I thoroughly enjoyed our reading together today of "The Sweetest Fig" by Chris Van Allsburg. It is always fun to read a new book by an author that I already like.
So far we have read together two of Van Allsburg's books, "The Sweetest Fig" and "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi". In both of those books, Van Allsburg creates characters that make me feel strongly about them. In today's book, I took quite a dislike to Bibot. How did you feel toward the two characters? It is important to think about how we feel toward the characters that we are reading about.
Can you think of another book that made you feel strongly about a character? Maybe you can think of a book where you felt indifferent to a character. What does an author do in his or her writing that makes you feel strongly, either like or dislike, toward a character?
By the way,here is a link to the author's homepage....some neat stuff to check out.....
Chris Van Allsburg
I dont think The docter guy was nice. He actually seems kind of greedy. When the patient was done getting her tooth pulled she sayd she didnt have any money to pay the docter. So she gave him a Fig. He took the fig but didnt give the patient her pain killer pills. I'm sure if he knew the figs were really magical, he probably would've given her the pills.
That was brought to you by Herb
Abdul and Bibot are very similiar. C.V.A likes to have a rude and mean character in his books to really get you interested in his books. It sure pulled me into the books so it probably does for other people too. C.V.A likes white dogs that are bad or are having to be with horrible owners. If your a dog lover which a lot of pepole are you would get so mad at the guy that you would have to read it. Clever, clever, clever C.V.A . I dislike Bibot the most because he was so mean to the dog and the lady. I wish we could hear about how Bibot liked it being a dog with a horrible owner.
your sweetest fig Cam
Will.p Will.p
Well if I was going to say something about "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi" I would say that Fritz is the one that makes me feel strongly about because... I think Fritz is a bad/good dog. I think Fritz is a bad dog because he likes to eat peoples hat. I think he is a good dog because I think all dogs are good dogs.( I love dogs.)
Well the book I'm going to say is... Schooled. I picked school because it just liked how the writer makes you feel and everyone knows I LOVE "Gordon Korman"
If you don't know how it is
than you don't know me
one more time
I think Bibot was a very mean selfish guy, and the dog was just being pulled around by him, and the was like, he didnt even have a life he didnt get to sniff, sleep on furniture and thats really what all dogs do. I think yes because thats what the person is trying to get at because if you dont really care about the people in the book, it might not make sense because the character might be the whole book thats what its about. The book Stand Tall Molly Lou Mellon made me feel strongly about Molly because she is very small and when she moves, theres a kid named Ron and he always picked on her and she was very good at baseball, making paper snowflakes and stacking pennies on her teeth because they were so big, and Ron kept calling her a buck tooth beaver and I just felt so bad for Molly. The author can make the character mean or have the person get picked on a lot like Molly, or you could have someone mysterious and strange, like the book The Stranger we read after he was strange and everybody in the class was wondering about him and what he was.
Rajon Rondo and Kevin Garnett
I don't like the dentist. I think that all he cares about is himself. I thought the dog was funny. I liked how Allsburg made the dog come back. I thought the lady was weird. I wonder where the lady got the fig? Sargent Ducky
I dont like Bibot at all. He is mean and greedy. His patient couldnt pay in money so she gave him a rare fig. He didnt give her her pills because she couldnt pay. She told him the fig could make his dreams come true but Bibot didnt really belive her at all. Until he eats it and he goes to work in the morning in his underpants. Everyone stares and he doesnt know why. He dreamed that he went to work in his underpants and his dream came true!!! His plan was to dream of being the richest man on earth but before he could, his dog eats the last of the fig and dreams to switch places with Bibot!
I do not think that The dentist guy was very nice. I do think that the dog was nice though . In thee book Neil Armstrong Is My Uncle, something happened near the end witch made me like one character better then the main character. I don't know why Authors do that.
I don't like Bibot because like Herb said, I agree he's greedy. There is always a character in the book you will dislike. Bibot is a character that you want bad things to happen to him like when he was walking in front of the cafe and had no pants on. I think it's weird though that I wanted to see Bibot get what he wanted. To be the richest man in the world. I think it was a real twist that his dog ate the fig. Although, I never really caught on to what he dreamed of(or wished.
The last thing I really wondered about is what happened to the lady who gave him the figs. Was she a witch or somethig? Did she curse it? That was something that I just couldn't get out of my head.
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
I loved this book! I think he was mean to the dog and the lady who gave him the 2 figs. But I dont think he was that mad after the fig made his dream come true. I think he was happy that he got the 2 figs instead of money! I would want 2 figs like he had instead of money. How about you?
I agree with Herb on the doctor guy being mean. What did the dog ever do to him!? He is definitely greedy. I wonder why the lady let him take the figs if he didn't give her the pain killer pills. I agree with Herb. If he knew the figs were magical he most likely would have give her the pills. I love Van Allsburg's books. I wonder where Van Allsberg gets all his ideas for his books. They all seem so different. I can't wait to read the rest of the books.
