Hello Wacky Readers of 2308!
What a fun "WACKY WEDNESDAY"! Too bad I forgot to dress up :)
Today in writing we began to explore what our literature circle books were REALLY about. You began to think deeply about your stories, about what the story's meaning was, what the character learns and if it is a life lesson that can help you live your life differently. You thought about which parts of the story contributed to the message of the story, such as the title, setting, beginning, the changes in the characters, the form and word choice or the ending.
I would like you to use what you practiced today to think deeply about the independent book you are reading on your own. What do you think that story is really about? Share your thoughts, give examples and back up your opinions!
Can't wait to read your posts......you all did an amazing job in class today......yahooo!
Mrs. S
Ha Ha Mrs. Simonds, you totally forgot to dress up! I am going to use the book So B. It as my example because it is a different book; just like the ones we were reading in class. I think So B. It is trying to teach us that even if people don't work properly doesn't mean they don't like being stared at or made fun of or being called names. I guess what I am really am getting at is you need to be FAIR and RESPECT ( I made the core principals big) them. They still have feelings, you know. I think even boys should read So B. It because even though it's a girl telling the story, it still is a GREAT book (I've read it before). That's all I have to say today (on the blog at least, as you all know I will never stop talking unless I am sleeping). Adios for now!!! See you all on PJ day!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
Katherine enirehtaK
I think that book Trouble is about trying to stay away from trouble. Henry's dad says that if you build your house away from trouble, then trouble will never find you. But I think that that (there is supposed to be two that's) is not true because trouble is all around you. If you think that you have built your house away from trouble and there is big million $ pots in it one of the pots could break and trouble could come. Henry thinks that his father's words are true until his brother get's hit. Then he belives that trouble can always come at any time but trouble can also be fixed.
I am reading Snow Spider and I love this book. It is about a kid and the kid gets weird presents for his birthday from his Gramma. His Gramma says he is magician and he did not understand or believe her at first. The he started to believe her because he did what she said and went to the top of the mountain and let go of the brooch. He waited for hours then went home and saw a snow flake turn into a spider. He put it match box and named it Arwin. The story is about him becoming a magician. I am not sure yet what the message is.
Mullet Man Noah
The book I'm reading is called "The Magic Ring Quartet,Sandry's book." I think that the meaning that the author was trying to get across was that even though you're different,theres always a place where you'll be accepted. With Briar/Roach he was a theif and had no home. Daja was stranded on a shipreck. Sandry was trapped in the ground and Tris was disowned by her parents. They all find a home in Winding circle. The End. From (the most awesome hero ever.) Birdman(Cheeseball,not)
The Guardians of Ga'hoole Book III is really about never giving up. Soren learns that lesson when his teacher Elyrybe is nowhere to be found. He must face many challenges to find him, but he never gives up! For instance, he didn't give up when he had to fight his own brother, who was stronger than him, to save his friends.
The Guardians of Ga'hoole are owls that rise each night to save the lives of weaker owls and combat evil. {All the main characters are Guardians}.
The evil is usually stronger, but the Guardians never give up and usually prevail. They will never give up until they make their world safe!
Alex l
I think the story is most about is not to pick on people just because the way they look. I also think that not to judje them buy how short they are. I have been thinking that if you see someone and they dont look all right to you may you could just take a chance and dont go by what your brian is telling you go by what your heart is telling you. The reason I say that is becuse if your brain is telling you that that person looks really mean maybe they arent that is just what your brain is telling you. The reason I say your heart is because your heart can tell you a lot of stuff like oh she/he looks good. Or maybe it can tell you that he/she seems mean today but maybe they arent as mean. But the reason I say this goes with my book is because there is a lot of problems in the story Gorgie has a baby sister comeing and him, Andy,and Russ are in a big fight and jeannie the maennie seems to be up to something when they are at the store. but that is all I have for tonigjht bye class!
I thought that the March toward the thunder book was really about that even though you might think that war is actually cool it can cost you your very own life.Also it can make you lose your friends and loved ones.
