Hello Room 2308 Readers!
Today in class we had our third lesson in literary essays. We talked about characters and how thinking deeply about them can help us to generate thoughts about what we read. We read the following from a book review written in 1952 on Charlotte's Web.
Wilbur is of sweet nature-he is a spring pig-affectionate, responsive to the moods of weather and the song of the crickets, has a long eyelashes, is hopeful, partially willing to try anything, brave, subject to faints from bashfulness, is loyal to friends, enjoys a good appetite and a soft bed, and is a little likely to be overwhelmed by the sudden chance for complete freedom.
Eudora Welty ( New York Times, October 19, 1952)
We brainstormed ways to think about our characters and used the following list to begin to create min-glimpses of Rachel, the main character in "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros.
Thinking about Characters
what kind of person is this character?
What does this character long for? Fear?
What is the character struggling against? What gets in the character’s way?
What relationships does the character have and how do these relationships play a significant role in the story?
How does the character change over the course of the story?
Does the character learn lessons or come to realizations?
Tonight, think about the main character in your independent book. Write a paragraph, similar in style to the one above, using the "Thinking about Characters" list to help you. Try to use the author's choice of words to help you gain insight into your character.
Happy Reading!
Mrs. S
Percy Jackson is really funny and brave.He also is great with Blackjack.He can't wait to kick Luke's butt in a battle in New York.His dad is a god and he is the god of water.He also has a cool power called Riptide.
By Will Donnell
My character is Harry Potter. Harry is sweet, courages, honest (well at least he doesn't lie; he doesn't always tell EVERYTHING. He is also smart (in defense ways;he doesn't always do well on tests). He is kind and noble. One thing you may not know about Harry is he was supposed to go to Slytherin, but the sorting hat changed it's mind. Now let me tell you, Slytherin is a bad house to be in. Now, don't worry, Harry really IS a true Gryffindor (if you read the books you'll find out why). Well, I gotta shimmy!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
Soren is a owl of courage and joy!
He is clever,caring,and has a face as white as the moon. He is hopeful, daring, and not afraid to back up what he says. Soren loves his friends and hates his enemies.
Soren is all of these things, but most importantly, he is a Guardein of G'hool.
Alex L.
My book is about a boy named Percy Jackson and his friends there names are Grover Annabeth and Tyson.
Percy is having a dreem about Grover how he is running away from a monster but he can't figure out who the monster is.then he wakes up in a scare.Percy thins Grover is in danger.when Percy gose to shool there are new kids but they are really monsters.by the time he finds out gess what they are in the gym playing dogball.as a big fire dogball comes right at him as it came Tyson got in the way and hits him but he got it and throue it back and the monster terns in to dust.
The main character of the book I am reading is Percy Jackson. He is half-blood. As I described yesterday, a half-blood is half god half mortal being. Percy hardly ever gets to see his Dad because he is a Greek God and he can't stay with Percy for long periods of time. Percy would like to spend more time with his father.
If you haven't read the series, don't read the following part that I am about to describe:
Percy has to go through many obstacles on his quest. One of these obstacles is the Titan Lord, Kronos, who is trying to reform to his full self. Right now he is in many different pieces.
Catherine is a mischievous girl that wishes to be a villiger. She is very unlady-like, she wishes she could do the things that boys are aloud to do, sliding on the ice, being able to be monks (and yes she wanted to be a monk),be a horse trainer, and so on. Catherine is an exciting characther th has an interesting life.
How was it? What do I need to improve?
