Wow, Wow, Wow......you all are really blowing me away with all your excellent blogging and conversations! I am so excited to see how good you have all gotten at this.
I have read your posts on antagonists and protagonists and someone asked if there has to be an antagonist. Does there? What do you all think?
Does an antagonist have to be a person...can it be something else? If you think it can, give me an example.
Can there be more that one antagonist? Why or why not? Can you give an example?
Is an antagonist always bad? Do a little research, see how many definitions you can find and let me know what you think. Thinking about all the books you have read in the past might help you answer this question.
I don't think there always has to be an antagonist because not all storys have a bad guy. No, an antagonist doesn't have to be a person. Let's say the book was about a talking dog. The bad guy could be another dog so it does NOT have to be a person. Yes, there can be more than one antagonist because in The Of Abdul Gasazi there are two antogonists, Abdul Gasazi and the dog (I can't remember the dogs name). I don't know if there can be more than one antagonist. I'm just not sure. What other picture books are we reading? I LOVE picture books!!!
-julia bagoolia-
I think that an antagonist has to be in a story, ALWAYS! It doesn't have to even be a person. I think an antagonist is the conflict of the story, the problem.
Like I said before, an antagonist does not have to be a person really. It can be a nasty storm that takes a part a house on a street one by one. That's just one example.
I think there can be more than one antagonist because two villians can team up together to accomplish their goals. Like I said in the Protagonists and Antagonists blog, one example is when sand man and venom team up to kill Spider-Man. What I also said in that blog is that Sand Man is technically mean at the end. At the beginning you figure out that he kills Peter Parker's grandpa and you just think 'Bad Guy!' but if you know all his reasonings for robbing the banks and killing people you wouldn't think he's so bad anymore. His daughter is very sick so he robbed banks to get the money to make a cure,and killed Grandpa by accident.(this isn't a book but it's all I could think of)
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
For a good story you need an oppsinig force it doesn't matter what it is. There can be more than one antagonist EXAMPLE Harry Potter Lord Voldemort and the death eaters. A definition a rival opponet or opisit. In my opinoin not all antagoist are bad just have to oppose. A good writer always a bump just have a antagonist help the bump. Henry
An Antagonist or Protagonist has to be a person. Yes there can be more than one Antagonist or Protagonist, because there people.
An Antagonist is a bad guy.
A Protagonists is a good guy.
An example of a antagonist is the joker in The Dark Knight
An example of a protaginist is Batman.
I don't think an antagonist is always bad. An antagionist is someone who opposes the protagonist right, so if the antagionist is someone who opposes the protagonist it could mean they have a different idea. If it was a book about running for 8th grade president the person running against the protagonist would be considered the antagonist. That person isn't mean or bad they're just opposing the protagonist. An antagionist can be more than one thing. In any of the Redwall books there's always a army of vermin. That would mean there's a lot more than one antagonist.
Mrs. Simonds antagonist Cam
I disagree with Sarah. As I said before, there doesn;t always have to be an antagonist. That is because some books do NOT have bad guys/animals. Does Where The Wild Things Are have a bad guy/monster? NO!! I do agree with Sarah on that the antagonist is the conflict of the story. I disagree with Henry. For a good story I do not think there has to be an evil force. I like realistic fiction novels so I guess I just don't like reading fantasy books. I can NOT wait to read Rules even though I read it already, it is a GREAT book.
-julia the coolia-
I was thinking yesterday of a character in a book that is a protaognost and an antagonist. I was thinking of a character that one person in the book that they like and the other doesn't, and I thought of one. Jacob from Twilight. To Bella he's her muscular BFFL who is there when she needs him. He's madly in love with her but gives her her space.(most of the time, he has his moments!)
To Edward, Jacob is a werewolf that has a treaty with the Cullen pack that they wouldn't go on the reservation. Edward doesn't like Jacob because he always flirts with Bella and makes Edward and Bella's love all a joke(that's the antagonist part of him). The protagonist part of him is when Bella and Jacob are hanging out. They're best friends and can't stay mad at each other!
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
I dont think there needs to be a antagonist in some stories because some stories are peaceful and not always adventure and mystery. I noticed when I was reading a book the antagonist was only in the beginning of the book and never came back. I think the antagonist doesnt have to be person because you could have a person in the story that hates dog and she moved and her new best friend has a mean dog and the dog hates her and tries to bite her whenever she comes over. Yes there can be my isnt going to be that long this time, so two bad people van team up to go and destroy this one little poor kid that is innocent.
Rajon Rondo and Kevin Garnett (:
I don't think there has to be a antagonist because the book Voices in The Park There is no one who really is mean to the main charaters.
I don't think A antagonist has to be A person. If there was a book about ducks and one of the characters was mean to another duck' then he could be a antagonist.
If there is two ducks who are mean they could both be the antagonist.I feel bad for the duck that got treated mean.
I looked up antagonist in the dictionary and found two words,Antagonize and Antagonism.
Antagonize means"To cause dilike in; make an enemy of."
