Friday, December 11, 2009

March on Washington

On Monday we watched a film on the March on Washington. We talked about all the positive things that came from this day of peaceful protest. Malcolm X had a different opinion of the March on Washington, He describes the march as a picnic, or a circus. What is your opinion of the March on Washington? Was it an affective event during the civil rights movement? Why was Malcolm X so critical of this event?


Anonymous said...

I think the march on washington was a very good idea to clear the way of black people and the rest of their lives.
They needed to do that so they would be treated better.
thats my blog!!!


Anonymous said...

I think it was a very good idea because blacks had a right to be treated well they were very nice people and no different from the whites and to make it better it was a peaceful protest.


Anonymous said...

I think that the march on washington changed the thoughts white people had on african americans. I think it was effective. I think Malcolm X was so critical because he might not thought that it wasn't going to work, so he had a different approach.


Anonymous said...

I think the March on Washington was more a good thing than a bad thing. It really forced the U.S Goverment to think about the Civil Rights movement in a different way other than their own's. It definitely was an affective event in the Civil Rights movement because it changed the way the goverment thought about the Civil Rights movment. I think it changed the way some white people thought about the Civil Rignts movement too. When they saw that humongus crowd at Washington D.C they knew the Civil Rights movement was a big deal. I think Malcolm X was critical of the March on Washington because the goverment planned the event and they said "You have to march here.""March at this time." Malcolm X thought the African Americans didn't have any say in how they marched, he thought the white people still controled the march. #1 Cam

Anonymous said...

#1. I think it was very affective because Maritan Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speach, but I can also understand why Malcolm X felt like that because from what I've heard they had to get the govorments permission to do it so it was under their control the whole time so in Malcolm X's upinion it had no affect what so ever.


Anonymous said...

I think the march on washington was a good idea.And I think it help make the U.S.A better
world so it is all equl to the white Americans and The
Africn Americans!!!

The Queen of Peace

Anonymous said...

#1.I think that the march on washington was a good idea because the balcks had no right to be treated differantly then the other wight boys and girls. I also think they have no reason to say that balck people smell,look wired,stupid,and other reason i can think of i just wanted to share mi idea with the class that balck boys and black girls should not be treadted differantly then wight boys and girls that is what i wanted to share thxs so much. I MISS YOU ALREADY MRS.SIMOND AND MR.ELLWELL XOCANDY

Anonymous said...

I think that Martin Luther King Jr. did the right thing, doing a peacefl protest and all. I think if they fought back there would be even more violence. I think it was effective because look where we are now. We are all living in MOSTLY peace. There are still some problems in the world, but mostly we are in peace. I think Malcom X was so critical because he was sick and tired of being bossed around, that when the protesting began, he saw an oppritunity to get back at the "whites". This is just my opion.

-julia is not in the poolia-

★Anna★ said...

I think it is very good that Martin Luther King Jr. did the March on Washington because it did a lot about black's getting freedom. I also think it's really awesome that 1/4 million people attended it!!!

.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.

Anonymous said...

I do think the march on Washington was a good idea because it shows that African Americans can be peaceful while making a statement. If they were violent, something really bad would have happened like getting arrested or even getting hurt.
I think the march on Washington really affected the civil rights movement because it showed that not just a few people but a whole bunch of people had the same dream to give African American people the same rights as whites. Also, the 'I Have A Dream' speech was so powerful that whites changed their minds about blacks.
I think Malcolm X was critical of this event because he probably thought that everybody didn't take it very seriously. That they were there to be part of the crowd, to do what other people were doing. Not because they really believed in the civil rights movement.

100% Sarah

Anonymous said...

I think the march on Washington was very effective. It sent a powerful message to everyone. I see what the X dude is saying, though. The reason that he did not like the idea is that the "white man" told MLK to do this and that. I think that Malcolm X didn't like the way MLK was because he was sort of asking for privileges instead of demanding them.

from your dead servant XELA:=

Anonymous said...

Malcolm X didn't like it because he didn't like quiet protest, because he thought it didn't help, that he just wanted revenge. He thought that the white people organized it and set it up. He thought that they knew what was happening, and it had no meaning.

