fred and George Weasly. They are Ron's twin brothers and they are funny (like me) and sneaky (also like me). Of you like fantasy you would LOVE Harry Potter. OH! I almost forgot! I also like Hagrid the gamekeeper of Hogwarts (he is a giant). READ HARRY POTTER!!!
-#1 harry potter fan-
Right now I am reading "New Moon" from the Twilight saga. It is a fantasy book. But if you took out some of the vampire parts it would be like realistic fiction book.
The main character Bella is a very clumsy girl (by clumsy I mean, she almost got eaten by a vampire). She has pale skin and long brown hair.
The second character Edward is (of course) a vampire. He has cold pale skin and blackish eyes with bronze colored hair. Bella discribes him as "beautiful".
I would rate this book a 10!!!!!!
Well, I am reading "The Miserable Mill" because I just finished "The Wide Window" (I read all night!). In "The Miserable Mill", the genre is definitely fiction. The main plot is that there is 3 orphans named Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire who go through very bad luck. There is also a man related to them that is trying to get them to be under his care so he can steal their fortune that they got when their parents died. A quick character profile of Violet is that she is 14 years old, she is very kind, and she loves inventing things. A quick character profile of Count Olaf (the man who is trying to steal their fortune) is that he is an actor, and he is a horrible and ugly man. The setting is a big part of my book because if the setting was a beautiful garden, the children would like living there, but since it is a lumber mill that smells bad, they dislike it even more. I would definitely rate the book a 10. I rated it a 10 because it is so good I can't put it down! Happy reading!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
i'm reading one piece!!!!!! i'ts so good!!!!!!!its about a guy named luffy! he has the gum-gum fruit that makes him rubber!!! his dream is to become king of the pirates!!!!but he needs to get a really good crew so he travels to the grand line to find a crew and to get the legendary "one piece"!!!!! they call the grand line the pirate graveyard!!! i would rate this searis a 10!!!!! he finds one of the best swordsman for his crew, zolo the pirate hunter!!!!!! with the navy after all the pirates it gets tougher for luffy and his crew!!! thisnis such a good book!!!!!!!! i can read these books in 45min.!!!!!
I'm reading a adventure mystery type book! The plot is three kids that had there parents die in a fire, and Mr. Poe, a close friend came and told them the bad news. now he has to find the kids homes and the first persons, Count Olaf, is very mean and wants to steal there fortune, and when Mr. Poe finds out his evil plan, he takes the kids somewhere else and each place Count Olaf has a sneaky plan to steel there fortune!. Violet the eldest of the three children, loves inventing things out of little things she finds. Klaus the middle child, has a compassion for reading whenever he sees a book, or a library he's there! Sunny the youngest loves biting hard things, she has four little sharp teeth! The setting goes from place to place because they go from guardian to guardian, because all the guardians keep dying because of Count Olaf. I would rate my book a, 10!!
Rajon Rondo the great Rondini! :^)
I'm reading a Hole Nother Story. It's about this family who made an object that's the most powerful thingy(I don't know what it is) in the world. There's a dude in the story that gives you advice stuff. I read the last advice column and I almost died it was soooooooooooooooo funny. Nothing is really happening right now. These evil dudes are going try to take the "object". Henro the General of U.S. forces
I finshed the Redwall book I was reading and two Hardy boys books but I think I'm going to talk about the Redwall book. The Redwall book that I was reading is called "Eulalia". In it Gorath one of the main characters (he's a bager) is captured by sea vermin and made a slave. It turns into a big adventurte filled with fighting and freindship. The Redwall books are fiction, (no really) because well you don't usually see bager with pitchforks and mice with swords. In these books there are at least five main characters. Brian Jacques starts each main character in a different place and eventually they all meet up together. It's super hard to write aout Redwall in two sentences it has a lot more to it than juat what I said. Camwall
Justin did you say the Percy Jackson is a realistic fiction book!!! I don't think it could really happen, I mean gods with powers, monsters, stayrs all that stuff. It couldn't happen at all. Julia I really liked The Goblet of Fire also. Julia I think you're a lot more sneaky than Fred and Gorge, remember that time you put a nail on Mrs.Simonds chair and when you stole Mr.K's lunch. YYYYOOOOOUUUUUCCCCHHHH!!!! Julia not the nail thing again. 4%Cam
Alex's blog part 2!!!!!!
