A portent is a sign of something that is about to happen. Authors often use foreshadowing in books to give the read a sign of what is going to happen. Shakespeare often used foreshadowing in his stories. In "Romeo and Juliet", both characters talk about death.......and they end up dying!
In "Where The Wild Things Are" , the author uses pictures to foreshadow events. There is a picture of a wild thing on Max's wall, and a stuffed wild thing hanging from the clothesline.

In today's chapter of "The Liberation of Gabriel King", Gabe has a dream and wonders if it is a portent or sign of something to come.
Discussion Points:
A. What is an example of foreshadowing that you have noticed in the book you are reading right now, or in a book you have recently read. Did you realize is might be foreshadowing an event or did you realize it later?
B. Have you ever had a dream that made you wonder about something about to happen? Describe it and explain why it made you wonder.
C. Gabe's dream involved many things that he is scared of....spiders.......Duke and his father.....what other parts of Gabe's dream come from his fears and events that have happened so far?
(A) When the girl was at school she was really sad because she just moved and was saying she was going to run away go on a plane and the whole 9 yards and I thought she really was going to because and I was right!!
(B) NO
(C) The dirt road, they had to run down the dirt road, I think I don't really remember Mrs.S could you check please???
Yuor parent and Guardian,
[B] I just recently had a dream about basketball tryouts. In the dream I did really bad at the tryouts and didn't make the team. It made me wonder because basketball tryouts are this weekend and I really hope that dream doesn't come true.
In a book I read last year the boy thought something might happen a lot in the book and it almost always did happen! (That was my favorite book by far. It was King of the Wind!!)
Sometimes when I have a dream I am kind of scared or happy because I think it might happen but then I forget about it a few days later. I can't think of any specific dreams though that I have done that with though.
I was thinking that he might have been with Frita in the dream because she was the one who gave him the spider and his dream had lots of spiders in it. I think the book is getting very interesting now because I want to see if what happens in his dream will happen or if something similar to it will happen.
A.In a book Bone #8 I read in the past it showed a grandmother that already knew that there was going to be a battle coming with vicious warriors to the city.
B.Yes I have had a dream that made me wonder if it would come true.In my dream my dad and my stepmom cat and I were in a store and there was a window that was broken and there was a man out there and when that man saw us he started to chase us.
C.His fear of Terrance, and Terrance beating him up , at school, and at school outside.
A. Yes. In Malice his best friend does the ritual to go into Malice, but it doesn't work right away but he hears these chattering noises and a week later he's in Malice!
C. When Frita and Gabe were in the swamp before Frita ran off and Gabe didn't know where she was; that's just like in the dream where Frita ran off and Gabe couldn't find her.
B. I have never....Well not that I know of.
C. Well he said he was afraid of the dirt road on i think he said that he was afraid of the swampy place too.
Wierdly yours,
P.S. I like cheese.
A. In my book Harry Potter #4 there is a little bit of foreshadowing. I'm at the part right before the quitich world cup and Mr. Crouch was kind of talking about the Tri-Wizard cup but he didn't want to say anything big to Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, George and Fred just yet.
B. I don't think I've ever had a dream that made me wonder if it was going to happen. Even if I did have a dream like that, I probably would just forget it. I only remember my really weird dreams.
C. I think they were running on the dirt road when he lost his parents, I think. I really don't remember that part a lot.
100% Sarah
This is for B
The night before a test I all ways have a nightmare about getting a F!!! and in my dream I come home and get yelled at, and it never stops till I wake up.
Yes. I have had a dream where I was in my Mom and Dad's room and a bunch of hornets landed on my face.I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want it to come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am rereading The Lighting Theif. I the book it for shadows by saying that the key to there quest is not confronting Hades, but is somthing even more powerful. Then they find out that it is true. By the way Hades is the lord of the dead.
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