Hello Room of Readers!
I did enjoy reading "The Cay" with you, but am also glad to get back to more independent reading time. I get to hear about more books that way. ( I LOVE books :)
Today we read "The Garden of Abdul Gasai" by Chris Van Allsburg. We talked about what antagonist and protagonists are again.
A protagonist is the main character of a story.
An antagonist is the one who opposes that character.
You all decided that Alan Mitz was the protagonist, and Fritz the dog and the magician Abdul Gasai were both antgonists.
Tell me about the protagonist in the book you are reading. What is he or she like?
Is there an antagonist, or more than one? What is he/she/they like?
#1. Well I started a new book today "News For Dogs" when im reading it I think about all the anamails that I have had. I dont know why but it just makes me think of them the new book I got today is really interasting and i cant wait to see how it goes im really excited to read it to because I love anamails. But anyways I got to go wonderful readers bye!! Road Runner!
The book I'm reading is called "Redwall". The protaganist is Matthias. The antaganist is Cluny. The other antaganists are Cluny's army. What would a neutral charecter be called? Please let me know. From Cheeseball.
Im the book "Timothy of the Cay" well I started the book last night so it is kind of hard to figur that out. But sense the book is called "Timothy of the Cay" it is going to be about Timothy and you already know about him. The part I am at it is about Phillip. Like you said Mrs Simonds it was going to switch about Timothy and Phillip. But I cant wait until the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dart is the main charchter for parts of my book.Dart likes to drink kill nazi.He also likes to just have fun and he is very stealth because he is a british spy that junped out of a air plane into nazi taken over Holland. He aslo has a assistant but I forget his name.Probably the nazis would be the antagonist they are mean and the kill all of the Jewish people.Their is a ton more there is also Dart's assait he is the same as dart he does have a name I just forget. there is also a done of dutch ressastence who help them fight the nazis.
By Will Donnell
In my book Malice there are many antagonists. One of them is Miss Benjamin. She tries to kill Katy many times. She is like an animal. She can pick up your scent from a mile away!!!
Another big antagonist is Tall Jake. He is the evilest!!! Tall Jake takes you away to Malice and ruins your life!
I just started the book "Twilight" and the protagonist is the main character Bella. I am not really sure who the antagonist is now. It might be the boy Edward who is acting really weird. Or it could be someone else later in the book.
I don't like when we read the same book all together (like "The Cay"). Even when the book is really good. I think it is really fun when Mrs. Simonds just reads us picture books. I like it because there is a different book every day.
P.S. I really liked "The Garden of Abdul Gasai".
Hi! I'm reading "Braking Dawn" (4th Twilight) The protagonists would probably be Edward/The Cullens, Bella, and Jacob's wolf pack. Because they are all trying to (all except Bella) are trying to protect Bella and Bella is the main character. The antagonist is Sam's wolf pack Bacause they want to destroy Bella. They are usually pretty nice but they think that Bella is a danger to the town so they want to get rid of her to make sure the city stays safe. I think I'm going to do my book talk for the 1st bok of the Warriors series "Into the Wild" and I'm pretty sure the next book comes out on February 7th but I'm not completely sure, but I know it come out sometime in this month. I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
emma stew cat emma stew cat emma stew cat emma STEW CAT
I am reading the book Space. It is about space it is a science book. There is no Protagonist or antagonist. I learned that some black holes can fit the size of a planet a black hole can be caused by an explosion in space. It needs gas. I also learned that some people used to think that the earth was square or flat and if they went to the edge they could fall off. I went to the Boston Science Museum last Saturday and it was cool. I saw a movie called Antarctica it was awesome and it was in the imax theatre. It is a theatre that surounds you it is shaped like the world because it is round. We had a blast!! I also saw European Glass snakes they are black and were fighting. I also saw a weird red turtle.
Mullet Man Noah
My protagonist is Fone Bone in the story Bone.He is a person who has three cousins that are just like him.Also he is very kind and gentle to other people.The antagonist is a spirit called the Lord of the Locusts.He was a spirit that could not be in the human world and he was very jealous so he took the spirit of a dragon named Mim and he used her to conquer the world.
by Andrew Leduc
I am reading Harry Potter and he is the antagonist. The protagonist is you-know-who (Voldemort). Harry is courageous, brave, sometimes careful, and has a lightning scar on his forehead. Now that I think of it, Snape is sort of a protagonist because Harry and him don't like each other. But Snape has never done anything to hurt Harry so I can't really tell if he is protagonist. Does a protagonist have to be mean? Anywho, Voldemort (I can't believe I actually wrote his name!) is a dark wizard, hates Harry, mean, evil, and anything else that falls under that category. I am REALLY enjoying Harry Potter so, if anyone wants to read it, I think Mrs. Simonds has the book.