-Book Boy-

Anonymous said...

I think it was very good that Martin Luther King Jr. did the March on Washington and all the black people came because I think it did a lot with segregation.
I think Malcolm X thought it would not do anything but it really did!

This message has been brought to you by Toy's R Us. Where kids are a big deeeeal.

.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with CAM!!!!!!!!!!!
The march on Washington was a VERY VERY BIG EVENT. It did change the governments thinking I think. If I was a member of the KkK I would definitely change my mind after seeing the event. But I still see where Mr.X is coming from.

YOUr 9 days till x mas servent ALEX.{Sorry no smiley face.}

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Malcom X's opinion. The March On Washington sent a HUGE message to lots of people.
P.S. I made 3 mistakes that I corrected.
Pie Face

Anonymous said...

I think the March on Washington was a success because it helped African Americans gain more rights. It was effective because it was peaceful and forgiving, not violent. In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches, he never called people black or white, he called them brothers and sisters. Malcolm X on the other hand, was critical of the march because it was against his beliefs. He wanted to get back at the white people. He wanted revenge. He believed that the black people should fight against the white people.

Anonymous said...

I think the march on washington was a good thing because people gathered together and did it peacefully instead of violently. Yes I think it did help the civil rights movement. He did not like it because he did not want it to be done peacefully.

by Andrew Leduc

Anonymous said...

I think it was good because so many people showed up. It shocked America that so many people came for one thing,rights! They did it in the right place too, so the people who make these decisions hear them cry for freedom. I think it was the last straw for Congress to pass the law. They thought, "We get it," so they passed the law.

-Mr. Elwells favorite kid....B........E........N........

Anonymous said...

I listenes to the march again tonight. There were thousands of cheese sandwiches. Before Martin Luther King Jr speech a lady sang "he's got the whole world in his hands" She had a really low voice. I am not sure if I liked her singing. The speech was long he talked about equality. There were lots of young children there. I do not think I would have liked being there because it was long.

Mullet Man Noah

Anonymous said...

I think the "I have a dream" speech was good, but it was just like any other speech he did,only more people saw it and realized what he wanted.It was different from other speeches but still the same.It was at a bigger event than other times he did speeches and more people watched it.

-Mr.Elwell's favorite kid...............B.........................e..................................................n............

Unknown said...

I think the March on washington was a good idea because after that black people were starting to be treated a little better.

This message was brought to you by Billy Mayse. Oxy clean stain remover it gets the tough stains out!!!
normaL (a.k.a not Gianna if thats what you think!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

I think the march on washington was a great idea because it told the untiend states gover ment that we have had enough. It had a huge affect on the civil rights movement because of how many people had should up and were brave for blacks.Malcom x was so critical in this event because he though that the march on washington was a fail because they were too peaceful because they were all holding hands and peaceful stuff.
/Will D

Anonymous said...

I agree with Julia because if MLK did fight there would be A TON more violence and if Martin Luther King did nothing at all blacks would still be treated that way.


Anonymous said...

I think that the march on washington changed the thoughts white people had on african americans.It really forced the U.S Goverment to think about the Civil Rights movement in a different way other than their own.

Six Gun Gus. or mullet man or noah By and remember be nice to black people like me noah

henry said...

I think it was affictive because they went to the capital and told them stop segregation. my opinoin is this: march on washition was sort of nuts come on its hard to talk to the president. malcom x had his reasons but he could have bin more soprotavive. hemry

Anonymous said...

I agree with book boy..Malcolm X really did not like the peaceful protest.Martin luther king was right about gathering blacks and white's together.It was also really good to do peaceful protest.I am also amazed that malcolm X and martin luther king Jr. knew each other.

by andrew Leduc

Anonymous said...

will.p will.p

well I would ask all White and Black people to help each other in any way they can.If they would not listen to me I would ask Mr.King and Malcolm X what to do.

Well my opinion of the March on Washington is a a bunch of people went to see Mr.King have a big speech about segregation.

Well I think Malcolm X problem with the non-violent movement was he thought nothing was getting done.

one more time