Hello Class!
Welcome back from vacation!
Today it was apparent that many of you had seen "The Lightning Thief" at the movies. Many of you said you were disappointed in the movie. I would like to hear from you all if you liked it or not and why. It would be interesting to hear from those of you that saw it but had not read the book as well.
If you did not see it, can you comment on how you feel about books being made in to movies? Are there any that you liked the movie better? What about the book better? Why.........tell me more!!!!
Mrs. S
I have not seen The Lighting Thief but I want to.It is cool to see a book that you have read about or a book that you have not read about at the movies.But sometimes they swith it around. Like some of you guys have said.When I read Marly and me I thought the video was a ton better because you got a better feeling about the movie.When I read Inkheart I thought the movie was horrible.
I was dissapointed because it wasn't as action filled as the book. The movie itself is hardly anything like the book. The movie even chooses not to choose certain characters that play a big part in the book. It seems that the whole movie has a different goal then what the book does. Please tell me if you agree or disagree.(I know,I sound like a teacher).
sincerly,(the dude that is running out of things to write in parenthasies) Cheeseball
I think that the book is always better than the movie. Most of the time the movies leave out big parts in the book. When "The Tale of Desperoux" was made into a movie they left out a big part when Desperoux got his tail cut off. People that read the book say "oh how cute a little mouse with big ears and no tail". people that didn't read the book but watched the movie say "oh how cute a mouse with big ears".
My piont is that movie usually shorten movies (sometimes even add stuff).
Six point five(6.5)
Well the James Bond movies started out as books, and Ian Fleming's idea is EXTREMELY famous. Harry Potter was written on a napkin sent back a ton of times and now it's famous. I've seen 1 1/2 of the Harry Potter and it was scarier on the screen than off. There's also these books about Starwars that aren't in the movies. I know Lord of the Rings was made into a movie although I never read it I heard the movies are real good. Sargent Hendlson
I was thinking about seeing the movie, but now I'm reconsidering it because I don't want to be dissapointed (even though I haven't read the book yet). Books being made into movies can be dissapointing or great or both. They can be dissapointing because they don't tell the story at all. They can be great because the director can get everything and sometimes more. They can be both because in the first Harry Potter movie they left out a few things but it was still a great movie. I like books better because they are much more descriptive and can last longer. I LOVE BOOKS!!!
-#1 julia in the world-
I saw it over vacation and I HATED it!!!!!!!! This is why I hated it... (WARNING SPOILERS!!!)
Okay, well you know the prophesy about Percy? Where did it go??? They didn't even MENTION it in the movie!!! Oh and the Oracle, where did she go???? The prophesy is like the main thing in the book!!!!
WHAT ABOUT CLARISE???? SHE IS A HUGE PART IN THE BOOK!!!!! AS A MATTER OF FACT THEY DIDN'T EVEN INCLUDE ARES!!!!! OR DIONYSUS!!!! Why cant it be just a little bit like the book?!?!?!?!?!? And the pearls! They didn't go on the quest for the pearls! They went to try to find the entrance to the UnderWorld!!! How are they going to do a 2nd book??? I liked the book WAY better then the movie!!!
I hope the 2nd one is better :)
The cat whisperer person
I didn't like the Percy Jackson movie. If you didn't read the book don't read this post( keyword don't.) I didn't lile the movie because It didn't have that much of the stuff that didn't happened in the book. The movie didn't Include the really weird chiwawa, Clarise,Dionysus, and Ares. Most of all they didn't include the main purpose of the book which was to defeat Cronus. I wouldn't be looking for a seccond movie.
I agree with Emma. The movie doesn't include half the things in the book. WARNING:THIS COULD SPOIL THE MOVIE FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T WATCHED IT. Emma, I don't think they will make a 2nd book because Luke dies unless.... maybe he survived. I agree with Justin . If there is a 2nd movie it will probably be bad. In the movie,just like Emma said they didn't have Clarise who plays big parts in all the books. Sincerely (The guy that has a private jet)Cheeseball
P.S. Can some people give me some suggestions to write in parrenthasies.