The main character is Soren. Soren is a generally happy owl, but also sensitive at times when he gets flash backs of his parents. See he lost his parents as a young one. He gets very depressed if he hears about his parents or his sister Eglantine whom he loved very much. He proves to be a very brave owl when there is danger upon his friends. He will protect his friends no matter what. He doesn't want to lose another family.
Alex Lumia
In the Sea Of Monsters (the second book of the Percy Jackson Series) the plot is for Percy and his friends to find the Golden Fleece. The Golden Fleece can heal almost anything. I think it would be a realistic fiction story.
Percy is has ADHD and has Dyslexia . He also has been
kicked out of almost all the schools he's been to causing him to search for a new one in the summer.
I would rate this book a ten.
~ Justin
Well right now I'm reading Storm Breaker. (Alex Rider Series) I have already read the series but that was along time ago. So i want to read it again.
Its a fiction book. Alex's dad gets killed in a "Plane Accident". Alex goes on a mission to find out who killed his dad. By the way hes only 14. Throughout the whole series there isn't really a setting. He goes all over the place I would rate this book a 10.
Ok Julia.....what nail on my chair?????
Mrs. S
The current book I just read was "The Miserable Mill"! I think it's a really good book! I finished the book this weekend. I'm going to read the whole series! The series is called "A Series of Unfortunate Events" I'm on the 5th book and it's called "The Austere Academy" I don't know a lot on this book because I'm only on page 16! I'm not sure if you all remember Giannas book talk on "The Bad Begining" that is the first book of this series! If you try this series of books I hope you like it! I think it's the best series I have ever read. It is mysterious and interesting. There are a couple cruel people in it though and sad things but it's AMAZING!!!!!!! If you like mystery books you will love these books! I would rate these books all together so far a 10. It can't get any better than this!!!Or maybe it can. You will just have to read......"A Series of Unfortunate Events"!!!!!!!
Right now, I just started The Last Olypian and I'm afraid to read it! I'm afraid what's going to happen in the the end and how the prophecy will turn out. Also, I don't want it to end!) Well, I finished The Princess Diaries and, well, let's just say it wasn't the greatest book I've ever read. If I had to rate it, I'd rate it a........... 7, so not that bad.
Anyway, about The Last Olypian, the genre is fantasy/Greek Mythology which works out perfectly because I'm the fantasy queen!! The main plot in this last Percy Jackson book is that this is the final straw. Percy has to take the prophecy and defeat Kronos. Pretty simple except that Kronos has risen up to rule Olympia but no pressure to Percy.
S@r@H (Fanacy Queen)
I haven't started it yet but it's called " The Outcast Varjak Paw " My mom and I ordered it on Minerva! YAY!!! :D I have already read the first called " Varjak Paw " I think that it's a little weird that the author used Varjak paw in both of the titles. :) I would rate it a 10 GAZILLION!!!! It is about a cat named Varjak. He is learning the "way" in his dreams and being taut by Jahal, his ancestor. The way is... well I'm not going to tell you. He and his family live in a house with the Contessta. ( The owner ) But the Contessta doesn't come around any more so the cats think she is sick. Then one day a man with two black cats come. But the cats move together perfectly, too perfect.... Varjak thinks they are evil so he goes outside for the first time so he can get a dog to come and save his family. I can't wait for the 2nd one to come!! And I think there's a movie! Varjak is a friendly cat that can be very indignant and kind of not that smart sometimes. At one part he tries to talk to a car! :p
From the person that just got scratched by her cat :)
I saw the movie too Sarah!!! (Princess Diaries). I liked it a lot I haven't read the book. Have you finished it yet? I might read it after the whole series I'm reading! I really don't want to stop in the middle of the series I'm reading. (" A Series of Unfortunate Events" ).
