Hello Room of Readers!
Well, you have finished "The Liberation of Gabriel King". As this is the first time I have used this a a class read-a-loud, would you share your thoughts with me?
I'd like to know:
What would you rate this book as a read-a-loud on a scale of 1 to 10? Why?
Do you have a favorite book that has been a class read-a-loud from the past few years in school? Why is it your favorite?
What qualities should a book have to be a good read-a-loud?
I would give the book "The Liberation of Gabriel King" a 9.
The reason is because it is a great book but it is not my favorite book.
My favorite book from the past years is "The Tale of Despereaux". In the book the main character is a mouse and he goes out on an adventure.
I like this book because it is very well written and I think that the story it tells is very interesting.
A good read-a-loud book should have a nice problem and conclusion. It should also be clearly written.
I would rate it a 7.49 because it was a good book but there were parts that I found didn't really make sense. I think there are better books that could be used for read-a-loud. I don't have a favorite read-a-loud book but in third grade I liked a book with Mr. Oakaxe called Poppy. A good read-a-loud book should have lots of dialog, emotional moments, and a good ending and lots of cliff hangers.
I have been read Princess in love . I love the book.
So the princess name mia . so mia has a boy friend name kenny but mia wants to break up with him . But she didn't Know if she should break up with him . But mia really what to . so one day on Dec 9th she did . But after that she was wonder how is she go to go to the dance that is coming up in the next week. But she said she at least she break up with kenny and that was the most happiest thing she what to talk about right then and there so she didn't what to talk about the dance . so the rest of the day she happy as a cow!!!
The queen of peace
I would rate this book a 6.Because I like it is very interesting and fun.Also because it is about kids in school.No I have do not have a favorite book that has been a class read-a-loud.A book must have tons of facts,pages,and fun characters.
by Andrew Leduc
I would rate "The Liberation of Gabriel King" a 7 because it was not my favorite book and some parts were boring. I liked "The Tale of Despereaux" as well as Katherine because it was very interesting. I think a good book should be clear and it should not be confusing at parts. I also agree with Henry that it has to have cliff hangers at the end of chapters so you like forward to reading more.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I would give the book "The Liberation of Gabriel King" a 9/12.
The reason is because it is a great book but it is not my favorite book.
I love
"The Tale of Despereaux" Katherine thats like my favorite book ever!!!
Sarah thanks for telling me to read Coraline its so good so far!!!
I would rate T.L.G.K a 10 because it was really well planned out. I think it is neat that the author placed this book a while ago.
I don't think I have a favorite book that we've read as a read ALOUD. I have read Rules and I loved that book. Are we reading that together this year?
I think a good read-aloud book should be about your intrests. I can't tell you good what qualities are because it depends on what YOU like.
-julia the coolia-
I would rate the book The Liberation of Gabriel King a eight. I would give it this rating because it has alot of African American history which is always fun to learn about. Another reason I rated it this way is because it left you hanging in the end.
My favorite book that we read this year was Schooled, by Gorden Korman. I liked it because it had a different character's perpective in each chapter.
I agree with Henry that a book should have lots of dialog, cliff hangers, etc.
I loved the Liberation of Gabriel King I would rate it a 9.5 because I would tell one of my friends to read it!!!
1. I would give L.O.G.K. a 8. It is not the type of book I'd choose for myself, but I think it's better for read aloud because it has things in the book I would not think of on my own. Also, I give it an 8 because it has a cute, meaningful moral in the story that you will alway remember.
"Nothing ain't so scary when you have someone that loves ya."
2. My favorite book that I read with my class is 'Because of Winn-Dixie'. I love the beginning when she says, I went in the supermarket looking for food and came out with a dog. Also, the ending is sad but when you figure out what really happens, you laugh and say, why didn't I think of that?
3. The qualities of a read-a-loud book should hold your attention so you don't fall asleep. Also, it should have good visual descriptions. So you can have a picture in your mind, like a movie, when you listen to the story being read by someone else. Another thing is that after listening to first book of a series, if you really enjoyed it, you could then go on and read the other books in the series.