#1. I have not seen the Lighting Thief but I do want to see it. I have seen other books I have read in the movies and it is kind of wired. When you read a book to your slef and you have seen the movie the book does not sound the same like the movie. Like when I read sherk the book it was not like the movie at all. Thats why I think the books are different and the movie is fine. Also most kids like the movie better than the book I think but Im not sure but that is what I have to say for today. !BYE!
!@#$ road runner !@#$
I am both ways about books being made into movies. I usually like the books better. They can put images in your mind that a movie can't make on the screen. I think It is also more exciting reading a book. It has a kind of feeling to it. I do like movies like Where the Wild Things Are. That movie went beyond the original story with out changing it too much.
I read The Lightning Thief and saw the movie but I wasn't really disappointed. Sure they left out half the book and messed up why they went on the quest, but that was fine with me. I had to say, it was entertaining. My mom has never read any of the books and she enjoyed the movie.
I could definitely say that books are way better than movies because they leave SO much out of the movie!! In Harry Potter, I can name so many parts that I could have put in the movie that they didn't put in, and where they put in parts that I wouldn't have put in. In Twilight,the book, there is a part where they are figuring out what their bloodtype is. That part is my total favorite in the book and they didn't put it in the movie!!
I love when they make books into movies because I like to see the director's perspective of the book and the way that they put it into a movie. But it usually ends up way different than how we think it it will be. I think it's cool that in movies, they have to do the scenery so when I imagined "The Lightning Thief" in my head(Allie's favorite song), it was completely different from what they put in the movie. I try to think of what the scenery and characters look like in the movie but I have my own little image of everybody and everything.
!OO $@r@!-! (SARAH)
P.S. In The Lightning Thief(the book) Annabeth has curly, blond hair and in the movie, she has straight, dark hair. How does that make sense?
It makes the movies feel and sound more interesting to the people.And it might want to make the people hear about the movie.There is one called TRANSFORMERS REVENGE OF THE FALLEN.It makes the person want to no more about it.It can also make the book sound more cool and it can make it sound fun.
by Andrew Leduc
date 2-23-10
I'm reading a book called "The Reptile Room" and it is awesome!!!!!! I think I should see the movie! (if they have a movie). But it can be really disapointing if you don't like it or if you didn't understand it. And when a series of books end you wish there was more and more and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I think a lot of people in our class will like this series! Well other people in other classes would like it too!!!!! I think if you read this book you would rate it a 10.00! Also if you do read this book and like recomend it to a friend!!! If you dont like a book then still tell a friend that you read that certain book and maybey they will read it and see why you didn't like it!
PS.... Other books by Lemony Snicket are probubly awesome!!!!
I have not seen it and I haven't read the books yet, but I really want to read the series because people say the books are good, and I guess I don't have to see the movie if I read the books?!
Rajon Rondo
I think that the books are always better then the movies. For example, the movie "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" movie was not as good as the actual book.
On the other hand, the Star Wars movies were made before the books came out and I liked the movies better.
I got bored after the second book of the Star Wars series. In the movies I could watch all six stories straight through but not in one day.
I did not like the movie The Lightning Thief cause i didnt c it!!!! Ive never read da book cause it didnt look interesting. I feel dat the book is usually better than the movie. They dont hav alot of da stuff in the movie tthat is in the book. My brother and my mom say that they would rather read the book or c da movie but i like cing da movie cause i usually rather c a movie than read a book. (srry mrs.simonds!!!)
Fred Figgle Horn a.k.a. not Gianna if dats wat u tink!!!!!!!
I didnt c dia movie cause the commercials made it sound like 1 of dose movies that r notin like the book making them less awesome. Wen eva da commercial cam on i wood change da channel. I HATE movies were da commercial is on constently. it some how makes me not want 2 c dat movie any more. I agree with Katherine cause i saw The Tale Of Desperoux 2 and it left out tons of parts!!!!!! But luckily they werent the most important parts.