-julia the coolia-
I'm reading "Millon-Dollar Throw". In this book Nate is the protagonist. Nate loves football, he's his team star quarterback and the best 13 year old quarterback in the state. I think that's all I should tell you because I could go on talking about the big picture in this story for a while. In this book there's not really an antagonist. Well actually there is kind of one, on another team there's a kid who acts really chocky and hates Nate.
My protagonist is a boy who fights bad people attempting to harm millions of people. My antagonist is a man who wants to kill everyone in Kenya. There's a netral man in the story too. He's a reporter who works for both sides. I finished the book yesterday. It was called Alex Ride Crocodile Tears by Anthony Horowitz. |-|enry
In Bleach the protagonist is Ichigo. Ichigo is a teenage boy who's eye brows are always noted. Ichigo [or Strawberry for his orange hair] gets into fights with hoodlums in his school. Not the best reputation. Oh yeah did I mention he can see ghosts!!!! He is always in a grumpy mood because ghosts keep following him.
Your servant Alex
The book was Diary of a Wimpy Kid.My protagonist is a person named greg.He is a kid who thinks that his life is terrible in school and at home.He is also a person who lies sometimes and he is sometimes stubborn.The antagonist is his brother named Rodrick. Rodrick was mean to greg when they were young and he is not as responsible as his brother greg.
by Andrew Leduc
date 2-3-10
The book I'm reading right now is called Tamar. The protagonist in my book is called Dart he likes to drink, have fun and kill nazis.I really love the book and I think that Henry, Herb, Alex L and Will Pratt should read the book.The antagonist are Koop. He patres Dart and his friend to the SS I hate Koop I truly do. There is another antagonist the Nazis and they're very mean to everybody even the patasterians who didn't do anything at all.
By Will Donnell
The protaganist in The City of Ember is Lina and Doon. They are both the center of attention at different parts. Each chapter kind of switches. The antagonist of the book I haven't figured out yet but the mayor is getting very mysterious. Even though I already knew the answer, it was the mayor. What the mayor is trying to do is take the directions from Lina and use them for himself to get out of Ember instead of what a real mayor would do and have the citizens go first. I think a word for him is selfish!
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
I agree with Anderew because I also have read Diary of a wimpy kid.I agree that Greg is the protagonist. I think that he is very wimpy. He also some what lies he is very stubborn.He loves video games and hates school. His brother Rodrick is probably the antagonist. Rodirick loves to play the drums he is very mean to Greg he isn't even close to being as responisible.
By Will Donnell
The witches are the antagonists in The Witches. They look feel and talk like people. But they are evil little things!!! They have blue spit, no finger nails and are bald!!!!! Did I mention they want to KILL KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There goal is to rid the world of all kids!!!!
They don't look dangerous but they are!! They lure you in saying 'I have a pet dog. You can pet him'. The main character hears stories about them all the time from his grand mam. One day he comes face to face with a witch and that's where the trouble starts!!!!!
He/mouse is a book righter.He also is a travler.That he is the best mouse GRANIMO STILTON!!!!!!!!!!!
He is smart talinted and also a
(scardy mouse:( I feal bad for him.
P.S. He is a very crazy mouse.
To answer Julia's question, a antagonist does not have to hurt someone to be the bad guy.(Julia, you said protagonist instead of antagonist) For say, Snape hates Harry. That's not physical hurting, that's mental. He's another problem to Harry because he always gives him detention. I would say that an antagonist has to do something bad to the protagonist, not exactly hurt.
An example of an antagonist who is actually is a good guy (A villian in the movie)is sand man from Spider-man. He only steals money from banks because he wants to pay people to find a cure for his daughter's sickness. He shot Spidey's grandfather by-accident. You can't blame him. The reason he is the antagonist is because he causes destuction to New York City and fights back at Spider-man so you think he is the bad guy even though he kinda is.(I know this is a bad example but it's all I got!)
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
HI! Mrs.Simonds? I have a question, can a antagonist change in a book? Because I think mine did. I'm still reading the #4 Twilight book Braking Dawn and I don't think Sam's pack is bad anymore because they aren't trying to kill Bella anymore. The antagonist (I think) is the Volturi they are now trying to kill Renesmee (and everyone else) Because they think she is a danger. Mrs.Simonds do you have any book recommendations for me for after I'm done Twilight?
I am reading That's what friends arn't for Dear Dumb Diary #10 or 8.... Im not exatcly sure. The protaga-something in my book is probably Angeline i-don't-know-her-last-name because she is nice and she likes Jamie (main character) and Isabella (main character's bff). She wants to be friends with them and Isabella wants to be friends with her too but Jamie just doesn't like her. But the antagonist is Jamie Kelly because when Isabella and Angeline start hanging out, it bothers her so she is trying to drive a wedge between Angeline and Isabella.
Fred Figglehorn
a.k.a not Gianna if that's what you think!!!!
