Friday, December 14, 2012

Better or Worse?

Yikes, during the last two chapters of Schooled, we heard from Hugh and from Zach.  Neither of them are very happy with Cap right now.  Things seem to be going better and better for Cap, and not so well for both of them.

Discussion Points:
1. Give some examples of how things seem to be getting better for Cap, and worse for Hugh and Zach.
2. What do you predict will be the high part of the story mountain, or the turning point in this story? Be sure to explain your thoughts fully and use examples( or evidence0 whenever possible.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds,

Cap has become more popular. He is actually 8th grade president and not being made fun of. Now Hugh is the only target the bullies are going for. When Cap was being picked on, Hugh couldn't even remember his last wedgie and now Hugh is getting wedgies every day. Now Cap is sitting in Zach's seat which Zach has been working on to sit there since 6th grade. Zach is jealous and unhappy about Cap's popularity.

Ever since Cap drove the bus and saved the bus driver's life, he has been popular. I think the top of the story mountain may be that Cap goes back to being unpopular. In the beginning of the story he was not popular and now he is. I am guessing that Cap will not be popular for a much longer period of time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Simond's

I was not here on friday to lisen to Schooled so I can't do this blog.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs.Simonds,
Well Cap is getting to Know people more and becomeing popular. But for Zach that means he can't prank Cap as well. And Hugh is getting bullied more. The turning point must be close because Cap is getting popular and Zach is backing down on being mean to Cap.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Sdiamonds
I think that Hugh and Zach are going to team up and try to get rid of Zach and Hugh will do something to get cap in trouble and cap will get kicked out of his school.I think that the higher parts of the story mountainis when rain comes home and the Halloween dance.I also think that Zach and Hugh might be at the top of the story mountain.
I also think that maby Zach and Hugh will not do anything but they probably will and something will happen to cap.

Anonymous said...

Hola Mrs. Simonds,
I have liked the past 2 chapters that we've read. I always like when the author does the unthinkable or puts a twist on the story!
Things keep getting better for Cap. An example of this would be Cap's popularity, when he first came to this school he was the target of the bullies (to be specific Zack). Now he is one of the most popular kids in school!
Things keep getting worse for Zach. An example of this, for starters he's now lost his spot at the lunch table and he's teaming up with one of his old targets, High Winkleman. Honestly I'm not sure things could get any worse for Zack! But of course, things are.
Things are getting worse for Hugh, an example would be when Cap first came to this school Hugh was his guide. Now that Cap is popular Hugh is rubbish!!!
I think that because this story's mountain isn't a perfect up and down, that the high part of this will be when Rain gets better and they both go back to Garland! But I think that when they do go back that it'll be different!

Anonymous said...

1. Things seem to be getting better for Cap because he is *th grade president and he is getting really popular. Also because he is starting to fit in and be really nice. Things got worse for Zach because he wanted to make fun of Cap and be mean to him but he has to do it by himself because all of his friends just bail on him because they think that Cap is cool. Things get worse for Hugh because Cap just got there and he had been there for a lot longer and he already was getting a lot more attention.
2. I think that at the high part of the story mountain the dance is going to happen and something will go wrong.

Biz <3<3

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Simonds,
I think that it is getting worse for Hugh and Zach because
Hugh is getting bullied again because everyone likes cap now and Hugh is the target of bullying again. The story is getting worse for Zach because Zach is not popular anymore well he is popular but not as popular as cap!
I think the high part of the story will be the Halloween dance because something might go wrong and somebody might not be able to make it and then there will be no food and people will not like cap again. Also when they go to the Halloween dance people will not like it or cap will not learn everybody's names then they will be mad at him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.S
I think it is getting better for Cap because he is getting more friends the more we read. I think it is getting worse for Hugh because some people stopped bullying Cap so now they might start to bully Hugh. I also think it is getting worse for Zack because he is getting less power each time he try's to bully Cap. I predict that the high part of the story mountain will be when every except Zack will be on Cap's side. I also think it will be when Cap knows everybody's name.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Simonds,
1. It's getting better for Cap because, the students of C Average Middle School are starting to like him because, when he was tidiing, the teacher came in and adored his tidiing because she had not done it for a long time. And then made an anouncment to the school saying you can come and do tidiing with Cap. He got more popular. And another time when it seemed to get better was when Cap gave a check for a charaty or something like that, and people where amazed that Cap gave a check for a lot of money. I think it was about $1,000 on the check!!
I think it's getting worse for Hugh and Zach because,For Hugh, he was best friends with Cap, and now he is jellus because,Caps getting all the attention. And Hugh is not. For Zach, it's like the same thing.He used to be Mr.popular, but now he's an average teenager. It's also worse for him because Naomi is not really dating him anymore really.
2.I think the top of the mountain would be when Cap comes popular when he was tidiing with other students.

Anonymous said...

To Mrs. Simonds,
1. It has been getting better for Cap because Cap is now sitting at a real lunch table with the popular kids. Kids are also thinking of Cap as their role model. Things have been getting worse for Hugh because Hugh is now getting bullied again because Cap is popular and people don't want to pick on him. Things have been getting worse for Zach because he is now not able to sit at his lunch table because Cap is there, a matter of fact, Cap is in HIS seat.
2.I think the turning point will be that Zach and Hugh will get their payback on Cap for what he has done to them. I think this because Cap has made bad things happen to Hugh and Zach.
Will M@cDonald

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Simonds
1) One example that things are going better for Cap and worse for Zach is when Cap got to sit with the popular people and in Zach's seat. A problem for Hugh is when he is no longer Caps friend. Hugh is also worried that he might be a bulling target again.
2) I think that the story is starting to go down hill just slightly because people are starting to stop bullying Cap and are starting being his friend.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Simonds,
Things that are getting better for Cap are that he is not getting bullyied anymore, Sophie is being nice to him again because he "sent" her the charm bracelet. All of the people that used to bully Cap are now his friends accept Zach. Things that are getting worse for Hugh, and Zach are, first for Hugh is that he was all happy that Cap was getting bullyed so he did not have to. But now Cap is the most popular in the school. For Zach he is just jealous because Cap took his place. I think the climax already happend. The turning point is that Hugh, and Zach become friends.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds,

Well I think Hugh thinks that he is losing Cap's
friendship, because he is getting a lot more friends and does not need him anymore. I think that will change.
For Zach I think he is just jealous of Cap. Because he used to be the most popular one and now he is left out. I feel bad for him, even though he is really mean. I predict that Zach will become nicer and be Cap's friend.
The high point of the story is sort of past because everything is going well but I think that might change. So I am not really sure where it is. Cap got arrested already and elected president. Also I think a lot of the bad has past.



Anonymous said...

Hi Riley
You read my mind, literally. I think when you have less friends you don't have power. That's like Zach. I think bullying starts at home either with parents or alcoholics or maybe even drugs. Or maybe their just spoiled rotten. But I really like your blog. I like how you added how Hugh you think will start to get bullied.
Will Masterson!!!!!!!!!!!!