Like when Louis wanted to join the army and he met some new friends in every battle he kept losing more and more of his great friends.
Then every night Louis got more and more notes from his mom and he mostly cried because he missed her so much.
Then each day Louis fought different people he got more and more less confident in each battle that he faces.
by Andrew Leduc
date 4-14-10
Right now I am reading The Last Song bt Nicolas Sparks. I haven't really gotten far enough into the book to get the true meaning that the author is trying to get out to his readers, but I saw the movie. Not as good but still, I have the main concept of what it's about.
What I think the Last Song is really about is saying a last goodbye even if it's painful. I can't give too many examples because it would just give away the WHOLE book, but I'll try. Almost the whole book Ronnie(the main character) is mad at this person(remember, I would give it away if I told you) for leaving the family. Ronnie is shipped away to visit this person and has no intension of having fun with this person. In the end, you find out why the person sent Ronnie and her brother to spend the summer where the person is and makes her last, painful goodbye.
Dramatic, huh?
Anyway, I know that wasn't the best example but if I said more, it would give away the ending!
TTFN (Tah, tah for now!!)
100% Sarah (Haras Ronnoco)
In (the BATTLE of the LABYRINTH)I would say its about adventure.Percy Jackson is going to a new school and it was called GOODE HIGH SCHOOL on 81st.Percy tells his mom that he will meat her in the back of the school.When he was going to go to the back but then he ran in to two cheerleaders and they where very suspicious looking.They got closer and closer then one said "whats your name?" Percy said "uh Percy."Then he hit one of the ceerleaders and it sounded like her leg was hollow and metal.
My book is Tintin, The crab with the golden claws. I think the meaning of this book is always be friendly and keep your head even under dangerous situtions like when a a band of gangsters are after you. I think the setting gives the meaning away in the first 10 pages. Tintin is captured and about to be brought to the middle of the sea to drown. Tintin doesn't learn anything because he's wanted dead by every outlaw. The life lesson is really keep cool and never hurt someone except people that are going to kill you. Henro the Gangster
The book I've read and going to talk about is "Alabama Moon". I think the thing that the author was trying to say was that you have to come back to reallity sometime. I think this because Moon said he thought his dad would come back to him. He also thought he could hide away forever. The truth is that once someones dead, they're dead. Second of all,someones eventually going to find you no matter where you hide. Aloha! From(the funny freak) Birdman who is not Cheeseball
Hi people!
Okay, I know I technically gave away the whole ending of the Last Song. It was hard not to because I took a hard thing and the examples were in the end so there. Got that out in the air.
I decided to pick another book WITHOUT giving away the ending. What I think So B. It is really about is that knowing your past isn't as great as knowing the present. I'm not completely sure if that is really one but I have some examples. When Heidi went out to find her mom's past, she ended up missing something something that was important in the present. She was too caught up in the past and forgot to have fun in the moment.
TTFN(Tah, tah for now!!)
100% Sarah
I think that Joseph,the writer of the book wanted us to know that war can not only hurt you but it can also hurt the people you love.
When Louis thought that war was going to be fun he was actually wrong when he started to do it.
Then when Louis first started his training it was actually horrible when he thought it was fun.
When Louis started to go into battle he actually was more hard and scary then he thought it would.
Then when he met more people there were actually some really mean people there.
by Andrew Leduc
date 4-15-10
Ummmmm...... Mrs.Simonds you didn't forget to dress up... Or were you kidding......? Anyway I'm reading Trouble right now and I'm like 10 pages away from finishing it! I think Trouble's life lesson is about how you can't build your house far enough from Trouble ( If you read the book you will know what I mean ) because Trouble will always find you. Tuesday was the best Tuesday of my life!! I LOVE ROLLER BLADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only bad thing was that my feet really hurt when I was done. It's fun going off topic! >:3 Mwha ha ha ha!
