Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trackers By Patrick Carman

We read about this new book in class and heard from the author why he wrote it. What do you think about combining technology with reading? Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not?

Here is the the author's website where you can check out his other books.


Are there any you have read? What did you rate them and why?
Are there any that look interesting? Why or why not?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Are Our Stories Really About

Hello Wacky Readers of 2308!
What a fun "WACKY WEDNESDAY"! Too bad I forgot to dress up :)

Today in writing we began to explore what our literature circle books were REALLY about. You began to think deeply about your stories, about what the story's meaning was, what the character learns and if it is a life lesson that can help you live your life differently. You thought about which parts of the story contributed to the message of the story, such as the title, setting, beginning, the changes in the characters, the form and word choice or the ending.
I would like you to use what you practiced today to think deeply about the independent book you are reading on your own. What do you think that story is really about? Share your thoughts, give examples and back up your opinions!
Can't wait to read your posts......you all did an amazing job in class today......yahooo!
Mrs. S

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lit Group Work

Hello Bookworms!

Today in class you met and discussed the following for your group books:

Protagonist and Antagonist
Central tension
Possible Themes

Share with me here your discussion. Let me know if you agreed on things as a group, if you had different ideas, and if you did not agree on any of the following. Make user to explain why you thought what you did and give any evidence you can from the book.
Happy Writing......
mrs. S