Thursday, December 3, 2009


Frita has told Gabe that he needs some courage, some perseverance and now she told him he needs some insight. Frita then announces to Terrence that Gabe is afraid of him.

Discussion points:

How has Terrence's attitude toward Gabe changed during the story so far? What do you think has caused it to change?

Has Gabe's feeling toward Terrence changed?

If you were going to give Gabe advice on how to deal with Terrence, or how to try to see things from Terrence's point of view, what would you tell him?


Anonymous said...

1. I think Terrence's attitude has changed during the story. In each additional chapter you learn more and more why Terrence is mad. Also, I think his attitude has changed with Terrence gets stronger as the story continues. Not only physically, but emotionally with his heart. I think Frita is kind of making him feel better.

2. When Frita told Terrence that Gabe was afraid of him, Gabe got really scared. Gabe thought Terrence was going to beat him up, but he didn't. Instead, they ended up having fun and Terrence tried to keep them on the bed. That showed Gabe that Terrence has fun but he's still kind of mad. I think Gabe can check off 'Terrence' on his list.

3. I would think that it would be better for Terrence to go to college but he wants to be in the 'Black Panthers'(???). If I would make him do something, I would tell him to listen to his heart.

100% Sarah

Anonymous said...

I think Terrance's attitude has change because when he was throwing thim up in the air and they landed on his bed they where laughing and having a good time. I think Terrance has realised that Gabe really isn't that bad. Also maybe he thought Gabe hated black people and he realised he doesn't. I think Gabe's feeling of Terrance has changed a little bit because when Terrance was throwing them in his room he was having fun.


Anonymous said...

I think it changed when frita starts to cry in terrence.He starts to feel sad for frita. Then frita asks if Gabe can sit on his bed,so he gets thrown on the bed and then POW he is up on terrence's hands. "I am doing twirp ups"he told Gabe as he started lifting him.I think gabe likes him a bit more then he used to.

I would tell him to slip on terrence's shoes.


Anonymous said...

I think Gabe's feelings towards Terrence has changed. In the past chapter we read Terrence was throwing Frita and Gabe onto his bed. Gabe then relized that Terrence wasn't really as mean as Gabe though he was because, well he was smiling and having fun! When they where all at the dinner table Gabe figured out why Terrence was so grumpy, he didn't want to go to college and [um I forgot the other reason.] Gabe didn't know what Terrence was going through with being a "Peace Warrior" Terrence was going through some hard times and being 18 didn't help either. Cam & CO.

Henry said...

1. Terrance was feeling bad for Gabe that he was afraid of him. Terrance shows that he isn't going to hurt him.
2. Yes, Gabe is still feeling tense around him, but they are not enemies. I agree with Sarah that Gabe thinks that Terrence isn't so scary afterall and he can be "checked" off.
3. I would tell him that 18 is a tough age for people and that he needs to just hold on and let Terrence get over with it.

Anonymous said...

Terrence's attude has changed from grumpy to happy.

Terrence's atttude has changed because since Terrence likes being all mean and tough he is happy to hear that Gabe is afaraid of him.

I think that Gabe now likes being beat up by Terrence.

From nobody:)
(a.k.a. katherine)

Anonymous said...

Terrence's has changed by Frida doing the whole act. I think he realized that Gabe wasn't trying to annoy him, he was just being himself. I think that Gabe is less(if not completly un-afraid) of Terrence now because of Terrence playing with them by flipping them on the bed. I would tell Gabe that he should find out a little more about Terrence from Frida. He should have asked her what he liked and eveything in the first place. Terrence is just having trouble with, as Mrs. Simonds said, being a rough age and being African/ American. I think he will get through it and that he and Gabe will become good friends.

-julia the coolia-

★Anna★ said...

I think Terrence has changed a little because he is still kind of mean but Gabe is getting to know him better and Terrence is getting to know Gabe better. If I was giving Gabe advice I would say to try to talk to Terrence and see how he feels and keep getting to know Terrence better and if he doe's get to know him better he might be less afraid. I think Gabe is getting a lot less afraid of Terrence.


Anonymous said...

I think Terrence attitude has changed because Gabe became a little more not so scared. I think Gabe is more friendly because Terrence said he didn't hate him and they kind of got along.Terrence might have changed his attitude because Frita said Gabe was afraid of him and he was really surprised and changed his attitude to be kinda nice.

-book boy

Anonymous said...

I think gabes attitude has changed a little bit with Gabe. Terrance can be a little mean to Gabe, but not as mean as before.

I don't think Gabe is afraid of Terrance, after the pillow fight and stuff. But Terranance wasn't trying to be mean to Gabe, Terrance was just grumpy because he has to goto college.


Anonymous said...

I think it caused it to change because frida started a conversation between gabe and terrance and gabe got to actually talk to him and ask him questions.


I would tell gabe that terrance is so mean because he has had some scary scary things happen in his life and that you should see how you would feel if you were terrance

Signed Document by:

_Miss Allie ___

Anonymous said...

Terrence's attitude has changed alot towards Gade through the last few chapters. I think his attitude has changed because he realized that Gabe wasn't like some white people and wasn't "rude" to African Americans. He also thought Gabe was a "twirp" and a real scaredy cat. When Frita told him Gabe was afraid of him , I think Terrence thought about the way he has been acting towards Gabe and felt ashamed of himself for taking out his anger on Gabe. [His anger about not wanting to go to college and the K.K.C.] Then he thought to change his attitude towards Gabe and be nicer. Cam INC.

Anonymous said...

He was mean then became nice to Gabe. I think it was the current events that caused it to change. Yes it has changed.I would tell Gabe to talk to terrance.I would also tell him to ask him why he bullies Gabe.

by Andrew Leduc