I don't like Bibot because he's mean. He acts mean towards his dog just because Marcel sniffs trees like any other dog. I felt bad for that lady who had no money. I'm surprised that Bibot didn't call the cops because he's mean enough to do it to an old lady. I disagree with Herb. I think even if Bibot knew they were magic he woudn't give the pills without proper payment. From(the guy who's getting cold)Cheeseball.
P.S. Henry, wh'd you copy me!!!:P
P.P.S. I'm getting really desparate 4 things to write!
I agree with Cam on Bibot and Abdul Gasazi being very similar. I don't know if Van Alzberg ALWAYS has a mean person. I mean, in Just A Dream there is no mean person. Well, actually, Walter WAS sort-of mean but not in the same way as Gasazi and Bibot. Van Alzberg definitely likes to have twists in his books. I didn't see a twist in Just a Dream, though. I guess that after Walter was nice to the Earth the twist was his dreams got better, but that isn't really like a twist. It is more like changing a bad dream to a good dream by doing something nice for the planet. I do wonder why he uses white dogs all the time. Cam is right about dog lovers wanting to read the book because we (I am a dog lover myself) want to know what happens to the dog. I agree with Cam on wanting to know on what Bibot thought of being a dog. I really like Van Alzberg!!!
I did not like Bobot. He is very unkind. I think that he is greedy too. When he had his last fig he could have wished for world peace or for world hunger to end. But no he wants to be the richest man in the world!!!!
A book I felt strong towards the character is in Skeleton Creek. The character Ryan seemed so real when I was reading his journal. When I finshed the book I forgot that Ryan wasn't real. That made me sad, so I read it again.
I think Bibot is a selfish man thats wants a lot of selfish thing, and the dog is a dog trying to be dog like but he cant Bibot is always mean to him. I don't think you should really fall for characters because you always get hooked on them and feel bad even though they are just colored pencil?! I think Molly Lou Mellon, because she always gets picked on the most by Ronald Durkin and I felt so bad for her but as I said you shouldn't get hooked on the characters. The author makes the person have a bad personality and is selfish like Bibot!!
Rajon Rondo (is so cute)!!
I love his books because they have a great twist to them. Bibot was very very mean because everything had to be clean. He was very mean to the dog because he wouldn't let him take the elovater.The magician made Alan look like a Dummy because he thought that Fritz was a duck.I think Alan is REALLY guilobol.Tamar made me Feel strongly about Dart because he made a huge impact on the world.
By Will Donnell
I thought that Bibot was really terrible towards his dog and that he was very spoiled and rotten.I also think that Bibot's dog deserved a much better and nicer owner.I also thought that Gasazi was a mean and a terrible lier to that little boy in the story.When I was little I used to read a book called Funny Bunny and I felt strongly about the boy bunny.It tells about the past and the future the character had.
by Andrew Leduc
date 2-24-10
I did not like Bibot. I think that he was abusing his dog and he deserves being a dog at the end.
I think that the ending was really bizarre. Chirs Van Allsburg usually makes his endings have different possiblitys. Like in the ending of "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi" Fritz could have had Allens hat... but he could have had a random hat that he found on the street. And Abdul Gasazi could have turned Fritz into a duck... or he could have played a trick on Allen.
Six point five (6.5)
I dont think the docter guy was nice.
he deserves to be a dog forever. he dosn't even deaserve to be a dentest.Ps my sister is geting surgery tommorow she has to get a screw and bolt in her rist while shes asleep yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im so exsited. Will.p noah .p
Will .D
I didn't like Bibot at all. All he is, is a stuck up snob that is greedy. He ABUSED his dog!!!!! :( His dog didn't do anything to him. HE WAS SO GREEDY!!!!! He could have hypnotized himself into dreaming world peace or an end to world hunger or an end to global warming, but what did he hypnotize himself into dreaming??? That he was the richest man in the world!!!!!!! That wouldn't help anyone but himself! I am really glad the dog ate the fig because now he can get revenge!!!!
Another book(or series) would be the warrior series because I hated a cat named Tigerstar. he was disloyal and murdered like 20 cats!!! All he wanted was power, too. He wanted to rule all the clans and have the other cats serve him. I am really glad he was stopped.
kitty cat person that serves cats
I really dont like Bibot because he is mean and greedy. The patient couldnt pay w/ $ so she gave him magical figs and he is so mean and greedy that he doesnt give her her pills cause she couldnt pay. I agree with cam cause in some of his books, there is a white dog and he gets into some sort of mischief. I think its really unfair the way he treats his dog in this book cause in the end, the dog eats the fig and wishes to switch places with Bibot. I think he did it out of revenge! ............thats it. ive got notin else rite now.
Fred Figglehorn a.k.a. not Gianna if dats wat u tink!!!!!!!
I don't like Bibot because he is mean to his dog and he is mean to his patients. I feel strongly about the stranger from the book "The Stranger" because he is mysterious and it is hard to figure out what he is. When a writer makes me feel strongly about someone it means they made the characters mean to animals or people. I think the Chris Van Allsburg website is really cool!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
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