C@t N!p
I am going to do a blog on an independent reading book I quite recently finished. The book I'm doing is Pictures of Hollis Woods. I think it is REALLY about trust and friendships. Hollis has been fostered all of her life so when she decides to run away from a place she wanted to be her family, she realizes she made the wrong choice. But then she finds Josie, an artist who is old and losing her memory, starts to like her. Hollis likes Josie too, but she has to leave Josie and do the right choice so I think that is the friendship AND the trust part because she has to TRUST her instinct and she gains a strong FRIENDSHIP Josie, so that's what I think are the parts of the story that the story is REALLY about. Adios for now!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
I think my story is a little about friendship. The reason that I think this is because it is about three kids and their names are Jeff, Tom and Jessica. These three kids have hard times figuring out what they really want, and who they want to be friends with. Here are some examples... Jeff and Tom are really good friends! A new girl named Jessica. Jessica is very different from the rest of her new classmates. The reason of why she is different is beacause she was trapped in a fire and got badly burned on her hands and face. Jessica has no friends at all then Tom wants to become friends with her because he feels bad. Jeff however doesn't want to be friends with Jessica because she looks different. Towards the middle of the book Jeff and Tom get in a fight. Tom and Jeff are not friends now. A lot of things happen in this book! I would definently recommend this to my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S: I have 2 chapters left!!!!!!!!!!!
In Naruto the story was really about following your dreams, and you will never lose your friends and never give up on anything.Yay!! There are a lot of meanings!! It's kind of hard to explain everything because there are 47 books so far, and it's complicated, but I will tell you this much about Naruto. Naruto follows his dreams by never giving up on winning a battle, so that someday he will become the leader of the village. Naruto had no friends until he met Sasuke, the popular kid, he immediately becomes friends with him but then Sasuke betrays the village and becomes a rouge ninja. Naruto never gives up on bringing him back and believes there is still a bond between them.
Well that was kind of long
Super Naruto Fan Lover #1
My story I am reading right now is about a poor indian kid and he has had a really a hard live so. My would be growing up with in a poor family and stuff is hard because they don't have much money so that's what my story is about so far.It could also be about friendship because he also has a really good friend named Rowdy that he hangs out with 8 hours a day.Oh wow I forgot to tell you what the title is of my story it's The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian (SORRY).Mrs.Simonds is there going to be a second book in the book I am reading right now??
By Will Donnell
I am going to do a book I am currently reading. I am not very far in yet, so I can't tell you what it REALLY is about, I can just say what I THINK it is about. The book I am reading is The Candy Shop War. I THINK it is about being careful about who you trust. I think this because I have a hunch the owner of the candy shop, who is a magician, is going to use the kids, get them into trouble, and then the magician will disappear. That is just my theory. The kids in the book, in my opinion, have to be more careful. Their parents don't know they are off working for some crazy wack-o lady. They could be in BIG trouble if anything pops up they didn't expect. NOTE- This is all just a hunch. Adios for now!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
I'm going to use "Out of My Mind". I think it's really about being different and treating people the same even if they don't have the same abilities as you. It's definitely about being different because the girl is in a wheelchair, she can't talk, she can't really control herself, and she can't do a lot of things that other 5th graders do. It's about treating people the same because in a part of the story her team leaves her behind to go to Washington D.C when she's really the smartest person on the team. I know that doesn't show treating people the same, but I think the author's trying to say that it's a horrible thing to do it. I think it's a great message the author is sending out because it really makes you feel bad for the person and want to treat everyone the same way. When I read the book I thought about not being able to talk and thought how horrible that would be not being able to communicate (she can't do sign language either). 0% Cam
I'm going to do "Doomwyte" which I finished three weeks ago. I think it's really about friendship and change. I think it's about friendship because Zena took a spear in the back to save [I forget his name, so let's just call him "Dude"] Dude and Zena did it because they were best friends. I also think it's about friendship because two groups that stayed away from each other for the longest time joined together and became friends. I think it's about change because the abbey beasts had to change from a peaceful life to a life of war. I also think it's about change because three hedgehogs had to desert their home and leave the only place they had ever known. Julia when I first looked at your blog I thought you made a mistake and forgot to put the it on "So B. It". I thought the dot after the B was a period and you just forgot to put it in.
