We read about this new book in class and heard from the author why he wrote it. What do you think about combining technology with reading? Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not?
Here is the the author's website where you can check out his other books.
Are there any you have read? What did you rate them and why?
Are there any that look interesting? Why or why not?
I think it is neat that the author combined technology with reading because I personally love both technology AND reading, so I think it is a good mix. I think it is a good idea because this generation of kids are so into the new thing in technology. Plus a lot of kids like to read, so I think this will attract a pretty large crowd. As you all know, I hate videos that go with books because I get creeped out SO easily. But, it seems to me that a lot of kids DO like the videos for books, so I guess I will just have to live with it. Adios for now!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
I think Thriteen Days to Midnight looks kind of good because of the tile I'm usoming that it's at night and I love nightime so it looks great.He also said that it was about super heros too so that's really cool.For some wierd reason the kid on the cover reminds me of Justin Beiber. Mrs.Simonds hope you'll be in school tomarow.
By Squilliam
(Will Donnell)
I think it is a good idea to use technology in a book. It's a good idea because it makes it fun. Because you get to videos after you read a chapter or so. I like watching videos. It makes it so I want to read it it more to see to the videos. It is like action and science. There is a girl who likes monster trucks she has to know angles to get the markers to finish her task she is learning while doing things she is interested in. I am excited for someone to buy the book I think they will really like it. Mullet Man Noah
I think that mixing technology with books is a bad idea. I think this because when you're reading you imagine the charecters. If you watch the video they get you all confused about how the characters look. For example:I watched the "Lightning Theif" and I noticed that Annabeth looked completly different from how I imaged her in the book. I read the book again and Annabeths look kept changing in my head so I got frustrated. all Thats. From(the savage ruler) Cheeseball
I think it is a good and bad idea, (If this is even what you mean) because if you combine books with technology you can't rip the pages or the cover, you cant lose your spot, and it is probably lighter and easier to carry around. Plus your parents cant tell you to stop using screens because you're reading! The bad thing is while you're in the middle of a really good part it can run out of power. That always stinks. Especially when you don't have a charger!! I haven't read any of them but I will give them a try.... It looked pretty interesting though. :)
C@t N!p
I think that when you combine technology with reading it can make reading more fun.I think that it is a good idea combining technology with reading.Because it can let you see new inventions and how to work them.And it can tell you what you can use it for.Also if it is a great invention and you spread it around it can make itself more popular.
by Andrew Leduc
date 4-27-10
I think it is a great idea because I like diffrent things.Its cool how he combind technology with reading.I like how he thought of something different.If all books were the same it would be pretty boring.I think TRACKER would be a cool book to read, the combination is very intresting.I also think it is very very cool how they have a website like SKELETON CREEK. Like they always say "never judge a book by its cover".
I think it might be good to combine reading with technology because kids might like it better. Kids around our age really like technology so combining it with books could make kids more interested in the book and then they would read it. Its weird because I have heard of a lot of Patrick Carman's books but I have never really heard of him. I think 39 clues looks interesting. The description of it kind of makes we want to read it. Thirteen Days to Midnight looks really cool. I might want to check that one out. I missed you at school today!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I think it is a good idea because technology is used alot so book+ tech=HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Technology is used more often and this is a book that you can see the characters, how they act, what they do, and their personality without having to guess. I think that it's harder to do it because you need actors, directors and all that other stuff. Skeleton Creek isn't a hit in our school, like no one is going nuts for Skeleton Creek, but I don't know about other schools. I have never read a book that involves technology like that, but I will read one called TRACKERS. Henry
I have not read any of his books.I am sad because I have not read any of his even thought his books look amazing.His book looks really cool called 13 Days to Midnight.On the video he said that it was about.Also the Adveture to the Dark planet looks really good also.I think it's cool that two of his books have sites were you can watch movies about parts of the book.
BY Squilliam!!!!!
I wrote a blog yesterday and it did not post today. I hope it is ok. I am almost done with snow spiders. I like it. It is really cool. I think Ben will like Trackers because it is about criminals. He likes books with action in them. In Snow Spiders a boy gets lost and is found. I would read something that is scarier next. I can pick something new tomorrow.
Mullet Man Noah
I love Skeleton Creek !!!! Skeleton Creek is one of my favorite books! It has suspense, mystery, and drama. Although it has a lot of action and excitement, you really feel like you get to know the characters. After you're finished with the book you forget that the characters are not real. On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate it a 11!! I notice that in a lot of his books you can watch videos at the end of chapters. As I said on my last blog, "These books are the future."
Alex L
Hello everybody!
I think using technology is good and bad in different ways. I think it's good at this time because kids are starting to go on the computer more often. Thus, kids are using their computers to interact with their book.
I think it's bad because looking at the computer screen is bad for your eyes. Also, if they're on they might as well do other things on the computer instead of going outside. I guess if you take a quick time looking at the website, you can go back to reading the book! If you think about it, earlier back in the year we did a blog about watching t.v. if it's good or bad for you. It still depends on whether it's the geography channel or MTV. There's a difference.
