Hello Class!
Tomorrow we will be beginning our class novel study of "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor. Just as in "The Liberation of Gabriel King", there may be some references to historical facts, vocabulary or incidents that you do not have knowledge of. The book takes place in 1942 during World War II. What do you know about this war?
The story takes place on an island called Curacao. Do a little research and see if you can find where this island is. Tell me what you find out or know about where it is located.
Here are a few terms you will come across while reading the book. See if you know what any of them mean or if you can do a bit of research about them. Tell me what you know or find out.
blackout curtains
pontoon bridge
1. Curacao is located in the off the Carribean Sea. It is the capital of Willemsatad. I couldn't really understand the other terms.
2. ( This was suposed to be first)I don't know really anything about the World War 2
3. Here are the definitions of the terms in the book:U-Boat: A military submarine operated by Germany in particularly in World War I and II. I don't know which refinery you mean, a oil refinery or a normal refinery. Also I couldn't find the definition of blackout curtain, just sales. Pontoon Bridge: a bridge that floats on water. Wow, I just learned a lot. I guess you DO learn something new every day.
I know alot about World War II. There were Nazis that wanted to rule the world. They were very much like the terrorists. They wanted to control everyone. Any one that rebelled against them died. They were in some way racist. They didn't like Jews especially. They were blinded by their leader Hitler. He has gone down as one of the most evilest men in the world!!! They did cruel cruel things to people. So the world was fighting against them.
By your Hitler hating servent Alex:Z
I know that world war two was when Hitler and his army invaded Poland and that Japan did something to Pearl Harbor. I reaserched Curacao
and found out that it is near the North coast of South America. I think the curreny of Curacao is the Dutch Antilles. In Curacao they speak Dutch and Papiamento. I will bring in a map in tommorrow of Curacao. The U-BOAT is a German submarine. The definition of a refinery is: a industrialwhere substances such as oil and suger are processed and purified.I didn't really find any thing that says what a black out curtain is. The pontoon bridge floats on water.
I know A TON about WWII because you know I always read WWII.Curacao is located off the Carribean sea I think? The capital is Williamsatad.U-Boat is a Nazi submarine in World war one and two.
Refinery:Is a industrial where sugar and oil are purified.I couldn't find what black out curtian.But the potoon bridge floots on water.
~Will Donnell
I know that it is located off of the gulf of Venezuela. I know that a U-boat is a German submarine used to support big ships such as the Bismark. A Blackout curtain is a curtain to move or get rid of all light so the Germans could not attack or bomb. A pontoon bridge is a bridge that floats and can be moved from place to place. A refinery is a place to make stuff more pure. from hendelson/hendelberry//hernie
It is 89 degrees there right now. It is the Caribbean sea just North of south america and near the Netherlands. The population is 192,000. It is called the Queen Emma and it is 400 feet.
Pontoon bridges float.
Black out curtains are like a inch thick they are supposed to keep out light. So that the houses couldn't be seen in world war 2.
The book Cay is good.
Mullet Man Noah
I do not know anything about world war two.Curacao is in the caribbean and is one of the five islands,it is located 40 miles off the coast of venezuela,42 miles east of Aruba,and 30 miles west of Bonaire.A U-boat is a type of submarine invented by the germans to use in world war 1 and world war 2.A refinery is a industrial plant for purifying a crude substance.Blackout curtains are used to cover light in homes or buildings. Pontoon bridges are floating bridges supported by floating pontoons with sufficient buoyancy to support the bridge and dynamic loads.
by Andrew Leduc
WWII started on spetember 1st 1939, and ended spetember 2nd 1945.
Caracao is located east of South America.
A U-boat refers exclusively to the German vessels of the World Wars.
An oil refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas.
Blackout curtains are what towns used to cover up their windows so if any bombers fly above, they wont be able to see any lights, which makes it harder for them to know if its a town.
A pontoon bridge is a bridge on floats. It will stay like that untill another boat comes. If the boat is too small to go under the pontoon bridge, the pontoon bridge will be able to be raised or removed out of the boats way.
By Hitler. AKA Herb.
That was dedicated to Alex L
#1. I don't know a lot about world war ||. All that I know is that tons of people died, the end.
#2. Curacao is in the southwestern Caribbean it is 70 km (44 miles) north of South America. I went on google search "where is curacao island located?" and found this.
#3. ( I looked all this up on the computer) A U-boat is a German submarine usually armed with torpedoes.
a refinery is a industrial plant its used to purify stuff like oil, petroleum, etc. (or ext or ect i really have no idea)
I couldn't find anything on blackout curtains....
pontoon bridge is a floating bridge... wow that is cool.
cat reader emma
I found out that Curacao coins are mostly in the shape of a rhombus. Their bank notes [paper money] are usually red in color. Curacao has one national park, that's Mt.Christoffel. Curacao's flag has two stars in the top left hand corner like this*
the*higher one is smaller than the lower one. The flag has a yellow strip towards the botem and the rest of the flag is blue. Curacao is located just north of South America and east of Panama,Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
[It is in the Caribbean sea.]
Could it be Cam?
Curacao is located in the Carribean Sea. The capital is Willemstad. I know that World War was when Hitler and his army invaded Poland and that Japan did bombed Pearl Harbor. "Zum x-ten Mal seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs war Europa gesetzt abuzz letzte Woche von der behauptete Entdeckung eines lebenden Kindes von Adolf Hitler." I just said For the umpteenth time since the end of World War II, Europe was set abuzz last week by the claimed discovery of a living child of Adolf Hitler. A man name Werner said this, most people think it is untrue. Hitler did not have any kids.
Mullet Man Noah
will.p will.p
Well Curacao is in the Caribbean Sea.I also know that Willemstad is the capital of that Island. I can't remember if in the first chapter they were in Willemstad?
I know only one thing from that list at the bottom of the page.The blackout curtains, I know that they put them up to block all the light so the Nazi would not kill them
P.S. I could not find a good website for World War 2.
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