Frita has hatched her plan......and Gabe is not happy about it.

What are your thoughts on Frita's plan? Do you think it will work? Why or why not?
While reading this part of the book, I thought about my own fears. I started to make a list in my head. I am scared of falling from high places. I am scared of fast cars and driving on the highway. I am scared of my kids getting hurt. When I was a kid, I was scared of walking up my driveway in the dark. However, I use to make myself walk up the driveway anyway. Now I am not that scared, although if I think about being scared........I end up getting a bit scared.
What kinds of things are you scared of? Is it easy for you to make a list? Do you have more than 18 fears like Gabe?
Do you think facing your fears can help you get over them? Have you ever faced a fear? What happened?

I think Freda's plan will work because the best way to get ride of a fear is to be around it.
two of the things I'm scared of is Allie and Gianna.
I do think facing fears helps get over them.
I used to be afraid of spiders but I caught one and kept it as a pet until a girl in my accidently smushed him with the rock I put in his little cage, on the same day.
① I do think Fritas plan will work, Gabe will be able to adapt to the stuff he's scared of, and might not be so scared of them anymore.... Except for maybe Terrance...
② It would be hard to think of 18 things i'm scared of, but if i did, if i did them a few times i might adapt to them. but i don't really wanna "accidently" fall of of the Empire State building.
One time I was afraid of falling down my stairs, and sure enough that night i tripped over a book and fell down 19 stairs.... That would still be a little scary.
#1 I like Frita's plan. It is a good idea to get rid of his fears. I think it will work because they are going through everything on his list and trying to help him over come his fears and Duke, Frankie, and fifth grade are all on his list, so after he over comes all of his fears, he won't be afraid of Duke, Frankie or fifth grade.
#2 I am scared of cliffs, bees hornets and anything else that can sting you, and spiders (but only the big hairy ones not the daddy long legs)
#1 I really like Frita's plan. I think it will make Gabe a more tough and less wimpy boy. I think Frita's plan IS going to work because when you face your fears, they'll never come back to haunt you again.
#2 I agree with somebody (no name on the post) that Allie and Gianna can be a little scary and probably they are one of the things that are on the top of my list. I am also afraid of spiders, dark places, blood, bad grades, etc. I probably have a lot more than 18 things on my list if I think really hard. It is kind of easy for me to make a list of things I'm scared of because, I have to admit, I am a wimpy girl. I do think facing your fears can help you get over them because like I said on the first paragragh, if you get rid of each fear you have one by one, they won't haunt you for the rest of your life. I did face a fear when I was little and it was swimming. I used to hate swimming and my mom made me take swimming lessons every Wednesday. I almost always cryed every class. I kept on swimming and now, I love to swim!
I am scared of going outside when it is dark. I have faced it and it went well but I am still pretty scared of being outside or in somewhere I have never been in in the dark.
I am pretty good at making lists but I don't have 18 things I am scared of.
I think Frita's plan will work because so far in the book Gabe is deciding to keep the spider.
I am scared of a lot of things. At night I get scared because my little brother keeps saying he sees shadows. I know he is lying but I still get scared because it gets me thinking about all that kind of stuff.
I do not have more than 18 things on my list. Or do I?
1 I am scared of spiders,big snakes,bats,bears,sharks.2 Yes it is easy to make a list.4 No I don't have more than eighteen fears like Gabe. Yes I do think facing your fears can help you get over them.yes I have faced a fear.I faced the fear of the fear of skiing down north peak.
by Andrew Leduc
o1.I think that frita's plan will work because facing your fears helps to get over them.
2.I probalaly have more then 18 but I can only name this scary movies, dark places and sharks. I faced a fear once I hated swimming alone. I heard about jaws and that fear but I swam any way and I love swimming.
henry the man aka HENRY aka Henry
I'm scared of blood,gore and monsters like Big foot stuff like that.It would be hard for me to make a list of stuff I'm scared of. because I'm not scared of that much stuff. I think that facing you're fears is a good thing because you will probably get over your fear. I wounce faced my fear of the dog next door that borked at me all the time when I did face the dog, it was all fine.
/Will D
#1. The things I'm scared of are bugs like bees,hornets,wasps,and flys I'm also scared of, car accidents, really scary movies and videos, the woods when its dark, being left alone when its pitch black, and pop outs, like when videos do a thing where you have to look closely at the screen and then a face pops up at you and screams.
#2. It is sorta easy to make a list because I just have to think of what has happened that I was scared of.
#3. I don't think I have over 18 fears like Gabe but I do have a lot.
#4. I do think that facing your fears helps because if you face them you're probably not going to be afraid of them anymore.
#5. Yes, I have faced my fear of the Spiral ride at York's Wild Kingdom. I used to be really afraid of it but then I went on it and it was REALLY fun!
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