100% Sarah (Ronnoc'o Haras)
I think it is cool idea because, if haven't read the book you can explore of what the book is about, and what kind of things are in the book. Also you can get more into the book and tell people what it is about and tell them to on the website. I haven't read any of the books yet, but they look interesting and kind of my type of book (a little). I was wondering how long they were because I have finish the Series Of Unfourtanete Events first and I could read it if were kind of short. They look interesting because they have tasks and if they go wrong who knows what will happen?
Rajon Rondo
P.S I am listening to the song SOLO be Iyaz!!!! so good
I like the sound of "Thirteen Days Until Midnight. I especially like the part where it says "The Grim Reaper can't dissapear,just catch up". Does anyone else like the sound of this book? If you do please tell me. I like the sound of "Atherton" as well. That will be all......For now. From(the trained warrior)Cheeseball
I think that 39 Clues looks good. I used to think it didn't look good. I also think I would not like it because it is so popular and I don't read popular books. I think now that I am going to read it because it is by Patrick Carman!!! I would like someone that has read the book to do a book talk on it so I know how good it is. I don't really know what it is about.
Alex L.
I have not read any of his books.I have just noticed that two of his books have videos to watch after you the chapter.Adventure to Dark Planet looks good.Trackers doesn't look that good it doesn't look exciting to me.13 Days to midnight looks good.Patrick said it was about super heros on the video.
P.S I'm listen to O.M.G by to Usher and will.i.am
By Squilliam
I think it's a good combination because having the computer involved might make some kids who don't like reading read the book because they have to or they won't understand the videos. After they finsh the book they might realize that they like reading. Some people might think that it's bad that a book makes kids go on the computer, but as I said up there I think it's good. Right now I'm reading a seris called "Leven Thumps". It's really good, it's about a boy named Leven who lives with his "aunt" and "uncle". He meets a girl who can frezee things, a talking "toothpick", and a sycophant named Clover. They set off on a journey to get into Foo and destroy the gateway before Sabine and his Shadows Destroy reality. The real book boy Cam
I liked "Skeleton Creek" by Patrick Carman. It was a great action filled book and it made you want more. I think Patrick Carman had a great idea when he came up with combining videos and books. There would definitely be a lot less people reading "Skeleton Creek" and "Trackers" if he hadn't made videos with them. I agree with Julia that kids are really into technology now and that technology+reading= pretty cool. Alex C., not everyone has that problem, I know I don't. When I did "Skeleton Creek" it didn't give me problems picturing the characters. Also in books when I start to read and a character has a wierd name I just make it sound as close as possible. When I realize what it really is, I just keep doing it the way I made it up. The Cam of all Cams
I have read one book by Patrick Carman which is "Skeleton Creek". I would rate it a 8.5 because it has a cool topic and it always makes you want more. I thought "39 Clues" looked good, I'm probably going to read the series. I thought "Thirteen Days To Midnight" looked good, it sounded very unique. I also thought that "Athertan" looked good, it sounded like it had a lot of action in it. I'm definitely going to read "Trackers". It sounded like it's going to be like "Skeleton Creek" but better. Cam strikes back
I have not read any of his books.Trackers doesn't look that good because it doesn't have much action acording to the videos.But 13 Days to midnight looks good.Patrick said it was abput super heros acording to the videos.It's kind of weird how to of his books have videos to go a long after you read the chapter.
By Squilliam
I think that it is a great to put togther a great combo.Techolnogy and reading my two favorite things.I think it's a great idea because after you read a chapter you can go online and type in code and see the video.Have not read any of his books.But 13 Days to Midnight looks good.Patrick said it was about super heros on the video.
By Squilli@m!!
"The Land of Elyon sounds like the book "The Looking Glass Wars". I say this because in the "Looking Glass Wars", Alice gets very curious and goes outside the kingdom. Since she did that ,she found a cat which turned out to be an assasin. So it was an object that wasn't what it seemed.Therefore, it sounds like"The Land Of Elyon". I'm done now! From(the best band leader ever)Cheeseball.
I am now reading Silver Tongue and I like it. It is a good book because it has a lot of action in it. I just read Snow Spider I really liked it I want to read the next Snow spider. I haven't read book 1 or 2. Oh i'm not going to be at school till 10:30 or sometime in the morning ill be at school though my whole family have to talk with some people.
I am now reading Silver Tongue and I like it. It is a good book because it has a lot of action in it. I just read Snow Spider I really liked it I want to read the next Snow spider. I haven't read book 1 or 2. Oh i'm not going to be at school till 10:30 or sometime in the morning ill be at school though my whole family have to talk with some people.
Mullet Man Noah
I think combing techology and reading my two favorite things.I think it's a great idea because after you read a chapter you can go on online and watch a chapter.I have not read any of his books but they look fermilure.I think 13 Days to Midnight to midnight looks good.Patrick said that it was about super heros.I think Andrew would like it.I also think that Adventure to Dark Planet looks good.