Cam x Cam = Cam
Another book I'm reading is Tintin and the 7 crystal balls. I finished the other Tintin. I picked this one because it's different, well all are not the same. In this book Tintin is going to greet a team of men that have taken a mummie from an Inca tomb. The lowest person in ranking is the first one to be hit by a crystal ball. Tintin has never seen anything like it and is wondering what to do? Tintin learns alot like vodoo dolls and witchcraft exists. I can't think of "what it is about." Henry
I just started "The Brooklyn Nine" by Alan Gratz. I am not far enough into the book yet to know what the life message is. The story is about nine kids who all play baseball but are from different years. So far I have learned about two of the nine kids.
The first character that I met was Felix Schneider. I think he is an immigrant that came from Germany. Felix snuck aboard a ship to get to America, but his family wasn't with him. I guess I am going to have to read the book some more to find out what lessons they learn.
I think when you try to read and think deeply it doesn't work at first because you have just read the book or you haven't read the whole thing yet, so your new to it. The first time I thought about it I didn't get so I had to keep thinking about and finally I got it. In mine there were not a lot because it kept changing subject over and over, and so I thought it must of been something that bothered him or his disorder. Then I had it: TRUST!! He doesn't trust a ton of people and he wants to trust people but sometimes they are the people who are mean to him.
Rajon Rondo
I think that Firegirl is about not caring about what people look like. There are a lot of examples on that in this book. First, Tom doesn't know if he should be friends with Jessica, just because she is scary. Then, Jeff is not friends with Tom because Tom decides to be friends with Jessica. Tom finally realizes that he should be friends with Jessica, and that looks don't matter. He also likes Courtney mostly because of her looks, but he hardly knows about her personality.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I think what my book, The Slippery Slope, is really about is courage. The 3 kids in my book do anything. There are many examples of courage and I'm only on about page 100. First, they have the courage to stop their caravan from falling off the edge of a mountain. They have to open the door and try to do lots of different things, and that's very courageous. After that, they get attacked by a swarm of snow gnats. They have the courage to hide in a cave (that could be home to bears) to get away from the snow gnats. I think those 3 kids are very courageous.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
This time I shall do Ranger's Apptence by John Flanagan. Ruins of Gorlan. The lesson is Will (the main charctar) is learning to become a ranger. I think that the lesson is use your advantages if there are any. I really don't know what it is about. This book is hard to understand. I think that this is a very nice book but it is very hard. Henry
I think my story is about differences. Everyone has differences. Nobody looks the same evryone has there own look. I think that people can look the same about little things. Like a lot of people can have the same eye color but noone has the same face. A lot of people have the same hair color too. Those are some examples of differences!
The book I'm reading is called "The Amulet of Samarkand". I think the thing that the author was trying to get across was that life is never smooth. I say this because all Nathaniel,a.k.a. John Mandrake remembers is living his life as a magicians apprentice. Then these things happen.
1.He gets beaten up by a magician who has a big amount of power.
2.His art teacher who he likes alot get fires for trying to protect him.
3.The only one he loves dies along with his master,home,summoning items and his ultimate revenge.
Unscramble the words:athts lal orf onw. From (the purple nightmare)Cheeseball
Right now I am reading The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks(the same author as The Last Song) and what I think it is really about is that true love never dies. I say that because the two main characters, Allie(Same,same!!)and Noah(Same,same,again!!)had a summer romance and when Allie went back home. Noah sent her letters and Allie's Mom hid them from her because she didn't think that Noah was good enough for her daughter. With that being said, they drifted apart. The thing about that though is that they always thought about each other. A decade later, she found out where Noah was and went to find him even though she was already engaged to a wealthy lawyer! When Allie saw him again, she realized she was still in love with him and THEIR LOVE NEVER DIED even after all that time!!!