Julia I haven't read Harry Potter! Or seen the movie it sounds really good though! I never had interest in it because of the cover of the book and yaaa I know your not supposed to judge a book by it's cover I just don't think I would like it!
Will: I love adventure,mystery, and fantasy books! I think there GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
yoyo people what's up???? I am reading The Ersatz Elevator from the Series of Unfortunate Events. I would say that this book is a adventure. The main plot of this book is that Count Olaf, the villian, has stolen the Baudalaire's friends and they are trying to get them back. They have to climb down an elevator shaft, (it takes three hours!) set fire tongs on fire, and find a way to melt through metal bars to save their friends from Olaf's clutches! One of the main character's name is Violet. Violet is the best teenager inventor you will ever meet. (well you won't meet her because she isn't real but you know what I mean.) She invents things for her and her siblings enjoyment and she also invents things that could get them out of the trouble that Count Olaf dumps apon them. The setting changes in this book but not a lot. They are staying with Jerome and Esme Squalor at 677 Dark Avenue in the penthouse apartment and they are there for a lot of the book so the setting doesn't change a lot. I would definitly rate this book a big TEN!!!! 10!!! 5+5!!!!!!!!!!! TTTTEEEEEENNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!
.....that will be all
-Fred Figglehorn
a.k.a not gianna if thats what you think!!!
The Last Olympian's main character is Percy Jackson. He has a pretty bad temper and you never really want to make him mad. His best 'friend' is Annabeth Chase and Grover the satyr is also a close guy bud. Percy lives in Manhattan, New York with his mom. Everything seems pretty normal up until you hear Grover the satyr. Yeah, he's a demigod. Half human, half god. He is what he is because his mom had a baby with Poseidon(the God of the Sea) so he has pretty much all the powers of the Sea God. It's all fun & games until he figures out his prophecy is to kill the Titan Kronos and save Olympus. Other than that, he's a pretty normal boy.(Ha ,ha, ha!!)
100% S@R@H
As they say in the book: Just your average son of Poseidon.
Wait, is The Titan's Curse a Percy Jackson book? I forget. I just finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was AMAZING!!! I normally don't like fantasy, but Harry Potter is soooo good that even I like it. I also noticed Will Donnell has a run-on sentence. I know Mrs. Simonds posted this blog before we talked about it, but I just wanted to point that out. I am wondering, who is Fuzzy Gum??? Show yourslf or else!!!(I haven't figured out the or else part yet) Mrs. Simonds, is that a picture of your goat down there??? I want everyone to now this. I DID NOT PUT A NAIL ON MRS.SIMONDS CHAIR!!! (Or did I???) Muah-ha-ha!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
p.s: whatch out Mrs. Simonds, sometime soon there just might be a nail on your chair!!!
p.s.s: Cam, you might want to watch out for a nail as well!!!
The name of the book is called Bakugan battle brawlers.I am reading fantasy.These kids are trying to save another world from being destroyed as well as there world.And they are trying to win tons of battles.The main character is a person named Dan Kuso and He is the leader of the Bakugan battle brawlers,Before he thought that bakugan was just a game then it became real.Then the other character is a girl named Runo Misaki and she was a pretty good brawler,And she's also full of surprises.It takes place in a town when they do tons of battles together or apart.I would rate my book a 10.
