Tuesday, November 17, 2009

LOGK-Historical Questions

Hi Room 2308 Readers!!
In our read-a-loud, The Liberation of Gabriel King, we are hearing about many things that happened in 1976. We have heard a bit about segregation in the south, Watergate, and many other historical topics. I am creating this post as a place for you to ask about and discuss any topics that come up that you do not understand or want to ask questions about.
Happy Blogging.........


Anonymous said...

Can you explain s bit more about Watergate? Why did Nixon send spys tou to the hotel? What was the purpose? See you on Friday!

-Julia Bagoolia-

Anonymous said...

My question for you Mr Elwell is has Nixon ever fired someone.


Anonymous said...

Room 2308,
I think that in The Liberation of Gabriel King I think that Frida has something in mind about Gabe's dream that she is not telling us. This is a first person perspective book right?

-to cool 4 school-

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Simonds,

I wonder what is going to be on Fritas list because i dont think she is going to have a lot of stuff on her list because we dont really know what shes afraid of because in some other chapter a little while ago she went up to Duke and was not afraid of him and Duke is like a bully you never want to meet. Do you have an idea of what shes going to write?

~ Haylie :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I still don't get insegagation. How many people did it? Did they had a choice not to do it?Why they only did it with a certain amount of people?Answer these questions!!!


(Ben Ends Now)

Anonymous said...

I think Gabe should face his fears with spiders and Terance.I think Frieda helped Gabe a lot with the spider.

Anonymous said...

Hello Room 2308 Historians,
Julia, great question about Watergate. The Watergate Hotel was the central offices of the Democratic Party's National Committee in 1972. This was an important year because 1972 was a Presidential election year. President Nixon was finishing up his first four years as the President and he was running for re-election. A few months before the election he hired five men to break into the Democratic Party's offices in the Watergate Hotel. At least one if these men had connections to the CIA or other government agencies. These men stole important documents, tapped the phones and "bugged" the rooms of the office. This means that they set up little microphones within the offices. Nixon was spying on the group he was running against for re-election, the Democratic Party.

Later in !972 Nixon defeated Democrat, George McGovern and he won four more years as President of the United States.

Not all the facts about Watergate have surfaced and there are a lot of cool articles on this topic. Keep the questions coming!

Mr. Elwell

Anonymous said...

Hello 2308 Historians,
Justin I am so happy you asked this question. Nixon did fire people, and for all the wrong reasons. After the Watergate scandal was brought to the public's attention the government hired Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. This man was uncovering all of Nixon's Watergate secrets. When Cox was getting too close to the truth Nixon ordered Attorney General, Elliot L. Richardson to fire Cox. Richardson refused, he then was forced to resign by President Nixon.(Being forced to resign is pretty much the same thing as being fired.) When Richardson resigned he was replaced by a man named William D. Ruckelshaus. Nixon's first task for Ruckelshaus was to fire Cox, Ruckelshaus refused and was forced to resign by President Nixon. After this Nixon took it into his own hands and fired Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox.

Nixon was desperately trying to cover up the Watergate scandal. Unfortunately for Cox, Richardson and Ruckelshaus these men lost their jobs just because they were doing the right thing. what would you have done if you were in these men's shoes? Keep the questions coming.

Learn from the past, to improve the future.-Mr. Elwell

Anonymous said...

Hello 2308 Historians,
Ben this question can really get us thinking about the civil rights movement. In a couple of weeks we will look at issues like integration much more closely.

Up until 1954 all public schools were segregated. This meant that the schools were either all white children, or all black children. In 1954 there was a major court case called Brown vs. the Board of Education, as a result of this court case the United States government outlawed segregation. This meant that public schools were to be integrated. Integration means that both black students and white students would go to the same schools, and be given the same opportunities. In the book we are reading in class, The Liberation of Gabriel King, Frita and Gabe attend a school that has been integrated.

Legally all schools were forced to integrate however this happened at different times. Some schools and the people that ran them did not believe that integration was the right direction for their schools. They wanted to keep their schools all white.

I hope I answered your question about integration. We are going to look at these issues much closer in the upcoming weeks, keep these questions about civil rights in the back of your head.


Anonymous said...

What is a peanut farm????


Anonymous said...

hello Historians,
Allie, a peanut farm is exactly what it sounds like. It is a farm that grows peanuts. They harvest peanuts just like farmers harvest corn and other vegetables in York. Peanut farms are very common in the state of Georgia and throughout the Southeast United States. Keep the questions coming.
-Mr. Elwell

Anonymous said...

were there just trailers back then in georgia???



Anonymous said...

Hello 2308 Historians,
Allie, that is a very interesting question. There were trailers back in the 70's in Georgia, however like in York today, there are many different types of houses.It is just a coincidence that Frita and Gabe both live in trailers. Have a nice break everyone and I look forward to hearing from you all.-Mr. Elwell

Anonymous said...

i think gabe is starting to get a little less scared of fridas basement because they go down there a lot

wus up ALLIE

Anonymous said...

in georgia at that time were there a lot of stores and things like motels or any of that?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ALLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

Mr.Elwell can you explain a little more about the clu clucks clan

BENNY AND HIS BED (when you read this read it fast!)

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Elwell,

I went and ask my dad about the K.K.K. and we talk about how they killed some many Black people just because they were colored.? Wow there Racist.

So my question is "Why did the K.K.K. kill so many Black people"

Its Me


Anonymous said...

Hello Will and Allie,
The KKK was formed in 1866 in Tennessee. Since then they have committed countless hate crimes against both African-Americans and whites who supported equality. They use acts of violence and intimidation to slow down the progress of freedom and equality for all humans.-Mr. Elwell

Anonymous said...

Dear Mista Elwell,
Can you explain a bit more about the black power movement???? What happened in it?

Anonymous said...

Mista Elwell,
Can you explain more about the Black Power Movement? What was it? What did people do?


Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr Elwell for answering my question. If I were those guys I would quit my job. I would quit because of the Water gate scandel.Earlier after you left our classroom we started another historical book. That book is The Cay by Theodore Taylor. Have you ever heard of that book? That book takes place in World war 2. It starts in Curacoa. Isn't Curacoa near the northern part of South America? Do you know anything about Curacoa? The main charachter's name is Philip.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Elwell,
what was your favorite thing that happend in the past? My other question is what was your least favorite thing that hapend in the past?