Hi Class!
You asked if I would post a blog about our wonderful class discussion today, led by our own Sarah O'Connor. Many of you had wonderful thoughts, questions and impressions to share. If you were not able to share, or you would like to add more to the discussion, please feel free to here.
The chapter we read and discussed was from Howard Zinn's "A Young People's Guide to History".
I think C.C was a jerk. He shows up at the village and the TaĆno gives him gifts,next thing you know C.C was waging war against them. C.C threatened and chopped off people's hands if they didn't give any gold. The only gold was the gold dust in the river. I can't believe he took the credit from the guy who spotted land first.
From(the guy who is always hungry) Chheseball:I :P
C.C was horrible!!!!!He killed a whole race of Indians!!He went crazy with power!!!!Just because you discover something new does not mean you have to cut off hands!!!!!He killed over 1000 PEOPLE!!!!!!!
I think C.C was very selfish and wanted everything to be his and, and he wanted to be recognized in a good way . Everybody thought he so nice but he wasnt he was evil and killed a ton of people, the 3 most important thing for him was gold, slaves, and death tho se are all bad things that mean he is mean, if I saw him one day I would run away from where he is. I have something about the person who wrote the book, he had lots of detail and I like how he put some things from C.C's journal in it because it gives people and second opinion on him.
Rajon Rondo
I think that Christopher Columbus was a terrible and mean man.When he worked the Indians so long and so hard I realized I do not like him.I thought that it was not smart of the Indians of trading everything they owned.I think that capturing people to do Columbus's bidding was terrible and sad.Especially capturing children to do your bidding is mean,terrible, and cruel.
by Andrew Leduc
date 2-10-10
I agree with Cheeseball because Columbus was definitley a selfish, self-centered jerk. I don't know why he turned mean on the Taino when they were so nice to him at first. I can't believe he would chop off their hands if they didn't bring him gold. I mean, if someone didn't bring me a cookie when I wanted one, I wouldn't chop off their hands if they didn't bring me one! I wonder why the Native Americans didn't bring Columbus the gold dust from the river. Maybe the gold was to small to carry. I absolutely hate Columbus now!!! He is SO mean!!! Adios for now!!!
I think Alex is right because C.C is a real jerk.He was very gready and would cut peoples hands off for a little bit of gold.He killed people in a tribe for there island and the little bit of gold that they had. He also made some people into his slaves.All the Indians wanted was peace and friendship but C.C wanted gold and war.
In the packet we got I thought that it was really sad how mothers were not able to produce milk because they were worked too hard and their babies are dying. Also how mothers were drowning their babies so they would not suffer from starvition.
I thought that Christopher Columbus was not a nice man. Like how all he wanted was gold and money. I also think that Columbus went too far with the "slave" thing.
I think Christopher Columbus was horrible! He got off peoples hands, and all he thought about when he saw the Native People was "they would make good slaves".
The Native people couldn't give him gold because there wasn't any! He was also greedy because he said that he saw the moon shining on land first, but he really didn't. The english were also horrible to the indians, because they threw the queens children in the water and shot them, then killed the queen.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I used to like Christopher Columbus. Now I HATE HIM! All he wanted was gold and slaves gold and slaves gold and slaves. He was so greedy!!!!! He cut peoples hand off unless they gave him gold, the problem was there was NO GOLD!! Why did he always have to be so violent? The Taino just wanted peace, they even gave Columbus gifts! And what did he give them back? WAR! He was always selfish and cared for no one else. like when he took (I forget his name)'s money. He LIED to get that money! He's a LIER!!!! A very dirty LIER!!! Why cant he be friends with the Taino??? they would be friends with him! Gladly! What have they ever done to him?? OH,THATS RIGHT NOTHING!! You know he probably could of got the gold-dust stuff at the bottom of the river much much easier. He could of just made friends with them! Then they would of probably just lead him to the gold! It's really too bad that we don't have a time travel machine. We could go back and stop this from happening!
I guess it will stay this way :( emma with MY cat on MY pillow
I think what Christopher Columbus did was not good. Scratch that it was really really really really bad. If I could go back in time to do something about what he did to the Native Americans, I would probably, make sure that he made a peace treaty with them. If I were Christoper Columbus, I wouldn't kill anyone. I would make peace.
By Justin:D
I agree with Julia. I think he killed the Taino just for the heck of it. If the Taino were so nice they probly would have given him ALL the gold. It eavan said 'They willingly traded everything they owned'. If Columbus wanted the gold why did he kill all the suppliers? [I will NEVER GIVE YOU A COOIKE JULIA!!!!!NEVER!!!!HA-HA!:D
I agree with cheese ball because C.C was a big jerk to the indians and his crew.He shows up at the village the Tiano and they give him gifts then he kills some of them.Then he threaten to cut people's hands of if the don't show him any gold and they didn't even know what gold was.It was kind of like the haloucost with the nazis.The Tiano didn't even harm them and C.C just killed them.He killed over 1000 people!!!!
He was very crazy and he was very mean to them.What I wonder is how did he think that he had het Asia because he just went stright to the Indies.
By Will Donnell
C.C. is a evil bad man!!!!! He hurts people and is very mean!!!! Before I thought he was cool and nice but now I know he's very mean!!!!!!!!! Correction Alex he killed millions of people!!!!!!!C.C. took slaves not caring at all how they felt and most of them died and all he cared about was that he didn't have enough slaves!!! That's cruel!!!!!! I can't believe people in history remember him as a good man not the person he really was!!! I wish people would think of him as the guy who took slaves and killed people not the great adventurer!!!!
-Mr. Elwells favorite kid the book boy-
I definitely agree with Cheeseball and Julia that Christopher Columbus was a total jerk. All he cared about was himself, gold and power. I think that it was horrible that he got so mean and violent on the Taino when they were peaceful and curious with them. When they were curious about the swords Columbus had, Columbus thought the Taino were dumb and that CC and his men could overpower them. I also agree with Alex L. that Columbus didn't really have to cut people's hands off to get what he wanted. I don't really think it works that way. Like I said in the discussion, I think it would be so funny if he found the real Indies, there would be tons of gold and no people.
!OO% $@r@!-! (SARAH)
I agree with cheeseball.
The taino gave a whole bunch of their stuff to someone they didnt even know. Of course Christopher didnt believe the taino when they said they barely had any gold around. The reason Christopher probably didnt believe them was because of the gold ornaments in their ears.
You little Cheeseball I was talking to you about how C.C was a big greedy jerk you stole my words :[!!!!! What bothers me so much is that I used to think that C.C was a great man but stupid history writers hid the truth. It makes me super mad:[]!! I feel really mad that C.C took the credit for spoting land first and took all the credit for everthing the crew didn't get anything at all! You guys have said it all about C.C I can't think of anything else to say. I hate CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!
C@M & CO.
First things first CC wasn't a jerk. CC = evil. I think he's just as bad as Hitler(Hitler was also evil). I wish he had been nicer and maybe he would have gotten gold. I hope if we ever meet aliens we will be nice. It wasn't just CC who killed the Taino it was the Spanish.
Sargent Ducky
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