Dariz is a strange dragon. He cares about Ping but cares more about the dragon stone. He can get very frustrating but is very patient. Dariz likes to tutor Ping and doesn't enjoy the beauty of things as we would. Finally he doesn't enjoy being encaged. That is all. From(the ultimate swimmer)Cheeseball
The Gunner is gruff, a stick to it till the end kind of guy. He's impossible to scare. The Gunner is very protective of George. (He saved him from the dragon.) He really wants Edie to leave the team. He relates to all the statues (Bronze). He saves Gorege a ton of times. Henro the President
I am going to do a character who is ONE of the main characters, NOT the main character. I am going to do Hermione Granger. Hermione is REALLY smart, kind-of sensitive, kind, gentle, and caring. She is also careful, street-smart, and sometimes acts like a know-it-all. I actually like Hermione. I guess she likes cats because she got a cat that no one wanted. Hermione is muggle born. The mean word for that in the wizarding world is mud-blood. Hermione has a packed schedule, so I guess you could say she is a school fanatic. Bon Voyage for now!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
Martha is a sweet, helpful, adorable,young hare. She can't walk, so she is in a wheelchair. She longs to walk and she fears that her abbey will be over taken by vermin. She is struggling against her sadness for her brother who she thinks is dead. The vermin are getting in her way because the the two warriors at Redwall left to get a "medecine" for her to make her walk. She think that it's her fault that the vermin are still there because she's the one that sent the warriors away to get the "medecine" for her. She has a stong relationsip with the otter cook because he's the one took care of her when her grandmother died. As the story goes along she starts to get wiser and think things through more than she used to. She learn over the course of the story that things are going to change and that life isn't always peaceful. The Cam
Gylfie is a smart and put-her- money-where-her-mouth-is kind of owl. She is afraid of Metal Beak and St. Agies. Her challenges are figuring out the mysteries of "You only Wish" and fighting off the the terrors of the forest! She faces obsticals and challenges around every corner. She will stop at nothing to vanquish the evil, mend the broken, and rise each night to perform nightly deeds. She doesn't speak words, but true ones. She is a Guardian of G'hoole.
Alex L.
I went to see the play Charlotte's Web this weekend! It was really good. I'm going to do one about Henry from Trouble....... Henry is a caring, nice, honest person. He (So far) longs for his brother Franklin to get better and he fears that he wont. He is struggling against the thought that Franklin wont get better. Franklin always gets in henrys way. Not literally, but thats pretty much all Henry can ever think about, so he can't concentrate well at all. I cant really answer the rest because I am not that far yet.
I hope Franklin survives!
C@t N!p
Dovepaw is a nice unselfish cat. She is one of the three cats from a prophecy that says they will all have powers that no cat has ever heard of. Lionblaze can fight any battle without getting a scratch, Jayfeather, the blind medicine cat can walk in other cats dreams and he can also feel other cats emotions and can see their memories when they remember them, and Dovepaw can hear and kind of see/sense things that are going on far away. Like is there was a tree falling she would know it was falling and tell everyone. She is struggling against her power, keeping it a secret and dealing with her sister who is really jealous of her because Dovepaw gets all of the attention and she doesn't know why.
C@t N!p
I am doing mine on Violet Baudelaire. She is the main character from A Series of Unfortunate Events:
Violet loves inventing, she is very nice and polite, loves having time without having to think about running away from their enemy, and gets very excited when there is a clue about their parents or V.F.D.
Like it? What do I need to improve?
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
P.S. If you want to know what V.F.D is then read the book!
Lonna is a big, strong, friendly,(not to enemies) warrior bager. He longs to meet up with Raga Bol and hord of 50 vermin. Let's just say that he wants to make them go bye-bye. He doesn't fear a single thing in the world and that's because he's probably the biggest cretaure on land. At first his injuries get in the way, but then when he heals nothing can stand in his way. He gets more sociable as the story goes along. He also gets wiser, more frindly, and happy as it goes along. He learns that you have to think things through before you do them.
He who must not be named (Cam)
The main character's name is louis,he is someone who wants to join the army,the reason he wants to join the army is the money and to help his mom.He longs for to join the army one day.Louis does not fear anything.He struggles against fighting different people.What gets in louis's way is trying to fight.
by Andrew Leduc
date 4-5-10
Katherine enirehtaK
(This is for Trouble).
Henry is caring, trouthful, and loveble. he is a boy that has high hopes for the future and he loves his family-especially his brother-and his "new" dog.
How was it? do I need to improve?
I'm going to use the character in So B. It, Heidi. I would say Heidi is a stubborn girl. I think that because she doesn't take no for an answer. When she wanted to take a bus all the way to Liberty, New York and Bernie wouldn't let her, she did it anyway. Another good word for her is hopeful because she is hopeful that she will find out what 'soof' is. She's hopeful that she will find her past.