The protagonist in my book is Sheila and she is a courageous girl but she is afraid of swimming and dogs and she loves adventure she has been wanting to go to disney. The antagonist i'm not really sure who the antagonist is? Mrs. Simonds could you answer that i'm not sure?? I'm guessing either her sister or the dog?
Rajon Rondo
In Witch and Wizard the protagonist is Whit and Wisty and the antagonist is the new order.(also known as the one who is the one).There are many antagonist but they all lead up to one person the one who is the one.They are very mean people! They like keep these kids imprisoned in jail.(Not for the whole book if you know what I mean).The new order is a protagonist.That's for sure!
-Mr. Elwells favorite kid the book boy-
I am glad you liked "The Garden of Abdul Gasazi". I really like it as well. Maybe we will read it again tomorrow.
I like when we read together and discuss books. I also love to hear about what you all are reading on your own. It gives me lots of ideas!
Mrs. Simonds
I hope you are enjoying "Timothy of the Cay". It can be confusing the way it jumps back in forth in the chapters between Timothy and Phillip. When it does that, it also jumps back in time to when Timothy was young, and then forward in time to after Phillip was rescued.
I loved learning more about Timothy and his life. Have you been surprised by anything yet?
Mrs. Simonds
You are certainly our science expert and enthusiast. Your books sounds interesting.
How is the new scary stories book? You are the first to read it so you will have to let us all know!
Mrs. Simonds
I loved your example and you are right, an antagonist does not have to hurt the protagonist. He/she just opposes him or her or gets in her way.
Sometimes we end up liking the protagonist as much as the main character. (I liked Snape in Harry Potter) Sometimes not, like Mr. Evans in "The Liberation of Gabriel King"!)
Emma, you asked if a antagonist can change and I think the answer is yes. Many characters change throughout a story. Think about Sophie Donnelly in "Schooled". She is a real bugger at the beginning of the story and really gets in Cap's way. However, at the end, she helps him out. What do you think?
Oh, and Emma, I think you might like "The City of Bones" series when you are done with the Twilight.......we have them in class and Dan from Mr. Geranis' class has really liked them. Let me know if you are interested.
Mrs. Simonds
I just read Heck By Dale E. Basye. The protagonists are Milton And Marlo Fauster [brother and sister]. The antagonist is their princibal, Bea Elsa Bub. Milton is a good kid, has glasses, and brings his pet ferret every where. He is about ten. Marlo on the other hand steals and is not that good of a kid. She is probably twelve to fourteen years old. The antagonist, Bea does not like the two main characters at all. She has a three headed dog for a pet.
From, Justin
In the Percy Jackson series, the protagonists are Percy, Annabeth, and Grover. Percy is adventurise, a good person, son of Poseidon, and brave. Annabeth is really smart, wise, adverturise, and carries a knife for a weapon.
Grover is a satar, half goat half man. He is a good searcher that finds two really powerful beings.
Cronus is the antagonist. He is father of the big three and one of the original Titans.
From, Justin
The protagonist in "Flush" is Noah. He's nice and he helps his dad a lot. The antagonist in "Flush" is Dusty Muleman and Dusty's son Jasper Jr. They are both really mean and they hate Noah and his dad. I really like Flush and I have not been able to put it down!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I want to read "News for Dogs" after "Timothy of the Cay". I want to read it because I LOVE dogs I have dogs one is named Cosmo and the other is Kremer!!! I also wish there was more "Dear Dumb Diary" books those are really funny!!!!!!!
Oh ya Candace can I read "News for Dogs" after you? Is "News for Dogs good????
I would rate this book a 9.5 because it was very mysterious. But also it was good!!!! I LOVE mystery books so much!!! At the end of a chapter it usually leaves you hanging there wondering what is going to come next!!! Mystery books are my favorite type of book! So if anyone sees a mystery book and it lookes good tell me Because I will probubly read it !!! Does anyone else really love mystery books???
Will.p Will.p
Well in my book "Hatchet by:Gary Paulsen." Brian Robeson is the protagonist because... Well you will have to read to find out. But in the story it is mostly about him. So I guess there is not a antagonist?? Well Brian is like a normal 13 year old boy until one point in his life.(Cant tell you.) Well after you read this book you'll find out why he feel a bit scared,mad and, in a bit of pain.
Read "Hatchet"
will.p will.p
Hi Will.D it's me Will.P. I was wonder if you could tell me what the book is called? Also after you are done with it can I read?
Ms.Simonds, What book are you reading? whom is the protagonist in your book? What is he,she,they like?
In the book Rapacia Milton and Marlo are the protagonist . I don't know who the antagonist is yet, but , I think it is the Grabbit .The Grabbit is a mechanical bunny that likes to rhyme. Milton is about twelve and has glasses. Marlo is about fourteen and likes to shoplift.
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