Where I’m From
I’m from never liking the Yankees while being born in New Jersey
I’m from 5 hours away to my old home
I’m from soccer and hockey
I’m from swimming to swimming
I’m from freedom
I’m from Biscuit to Wednesday Wars
I’m from a guinea pig to a dog
I’m from a swimmer and a nurse
I’m from servers of our countries and secretaries
I’m from baby clothes
I’m from the outside world
I’m from Frosha and whipping cream
I’m from lots of sisters and one brother
I’m from Falmouth people
I’m from the woods and I’m from the town
I’m from Goldenrod taffy
I’m from lots of dogs
I’m from Jamie and Keri
I’m from the Patriots and the Red Sox and the Bruins
I’m from Rubix Cubes and HO trains
I’m from softball and street hockey
I’m from bike riding
I’m from Journey and Van Halen
I’m from Tom Howell and Ronald Regan
I’m from Twix bars and Big League Chew
I’m from Love Boat and Dukes of Hazzard
I’m from Wrinkle in Time and Narnia
I’m from the sayings “cool” and “nuh-unh”
I’m from the dreams of being a gym teacher and an accountant
I’m from a world that, is and always will be, my home.
I’m from DS and Ipod, public pools and
riding bike.
I’m from camping in Acadia every summer every
I’m from Daughtry and owl city,cars and
breakfast in america.
I’m from buzz lightyear,thomas the train and
hula hoops.
I’m from clue and battleship.
I’m from skittles and resses cups, razzles,
twizzler and almond joy.
I’m from Bone, Nancy Drew and the lion the Witch and
the Wardrobe.
I’m from “hip”,”groovy” and “cool”.
I’m from the Brady Bunch,partridge family and
Phineas and Ferb.
I’m from all the memories.
I’m from little, plays With dolls cries a Lot to,
I’m from wipes my face when a cold dry tear is falling,
I’m from older, sits down in the living room laughing, wetting my pants
watching my favorite T.V show, WIPE OUT,
I’m from Halloween are favorite holiday scary to as we are running away from the scary people chasing as as we run away from them,
I’m from favorite food that we all love is Italian Rice,
by Candace
Where I’m From
By Anna
I’m from my vegetable garden in the front yard,
I’m from snowshoeing in my woods and playing with my dog.
I’m from dancing and Sports Illustrated.
From baseball and tootsie rolls.
From Nightly News and Gilligan’s Island.
I am from.........
Where I’m From
I am from Jodie and Michael
From going “beep beep” with my barbie jeep
From “choo chooing” with my train tracks
To going “cling clang” with my pots and pans.
I am from riding up and down the streets on my bike
From playing stressful games of Trouble with my dad
To drawing pink hearts on the driveway with chalk.
I am from sweaty shingaurds and warn cleats
To playing hopscotch barefoot on the driveway
From long plane rides listening to Raffis good music.
I am from the Celtics especially Rajon Rondo
To shooting hoops with my mom
From smelly basketball shoes and sweaty socks.
I am from the old camp on the blue lake
From siting around the campfire cooking smores
And telling ghost stories
To getting scared at night.
I am from the soft disney blanket
Full of smells and memories
From Clifford the big red dog
And “Allie dont eat that” to “put that down”
From “calm down now” to sleeping in the car.
I am from mornings with Dora and Boots
And evenings with Wizards
I am What I am
And that makes me, me