Hello Readers!
You have been so engrossed in your independent reading books we have not had too many discussions in class. However, I have greatly enjoyed your blog discussions on protagonists and antagonists and am especially proud of your ability to read each other's posts, reflect on them and agree or disagree in a most respectful and mature manner! What amazing students you all are :)
We are going to be talking about fluency in the next few days. What does fluency in reading mean to you? Is it something you have heard before? If not, do a bit of research and see if you can figure out what it means. Why do you think we might be talking about it in class and why might it be important.
Happy Blogging, I can't wait to read your responses.............
Mrs. S
Fluency is like a fancy way to say have a good pace, don't speed up don't slow down and just stay at one pace.I heard fluency from Mr.Neal because we started slow then sped up.I know what it means but i'll just look it up.Fluency means the ability to speak easily and well .I think that we are going to start reading in groops.You are going to teach us maybe also how to read with fluency.
By Will Donnell
Fluency is important. I think it is the way you read out loud. For example like when we read The Cay with popcorn reading. It also means not stopping in between words for to long and reading at a certain pace. It also means being descriptive and using expression. I think that we'll be talking about the pace. What I mean is the speed that you are reading at. It is important because if you read really fast it dosen't sound right and if you say it too slow it doesn't sound right.
Fluency to me is readine easily and steadily without stumbling over any words. I have definitely heard "fluency" before. Last year my teacher would always say "read fluently". It is important because I can almost guarantee you that at one point in your life you will read out loud. We might be talking about it in class because 1: when you do your booktalks you will have to read out loud to the class and 2: it is good to learn how to read fluently. I used to hate blogging and now I love it!!!
I've heard of it! It's the way you read the words on the book. The way you kinda read the words out loud and how you make you read good. Make your reading really understandable. I think thats it! Its basically your reading out loud. Last year in fourth grade my teacher would have conferences all the time and practice reading out loud so I guess thats fluency. Its important because......... Okay I don't really know but we do it in school so it's somehow important so I know that much about it!!!
-Mr. Elwells favorite kid the book boy-
I looked in a dictionary and fluency in reading means that you read clearly and smoothly.
In order to be a fluent reader I think that you should be able to under stand your book. If you are reading a complacated book that has words you do not understand it will be harder to read.
I think that we will talk about fluency in class because we should really start trying to read very fluent. That way it will be easier to read in front of the class (books like "The Cay" that we popcorn read).
I think that it means it is supposed to help people like different books.Yes I have heard it before.I think it might be because Ms.Simonds wants us to read different books.It might be important because she wants us to read new books.And I think it is important because we can find out we can find new books and try them out.
by Andrew Leduc
What fluency means to me. It means how good you are at reading in front of people. How fast you read and how many mistakes there are. Don't read it choppy like it has no pizaaz. Just do your best. It can be reading out loud or quietly. I have heard of fluency before from my teachers. It is important because it shows how good a reader you are it shows the words you can read and how much you understand.
Mullet man Noah
To me fluency reading is when you read a story or a passage out loud. And someone else will see how fast you read it and how well you did reading it. Yes. Fluency reading is something I have heard before. In 3rd grand we used to do it in partners like once a month. I think it might be important to do fluency because if you don't do the fluency reading you could get really bad at it because if you don't do anything for a long time you usually get worse at it because you can forget how to do it. And then when you try you have gotten really bad at it so if you do fluency you get better insted of worse. :] :) B) :D ^_^
P.S. Mrs.Simonds, what book are we reading next? are we reading Rules? because I have heard that is a really good book.
wemma wand wthe wost waesomest wcat win wthe whole wgiant world O.O wmwha ha ha ha >:D
#1. Well I went on google and I found a couple of things I would like to share. This is what I found. "Fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension." Here is another. "Fluency doesn't comprehension but comprehension is difficult without fluency. If a reader is constantly stopping to decode and figure out unknown words, mostly likely meaning will be disrupted." That is all I have for now. I will try to look some more of them tonight but for now I got to go bye wonderful class!
from your awsome student road runner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I disagree with Alex Lumia because fluency is like the opisite of reading out loud.It means the ability to speak easily and well.I agree with him also because fluency is very important.I think that nwe are going to read in groops and you want us to be good at it.I can't wait to find out what book I'm reading. I also can't wait to see wh9o I'm reading with.