100% Sarah (Ronnoc'o Haras)
P.S. Ms. Simonds, did you realize that Julia and I both did So B. It and got different things.
Another book I read was Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan. Will, the main character, tries to get into battle school, but is rejected. Instead, he has to go with a ranger named Halt to learn ranger skills. What the book is really about is you don’t always get your first choice and sometimes what you get stuck with is just as good or better than your first choice. An example of this is Will is learning to stalk with Halt when he sees his friend, Horace(who did get into battle school) get beat up. The theme is obience. Will is rebellious at first, but then he realizes that the Ranger really knows what he is doing. Henry
I am going to do Welcome Home Or Something Like It. I think it is really about finding out who you are and where you came from. The story is about a girl named Aggie going to visit her 90 year old grandfather in Ludwig, Maine (is it a real place?). Her mom is a romance writer and they never stay in one place for a long time. Aggie's mom goes away to write a story, so Aggie and her brother, Thorne, are left to find adventures for themselves. It is an AMAZING book (for girls) . If you want to read it (after I return it), it is in the Young Adult section of the public library. Adios for now!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
Katherine enirehtaK
In the book "Chasing Vermeer" and I have just started the book today but so far I think that the book is about finding something important. I do not know what that important thing is (neither do the main characters) yet. The main characters are both considered "weird". They are both very smart. Not smart as in 3452*46565/345 but smart as in they can think out of the box. They can solve problems.
I am going to do mine on Blubber. It is a book by Judy Blume. The book is about a girl who gets made fun of because she was heavier than everyone else. The thing is, the story isn't told from her point of view. It is told from another girl's point of view. Anywho, I think the message she was trying to get across was don't judge a book by it's cover. In other words, you have to give people a chance before judging them. I read the book really quikly because it was REALLY good. I would definitely recommend it. It is an older book, but it is great. Adios for now!!!
-#1 tazmanian devil-
Katherine enirehtaK
Like I said in my last blog I have not finished "Chasing Vermeer" yet. So far I think that the main characters have changed because they are starting to be more aware of things around them. The boy main character found out that his grandmother thought that Johannes Vermeer (real painter by the way (he is dead now)) should have used more red in his piantings. Before the Vermeer painting "A Lady Writing" had been stolen the boy would have thought nothing of it. After the painting gets stolen he is more aware of things and he would think that his grandmother- thinking that there needs to be more red in the paintings-seems to be fishy (even though she is dead).
I'm going to do the book "The Golems Eye". I think the lesson in this book is that sometimes things don't always go according to plan. For example: When the Resistance raids a tomb for it's treasure,two of the twelve people make it out,barely alive. Another example is when Nathaniel tries to leave the golems creators house. Instead of leaving easily,they have to fight an old enemy,an unknown murderer who they could only cripple for about 5 minutes. Thats all for NOW!(Notice how I capitalised for now?)From (the skilled assasin) Cheeseball. P.S. Julia,you speak in your sleep too.
Now I'm going to do "Wolf Brother". I think the meaning of this book is that sometimes,things don't come in the form you might think it would. For example, Wolf was Toraks guide even though Torak thought his guide would be different. Another example is when Torak escapes from a partialy hostile camp. He thought Wolf would help him but it turns out Renn, a girl that treated him bad, saved him. Good-bye! From(the furry demon)Cheeseball
I am going to do Rules.
I have already read thge book but I will only write about what we have read as a class. So far in the book I think that it is about Catherine (it is hard to spell yor name a different way than you are used to) trying to solve her fears of thinking that people will think that David is bad or something. she has to deal with life and let it fall on her. So far I would rate this book a 10.
Katherine formally known as 6.5
Hi Mrs.simonds! my first reaction was that the family was crazy because of the funny things that happened. I especially liked the dad because he is very funny. the picture I had in my head was ruskins family is nerdy. but I think everybody sees it in there own way. I am looking forward to reading more.
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