Will, Percy Jackson's power is riptide, that's his sword. Or is that what you mean? I agree with Julia because Harry is meant to be a Gryffendor. He just fits in there and he meets true friends there, too. Oh my gosh, just think if Harry went to Slytherin. He would be Voldemort's aprentice; just like Malfoy.
I'm going to do another one. I will do it on Klaus from A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Klaus is very smart like his sister. His favorite thing to do is read. He knows what every word means and just likes learning stuff from books. He is very helpful to his sisters and he is pretty fearless. He (like his sister) gets very anxious when he thinks there is a clue about their parents or V.F.D.
I like writing these! They are actually kind of fun!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I am going to do Liam from my book "Box Out". He is a helpful, caring, modest, young teenager. He longed to get on the varsity basketball team. He doesn't have any need to fear anything because there's nothing to fear. He's struggling againist trying to do the right thing and tell on his coach who is doing something illegal. He's having a hard time with it because he could get kicked off the team if he tells. His coach and most of his team get in the way because they are all doing something illegal. He has a girlfriend and when they break up he gets really mad. He learns that you have to do the right thing even if it effects you in some way. Mrs.S you were right, this is one of my favorite books now. Cam
Have you ever read the book "Fire Girl"? Well you should! I liked "Fire Girl" because of a lot of things! First of all this book usually makes me want to keep reading! But some of the time I don't like a part and I don't want to read more!:( This is not my favorite book ever so I would rate it a 8! If you read this book let me know how you liked it!
Here is another one about Henry because the book has changed since my other blog. Henry is a caring person that is devastated when his brother Franklin dies. I think he longs for revenge on the boy he thinks killed his brother. In one part Henry even beats him up. Henry changes a lot in the book, he first hates Chay with all his soul, but once he gets to know him he gets to, well not to like him, but I guess to be indifferent about him. I'm not sure if he learns any lessons or anything because I haven't finished the book yet.
C@t N!p
Katherine enirehtaK
Henry is an adventurous boy with a sweet personality. He is hopeful for the future and he is a beliver. He looks up to his older brother (or at least he "looked" up to his older brother), he loves his parents, he loves his dog, and he longs for a life without Trouble. He is a nice kid that wants his brother back.
How was it? Tell me about it. (It will give you something to write about!!!)
Will.Ds blog made me intrested in his book. I would like to know more. Who is Luke and what is Riptide? I would like to hear about the main story rather than the other details like Blackjack.
I finished reading A Million Shades of Gray by Cynthia Kadohata. Y'Tin is the main character of this book. He wishes to be a professional elephant trainer. He lives in South Vietnam. He is training an elephant named Lady and she happens to be pregnant for the second time. Her first baby didn't live very long. If you have not read the book please don't read this part... When Y'Tin and his village are practically forced to go into the wilderness, he is without his parents. He only has two other people with him and three elephants. Will Y'Tin and Lady survive? Read this great book to find out.
Here is another on about a Warrior cat, but this on is about a cat named Firepaw. He is the main character in the first book and all through the first series. Fire paw is a caring and honest cat. He longs to be the best that he can be and wants to prove that he is as good as any clan-born warrior even though he was born in a house. What gets in his way is Tigerclaw, because he thinks Tigerclaw is up to no good. Firepaw changes over the story a lot. Like when he is young he is careless and doesn't have anything to worry about but when he is older he has to help the Thunderclan and do things he has never done before.
C@t N!p
tYay vacation! No school!!! Or homework!!! WOOHOO!!! I like to read. A lot. :D I'm running out of things to say.... Mrs.Simonds do you have to do work on vacation? Like correcting and stuff like that? I really like getting to silent read at school! thank you! I'm really really really really really really really really running out of things to say. Cool! I said something! Yay! I'm using interjections! :D It's going to stink when vacation is over. D: I love vacation! I can't wait for the next Warrior cat book to come out! It is probably going to be like 7 months though.
C@t N!p
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