By Will Donnell
Fluency is a word that means you can read at a normal pace without stumbling over words. I think fluency is important because it makes it easier for someone to understand you. I think that Mrs.Simons is going to divide us into reading groups. I also think that we're going to be tested.
From(the most famous person in exitence) Cheeseball
P.S. I like $$$
P.P.S. Cheese is AWESOME!!!!!!
I agree with Will Donnell it means to have a good pace. I heard it in 3rd grade. All we did was test our fluency. It's probally going to come up in college or some thing like that. I disagree with Andrew I don't think it helps chose books. HENRY
I think fluency is very important. When someone is reading aloud to you and they are not fluent, it make's the book they are reading sound more boring. If the person who is reading follows PIPE it will make the book sound very interesting. I think I could work on fluency a lot and I think you could probably work on fluency no matter how old you are. I am going to read my essay to myself like a BILLION times because I don't think I am very fluent and I don't really follow PIPE.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
Today we were reading our essays and trying to read with fluency. I think I could do it reading it to my self 2 or 3 times. I loved writing my essay. I thought it was really fun!!! I wish my mom could come to the writers celebration but she can't neither can my dad:( I can't wait till the writers celebration its going to be so much funnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fluency to me means slowing down and speeding up when you need to and pausing at periods and commas. You need to read with compassion and feeling instead of just reading it like you would in your head. It is something that I have heard before. I think we learned about it a couple of years ago and sometimes my mom talks about it. I think we are talking about it because when we read our essays tomorrow, we want people to understand what we are saying, so you have to read it slow, but not too slow. I think fluency is important because without it, people could not understand what you are saying and the goal is to read so people can hear you and know what you are saying.
- Fred Figglehorn a.k.a cheesie powder a.k.a normaL G!@nn@ a.k.a not gianna if thats what you think!!!!!
Fluency means to me that you can read it smoothly. I have heard that word before. I looked up fluency in the dictionary and here is what I found. I found fluent, but I did not find fluency.
The definition of fluent is: "1. having faculty in language use" and "2. flowing smoothly and naturally."
I think we might be talking about fluency in class because we need to work on our own fluency with our reading.
By Justin Park
I agree with Julia with word wise and the idea. Being fluent with reading is very important because, like Julia said, you're probably going to have to read out loud sometime in your life! I heard the word "fluency" about a billion times before. My mom says it a lot and Julia and I were in the same class last year so we both heard our teacher say it together. What I always have a problem with fluency is that I always speed up and foget to pause. When we were reading our essays, I really slowed down and made it easier for the listeners to understand what I wrote.
I do know why we are going to talk about fluency in class, because we are going to to practice it for our writer's celebration.
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
To me it means that each character has a different voice or your not reading with just one voice if you read with one voice it be one charaters voice in the whole story. I have heard it before a lot in 4th grade. I think it is important because you wouldnt have any voice in your reading and it would be blank and no one would like it.
Rajon Rondo
will. will.p
Well fluency is like stopping at all the periods and saying the words in like your the that character in real life.
Well yes I have heard fluency before. But it was just a small lesson in 3rd grade.
Well if we hadn't all ready talk about the fluency thing I would still say reading our essay. I just would guess that because because we were getting to the end of our essay unit.
BY Mrs.S
To me me fluency means putting sound into the character, like if he was grumpy make it sound like he was grumpy. What ever mood there in make it sound like there in that mood. I have heard fluency a lot in 1st 2nd and 3rd grade, my teachers used to talk to me about it the most! I think it is important because when you grow up and you are looking for a job you don't want to sound not excited about i. Also in school you get graded on it so you want to try your best. Who ever invented fluency thank you I love fluency!!
Rajon Rondo
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