Yahooo, new book order flyers went home today. The due date for orders this month is January 19. I have set up the online ordering again, you can connect here to do that and our username and password is "room 2308" and "simonds".
I have sent home a new "Teen Reader's Club" to expand the selections available for you.
However, if we order 200 dollars or more from the Arrow flyer, we can earn 5000 bonus points for our classroom library! Wow!!!! That ends up being just about 10.00 per student! We could add a lot of books to our library with those points! Anyway, enjoy checking out the new flyers!
Mrs. Simonds,
I am going to help earn 5000 points. I was looking at the book orders and I saw a book called "If I Stay". It looks really interesting because it is very mysterious.
The book is 9$. so I only need to buy one more book for 1$ or more.
p.s. Everyone buy books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Simonds
I will also try to help earn 5000 points.I was looking throught the book orders and I saw "The million dollar throw" I have all ready read it and it was really good.So EVERYBODY BUY BOOKS!!!!!
By Will Donnell
I want 2 help 2 but I don't understand. Do we order $200
2gether or individually? But I dought we would have 2 do it by ourselfs!! My mom usually says that my limit for the book orders are 10 $s anyway.
normaL (a.k.a not Gianna if thats what u think!!!!)
snetI was looking through the book orders and I didn't see anything I liked and if I git them it would be a waste of money what would the bonus points do anyways? Because if could buy us more books I could get one for the class??? What is it for getting them for the class already?? I'm confused??!!
Rajon Rondo
Hi Ms.Simonds,
All the new book order books look very interesting. There were a couple of books that caught my eye, they were as follows:
'If I Stay' and 'Freaky monday'.
'If I Stay' sounds good to me because when it gives you a little piece of desciption of the book it says '...next she is watching her own body getting pulled out of the wreck!' That makes me wonder if she is like a spirit or ghost kind of thing.
For Freaky Monday it says she switches bodies with her teacher!! No affence Ms. Simonds, that would be really wierd!
As you can tell, I want to help get the 5000 pionts for our classroom. I think it would be really cool for us to get a bunch of new books.
100% Sarah
P.S. Everyone, buy books!!
I will try to earn 5o0o points.I want this book called Click.It looks very interesting.It's a story that has a differnt author in each chapter.But the book is only $6.0o. :[
From your book loving servant, Alex:I
I'm going to get a book. I forget what its called but it looks really good!!! Its about a kid who has magic or something and goes on some adventures or something like that. It's $6 but I can't get anything else because I'm saving my money for a different book at Barnes'Noble, but I really want to get the 5000 points because as you already know i love boookks!!!!!!!!! My motto is buy buy buy books! It's for a good cause!!!!!!!!!!!
-Mr. Elwell's favorite kid the book boy-
I really want to order a book!!!! I'm going to help us get to 50000!!!
Not really sure what books yet... I might not even get books. If I'm ordering I'm going to try to order online. (last time it didn't work.) and I'm going to put some money in the pennies for uhh... peace? maybe? I know it started with a P... any way EVERY BODY BUY BOOKS!!!! AND PUT MONEY IN THE PENNIES FOR uhhh.... WHATEVER IT IS!!!
cat and reading lover... emma :D
will.p will.p
I know Yahooo more books!!!. I all ready know what books I'm getting from Arrow, Guinness World Records 2010 Gamers Edition!!!. 0 I all most for got I'm also getting HATCHET and it's 3 sequels. (That adds up to $27.00.) With the $5 they give you I'm going to get Eighth Grade Bites.
Hay Ben look how is getting 6 books
One more time
I am going to earn 10,800 points.I looked at my book orders and I found three books that I like they are called Guinness world records 2010 gamer's edition,Ben 10 alien swarm,and Pokemon Pokemon academy.
The ben 10 Alien swarm book is 5$.Pokemon Pokemon academy is 8$.And Guinness world records is 15$.
by Andrew Leduc
I will try to buy books. All I see is: Calvin and Hobbes Trio, True Crimes, and 100 Most Dangerous Things on This Planet. The books cost $58.00. I chose these books because they look interesting to me. I hope we can earn the 5000 bonus points. I wonder Ms. Simonds, what will we buy and will it fit the selves? Answer me this week, please.- HENDLSON/ HENDLBERRY//HERNIE
im gonna buy the guinnes world recordz GAMERS edition!!!Then theres 2 books about the war, I'm going to get that for like 5 dollerzz!!!! than with my $5.00 Gift card im going to buy 8th grade bites
I am thinking that I will order two books from the January Book Orders. The first book would be "Mythlopedia". This is a book about Greek Mythology. It is in the Arrow Book Orders. It will cost between $6 - $10.
The second book is "Mail for Dogs". This is the sequel to "Hotel for Dogs". I am not sure if it is in the Arrow Book Orders. It costs $1.
I have up to $30 to spend on this months orders. I plan to get more books from the Arrow Book Orders.
I hope we get the 5000 points for our class from the book orders!!!
I saw a couple books that looked very good! But I dont usually get books from the book orders but I still look at the books anyways. I think that we are going to get the 5000 points!!! I also think we have a really good chance of getting the points but if we dont at least we tryed and we still get the books!!!
Will.P Will.P
Well I only have 20 to 30$ to spend on book orders this month.(what a put down.) I all ready said witch books I'm getting.( I'm only getting The Guinness World Records 2010 Gamers Edition because Herb wants me to get it.)
(P.S. I all ready posted on this one but I forgot say one thing.)
P.S. P.S. Justin you all ready said you were getting mail for dogs in class.
Hi it's me! I'm getting 1 book from the Arrow flyer that's 8$.
It's the second book in a series I'm reading. The author is Hadix that the author of Among the Hidden. The title of the first book is Found and I think this book is called Lost.I gave the frist book to Mrs. Simonds it's on one of the shelves.I going to out do everyone else,eeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
book boy the second or Cam
I found out that Mail for Dogs is in the arrow orders.I am geting that book and more.I'm geting Tunnels and its sequel. I am also getting Neil Armstrong is my Uncle.I am getting mythlopedia.That book is about Greek mythology. I must be going now.I forgot to tell you that I'm Justin.
I bought books from the book orders!! but they were from the tab catalog. :( But I spent 21 $s!!!!
normaL (a.k.a not Gianna if thats what u think!!!)
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