Antagonism means"A strong feeling of being against A person or thing".
From, Justin
I think there must be one because every story has a main charcter well then agian in Schooled there was numborius chachters.I think that it could devintaly be more than a human because what if you were reaading about a dog or a cat or (etc).Flip those answers around I did them in a wrong order SORRY.I don't think that they have to be bad because what about Rowley from Diary of a wimpy kid. I can't wait to see the movie it looks so good.
Herb I don't agree with you. An antagonist doesn't always have to be a person. For example I read a book [I forget what it's called] about about a computer taking over a "from the future" house. The computer was the antagonist. Also in Skeleton Creek the [I forgot the machine name] is the antagonist well actully the ghost is but let's just say the machine was the antagonist. An antagonist is not always bad. As I said in another blog if the book was about running for 8th grade presedent and the protagonist was running for it and another person was running for it the other person would be concedered the antagonist. That other person isn't bad he's just opposing the protagonist.
Herb's antagonist Cam
I don't think there has to be an antagonist in books because not all story's have a bad guy (like what Julia said.) The antagonist does not have to be a person. It could be an animal also because in The Garden of Abdul Gasazi Fritz is one of the antagonist's. There can be more than one antagonist, because in "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi" Abdul Gasazi is one, and Fritz is the other. I think a antagonist is not always bad, but usually.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I disagree with Sarah that there has to be an antagonist. Some books are not all action or mystery. I read a book called "King of the Wind" and there is no specific antagonist in it.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I disgree with Julia. A good story always does have antagonist. I can't name a single book without one except for non-fiction books. Some stories don't really show that they have an antagonist, like some of the Magic Treehouse books. For example, in the first book they are attacked by a dinosaur and you can tell by its actions it is an antagonist. Henry
Will.p Will.p
Well I think you don't have to have a antagonist. Because in my book "Hatchet." I don't think there is a antagonist person. But I could be wrong.
Well in class you kind of said you do not have to be a person to be a antagonist. For example Fritz is a dog and he is antagonist.
Yes. I think there does need to be an anagonist because if there is not antagonist there is no confict and all good books have some kind of conflict in them.
No. I dont think a antagonist has to be a person. Like in the gusavi book (sorry I forgot what it's called) one of the antagonists was a dog. And in the Warrior Cats books the antagonists are the other clans of cats.
Yes. There can be more then one antagonist. for example.. in the Twilight books there is more then one antagonist like the wolf pack at some parts and the Voltoi in other parts. And also in the gustavi book the antagonists are Frits (or Fritz) and the magician.
emma and cat
There can be more than one antagonist but there isn't always more then one. Mrs Simonds do you have a favorite book that I might like because I have a page and a half left of my book!!!(Timothy of the Cay). But I want to read "News for Dogs" the one that Candace is reading. But I'm not sure if she is close to being done yet and her book sounds really good!!! That is why I was wondering if you have read a really good book!!!
I disagree with Henry because he said a good story always has an antagonist but I have read great stories with no antagonist. My favorite book does not have an antagonist! Some good books do have many antagonists, but not all good books have to. I don't think books have to have an antagonist the tiniest bit!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I agree with Sarah because all stories have to have a antagonist.It also doesn't have to be a human.What other kinds of picture books are we going to read?
I love them!!I disagree with who ever wrote there could only be one antagonist because what about in schooled there is tons of them.I also think that antagonist aren't always bad because what about Rowley from diary of a wimpy kid he isn't evil and bad and stuff.
By Will Donnell
I do not agree with Herb that an antagonist is always a person. Like in "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi" how the class agreed that one of the antagonists is a dog. A dog is not a person, it is a dog. So my point is that not all antagonists are humans.
I also do not agree with Julia because "Where the Wild Things are" does have an antagonist. The mom is Maxes antagonist because she will not give hinm dinner (he was bad). If the story had a different main character then Max would probably be the antagonist.
I think that there is always an antagonist in a book.
Yes there does need to be an antagonist. I think that there does have to be an antagonist because there needs to be a character besides the main character. Yes a antagonist can be something else. A antagonist can be an animal. Yes there can be more than one antagonist. Because there can be lots of people that are really inside the story. No an antagonist is not always bad.
by Andrew Leduc
Date 2-8-10
I think there in all different genres well not in all genres there is a protagonist and an antagonist. In "Hatchet" Brian is the protagonist of the story. There is no antagonist in "Hatchet" that is a person nature and animals are the antagonists. The antagonist does not always have to be a single character or even a character at all. Antagonist can annoy fight and embarass the character. I can't think of any stories without an antagonist. Plankton is the protagonist in sponge bob.
Mullet man Noah
I think there doesnt need to be an antagonist in some stories because there not all adventure or mystery. I think an antagonist doesnt have to be a person it could be a animal, like if a girl hated dogs and theres a homeless one by her house and it is very bad and it always comes near her when she comes outside. I think there can be more than one antagonist, because two bad people might team up and try to hurt someone. Ill do some research on that question.
Rajon Rondo
that book looks asome.xoxobritany
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