by Andrew Leduc
date 3-16-10
The book I'm reading is called "The Bellmaker". It's about a place called Southsward. It has been taken over by the evil Urgan Nagru. He is also known as Foxwolf because he is a fox and has a wolf skin with metal claws on him. Mariel and Dandin(2 mice) are traveling when they hear about Southsward and agree to help. Meanwhile,back at Redwall Abbey Mariel's dad(Joseph) has a dream and has to go to Dandin and Mariel. A poem recited in his dream decides who should go. They are happy to go but are scared of the first 2 lines.5 will ride the Roaringburn but only 4 will return. Will Joseph make it in time? What will happen when the Abbey is met with 2 sea vermin? What will happen to Southsward? Read to find out! There is no main setting because they're all over the place. The main characters are: Dandin,Mariel,Joseph,Foremole,Rufe Brush,Rosie Woodsorel,Finnbar Galedeep,LogaLog and Durry Quill. This book is a fiction/adventure/action book that I rate a "10"! From(the lucky guy)Cheeseball
Hi Guys,
I'm going to answer and question Julia. First of all, I think Fuzzy Gum is Candace because she just started the Bone series so that makes sense. Second, what's up with Julia and the nails?? I thought I told Julia to stay away from them. Yes Julia, The Titan's Curse is a Percy Jackson book and a very good one, too! Julia, I've always thought that you might be interested with the Harry Potter books because you like realistic ficton and in a way, it is. It shows how he's growing up and he's starting to like people as he gets older.
Anyways, I'm still reading The Last Olympian and I'm still trudging on. I feel like when I go slow with a book, I just don't have as much excitment as when I started it.
100% S@R@H
Along with The Ersatz Elevator, I am reading Boys are Dogs. I would call this book a realistic fiction. It is about a girl named Annabelle who is at the girls camp. When the school dance comes, the kids from the boys camp come and ruin it. Once it's the end of the camp and they are going home, Annabelle relizes that she has to deal with moving into her moms boyfriend's house. When they get there, her mom has a little surprise for Annabelle........ I have really just started, but I would so far rate it a 9.
Pinky the chihuahua....
a.k.a not Gianna if thats what you think....
this message will explode in
Right now my Dad and I are reading a book called Ranger's Apprentence By John Flanagan. Will Treaty, the main character is in a fix. A close friend (Erak) is being held for ransom.(Ransom: when someone is held hosage for money.)I'm only on chapter 7 so I'm not that far. Ben and Alex this is alot like Bleach so you might like it. Henro the Raper
I just finished The Sea of Monsters, and I would rate it a ten. The third book's title is The Titans curse. That book is about when Percy Jackson has to go on a quest to save his friend Annabeth from Atlas. Atlas' job is to hold the sky, but he tricks Annabeth to hold the sky for him. Percy Jackson also has to protect a very important animal.
The book I'm reading is called "Dragon Keeper." What would you do if you ran away with only a dragon and a rat? So far it's about a slave girl who is abused and mistreated. One day she is told to feed the dragons only to find one dead! She grows to like the other dragon over time. This book is a fiction book that I'd rate a 9.9. GOODYE!!!!!!!! From(the dude that likes shouting) Cheeseball
I am re-reading The Titans Curse and so far it is really good. This book is the third book in the Percy Jackson series. This is probably a realistic fiction book. The main plot of the story is, Annabeth (Percy's friend) falls off a cliff and Percy can't find her. He goes on a quest that no one knows about to find her. The main character is Percy Jackson and he is about fourteen and the son of an important god. He is also very adventurous. Niko Di Angelo is half blood that Percy and his friends find at a military school. Niko is a young boy about ten who knows that he's a halfblood but hasn't figured out who is parents are yet. His favorite card game is probably mythomagic. He has a sister that is about twelve, her name is Bianca Di Angelo. I would rate this book a ten.
I just finished A Million Shades of Gray. It was 216 pages long. I would rate this book a ten. The main character's name is Y'Tin. Y'Tin seems like he is about twelve years old. Y'Tin is learning to become an elephant trainer. This story takes place in Vietnam while the North Vietnamese Army is attacking Y'Tin's village. This book is probably realistic fiction.
I just started The Brooklyn Nine. This book is by Alan Gratz. I can tell that it is going to be a good book. One thing I do not get about the back cover is that it says " In nine innings,this novel tells the stories of nine successive Schneider kids and their connection to brooklyn and baseball." That is what it said on the back cover, One thing I do not understand is that it says four of the children have different last names. Those names are Felix Schneider, Walter Snider, Kat Snider, and Michael Flint. I am going to read on to see what happens next.
From the ungrateful nugget acording to Gianna, Justin
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