I think that reading and techology are a great mix because after you read a chapter you can go online and watch the video for it.I have not read any of his books.But they look fermiler.I think that 13 days to midnicht looks really good.Patrick said that it was a bout supeer heros.I also think that Alex Lumia would love 13 Days to minight.
By Squilliam or WILL THE THRILL
I think that cobining techology and reading is a great mix because after you read a chapter you can go online and watch a video for it.I am in a really good part in Maxium Ride.I have not read any of his books but they look vermiler.1 Days to Midnight looks really good.Patrick said that it was about super heros.I also think that 13 Days to Midnight looks really good.
Mrs.Simonds said that we could post things that don't answer the question so I'm going to do that. I like "Rules" so far,it's an ok story from what we've heard from reading it out loud. I like how in this book it's about a person who's family member has a problem instead of the other person having it. It must be stressful to have to deal with a person who will do odd things at odd times. does anyone else agree? If so, please blog. Aloha! From(the guy who's not Cheeseball) Not Cheeseball
I think mixing technology with books is a bad idea. I think this because once your done reading a chapter do you really want to watch a video on what you've just read? If you do I've got another reason why it's a bad idea. Once your done with a chapter you don't want to stop reading do you? Plus when you get back to the book you don't have the same I've got to keep reading feeling. Dat's all.From(the ripped dude)Cheeseball
Well I think that putting technology with reading is a good thing. For example I like technology more than reading. (I think a lot of kids like technology more than reading.) So I think this will makes reading more fun for kids how like technology more than reading. So ya I think it's a grate idea.
See you later.
I disagree with Alex C. because like I said more people go online than read a book.(AMAZING!!!!!!!!!) I think the author was smart to mix technology and reading. I don't remember any book called "Thriteen days till Midnight." I thought it was going to be about WWII, but instead it's about super powers. Looking at the review on Amazon, it makes me sort of wonder about it. I think it looks intriguing. Henry
There is also a bad thing about combining technology with books. Kids might want to buy the book just because they want the passwords to watch the movies. They might just watch the movies and forget about the book. There is a good and bad side about combining technology with books. The good side is that it might make kids want to read more, but it might make kids spend more time on the computer. I like books that have videos to go with them.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I have another thing that is bad about combining technology with books. When you go on the computer to watch the videos, you can easily get off task and start playing games. So I have two reasons that combining them is bad and one that it is good. I think what Mr. Geranus did was really cool because since he showed us the videos you couldn't get off task at all. Mr. Geranus had a awesome idea!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I am excited for the Gundalow I wish that it was not docked and we could ride on it. I think the Gundalow will be old. It is a replica of a 1880 gundalow boat it was built in 1982. It is named the The Captain Edward H. Adams after the last gundalow captain in the Great Bay. It is now used for teaching and as a museum. Mullet Man Noah
I am surprised in Julia's blog about one thing,that she julia said that she did not like seeing movies that are related to books. I also thought that in her blog was a bit funny, it was when she did the words Adios for now. She also sounded really serious when she capitalized SO, DO, and AND. Then when she did technology and reading because I thought of it a different way .It is true that a lot of kids love video's being part of books,I also do as well.
by Andrew Leduc
date 5-10-10
Has anyone read the "Ancient Darkness" series here? I seriously reccomend it. It has to do with a boy who meets a wolf cub. Torak(the boy) can talk to the cub who he names Wolf. They travel together and have an unbreakable bond. I've only read the first book ("Wolf Brother") and I'm working on the second but from what I've read most of it involves demons. A demon is formed when you die and lose your clan spirit therefore leaving you with your name spirit and world spirit. With only two spirits anyone can catch you and put you in a body. Demons hate all living things but must obey their master. So what do you think do you want to read it? Sincerely(the dude who's spikey)Cheeseball
P.S. The Gundalo trip was AWESOME!
I started reading Skeleton Creek but then I stopped. Other than that, I did not read any others.
Trackers sounds really good! I am going to put it on my "books I want to read" list. I also think that the 39 Clues books look good. I willput those on my list too.
Katherine the stalker
p.s. hi!!! !!! !!!
p.p.s. My mom only likes it when I do three! at a time!!!
I think it is great that Patrick Carman is making it so that you can watch videos of the book. Thats really cool. I didn't buy the book so I can't watch the videos.
I have not read any of his books , but I did go to the Skeleton Creek in MR. G's class. I have to admit that I was scared after the first video. I knew what was going to happen but it surprised me.
the namdapha flying squirle #1 fan
I think Thirteen Days Till Midnight looks cool. It sounds like an action book because there are super heros in it. I also think it might be a mystery/ horror. It seems like it might be like Skeleton Creek. I am not sure if it is out yet or not.
Alex L
I think that combing techology and reading is a great idea because after you read a chapter you can go online and watch a video on the chapter.But sometimes some of his videos aren't really that cool. For example when I watched a video from Skelton Creek I could clearly tell that the ghost was fake. I'm in a really good spot in Maximum Ride.Mrs.Simonds, how many books are in the series? After I finish Maximum Ride I'm probably going to read Skelton Creek.
By Squilliam or WILL THE THRILL
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