Fred Figglehorn (the person that likes cheese and talks funny)
a.k.a not Gianna if dats wat u tink!!!!!!!!!
I have not seen The Lightning Thief but I really want to! I have not read the book either, but I still want to see the movie! I like when books are made into a movie, because usually in chapter books there are no pictures so you usually want to see exactly what the character looks like, and the movie does that! I have never read a book then seen a movie (Well, I can't think of any movies). I am reading Hoot right now and when I am done I am going to watch the movie! I can't wait!
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I haven't seen "The Lightning Thief" either and I haven't read the book. It seems everyone liked it but I am going to read "The Series of The Unfortunate Events". They are awesome!!!!!!!!!!
I think everyone should read them!
They are so mysterious!!!!!!!!!!
What is your favorite movie with a book? Do you have a favorite movie without a book and wished it had one? Have you not seen a movie about a book you read but want to? Those are my questions! If you want to answer them go ahead!
Will.Pratt#18 18#ttarP.lliW
I have not seen the movie and I probably wont till it comes out on DVD.(The last time I saw a movie was,lets just say a long time!!!)
Well when a book is out before the movie and I have read the book, I usually think the book is going to be better. But if I see the movie first it the other way around. Don't ask why, it just me.
I just answered this blog. But I did not see all the cool things that you all posted about that movie "The Lightning Thief". I just ask about 18 times if we can go see that movie. My dad said ????. So next time I see you pleas don't give anything a way.
I enjoyed the book mowe because you get to imagine what the chawectews look like. A movie puts a image in you'we mind that pwetty much sticks. I wead "The Hobbit" aftew I watched the movie and the Bilbo dude stuck in my head the whole time I wead. "The Lightning Theif"was an ok movie. They fowgot some funny bits, like the minotow weawing undewweaw. I definetly like books mowe than I do movie's. Fwom(the dude that's hunting wabbits)Cheeseball
P.S. I didn't deliberetly copy you Gianna,I just randomly thought of looney toons.
P.P.S. I don't like cheese(GASP)....I LOVE IT.
P.P.P.S. Does anyone have any suggestions for my parenthasies?
I just started reading the Lightning thief and I think it is really good.Since you guys have tolled me that it was really bad I'm not sure if want to go see it. Or I just might rent it on Netflex.I can't wait tile the Diary of a Wimpy kid comes out I hope its really good and funny as the book is.I sad movie that I saw was Marley.
By Will Donnell
I totally absolutaly 1 MILLION TIMES agree with Haylie!!!!!!! BEST BOOKS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! (HEAR THAT PEOPLE???!!!) The Series of Unfortunate Events was BY FAR my FAVORITE series!!! Ricky wanted me to read them a few years ago but i only got to page 7..... But now i can read probably two of these books in one day......
Fred Figglehorn
a.k.a not gianna if dats wat u tink!!
p.s Haylie: The first three books are included in the movie...
I really liked the book! I was really disapointed when I heard that it was not like the book at all. I don't want to go see it now that I heard it was not like the book. I really liked the Percy Jackson series, it's my second favorite series. Redwall is my first!!!!! I liked [Percy Jackson] the 3rd one and the 5th one the best. At first when I was reading the books I thought of Harry Potter because of the Half-Bloods. I think it's cool how Rick Riordan used real places in his books like the arch in St. Louis. What the son of Poseidon it's time to go, Cam.
I was concerned about a few BIG things that were left out of the movie. Most of all, Thalia! What ever happened to her! I think she's a real big part of the story and they just took her out of the picture. I don't know, but I'm not sure how they're going to do the second movie. I bet they're just going to just plop her in.
I agree with Will D. with Inkheart because I didn't think that the movie was very good. The book was boring from time to time and in the movie, they just tried way to hard to make it exciting.
I never thought that movies were better than books because the movies usually leave my favorite parts out and books have more feeling to me.
$@r@!-! (SARAH)
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