100% Sarah
I'd rate this book an 8. I like first person view alot. This book also has alot of adventure in it.
I think we should try to find books that have questions, Mystery/adventure or a book with good beginings and endings.
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#1. I'd rate it a 9 1/2 because i really liked it but it wasn't the best book i've ever read.
#2. I don't really have a favorite, i've loved all the read-a-loud books. like schooled,poppy,and LOGK.
#3. It should have a good story line and plot and you should be able follow along well.
I would rate this book a 9 because at the beginning, I didn't like it so much but by the third chapter or something i started to like it.
I really liked The City of Ember. We read that last year. I really liked it because it had lots of adventure and was never really sad. (I don't like sad books)
peace out people!!
Fred Figglehorn a.k.a normaL a.k.a Gigi a.k.a G!@nn@ a.k.a Gianna Tee Hee!!!!
I would rate the L.O.G.K as a 9.
To me it seemed liked one of the messages was that you'll always have a good freind by you're side even if you two are different. That's what I liked the most about the book, but I have another reason why I liked the book. To me it also showed that if a lot of people stand up to one thing [I'm talking about the rally and how they where all standing up to the K.K.K] that one thing isn't so strong. Mr. Elwell left today-- I'm still crying now. :[
sadly Cam
#1. If i where going to rate this book i would give it a 9 because, I would have to say it was kid of good there some parts i liked and some i didnt i love the funny parts of the book. I also like the parts that are really cool like have a pet like they had. I no its kid of wired but i dont care. i think it would be cool if they added more chapters. xocandy
#1. I like that dog book I forget the name of it. But ya I love that book because I love dogs. I wish that that dog was not out like that it was kid of sad to because how he had to travle all around. I also think that he was really cute. But i got to go bye. xocandy
#1. I think a book for me would have to be funny,cool,sick,and other stuff. i have to go bye class i will miss mr,Elwell nooooooooooooooooooooooooo xocandy
Thank you to the people that comented on my favorite book!
I have changed my rating of L.O.K.G from a 9 to a 8.8 because I looked at the other comments and thought that they have good reasons to rate it what they did.
I agree with Henry that to be a good read aloud a book it should have a lot of dialog and emotional moments.
A read a loud book should be an exciting mystery or an outrageous adventure or maybe even a humor type of story. No matter what type of book you choose to read, it should not be a boring book that has no meaning whatsoever.
(1) I would give the book an 8, because I loved the book but some parts were boring and some were really exciting and cliff hanging.
(2) My favorite book from the past few years is probably Charlottes Web because it was a connection between animals so that made it more interesting and it never got boring and some times it was sad but you always got to have a little a sad in a book and we got to watch the movie when we were done.
(3) I think what Kathrine thinks a nice problem and conclusion and a little sadness.
Your Clown,
I would give the "Liberation of Gabriel" king a ten because it was a great book because it had aton of history in it and it was like what the world was really like bck then.The best book I was read a loud to was "The Tale of Despereaux" because it tells you its a right to be a miss fit. I like funny historical ficton like somewhat "Milkweed".
I disagree with Herb because you cant just have a good beginning and ending cause the middle could be really boring and you might quit the book before you get to the ending you need to have a book thats good all through the book.
My favorite book that has been a class read-a-loud in the last couple of years in school is the "The Tale of Despereaux". The book has lot's of excitement and some "scary" parts that's why I liked it. I would give "The Tale of Despereaux" a 6.5 it really wasn't the book for me but it was still my favorite book that was reed out loud to me. If some other kid who really liked that book read this blog they will probably be screming at me in class but, hey it just wasn't the book for me. Henry not all good books have to have all the things you listed to be a good book well it least in my opinion.
I would give the "Liberation of gabriel king" a 10 because it was a great book because it was a great book and it had a ton of history and like what the untiened states was like back then. The best book I have been read a loud to was 'The Tale of despereaux" because it tells you its a right to be a miss fit. I like funny books and historical fiction and the Alex Rider series.
Will D
will.p will.p
Well I think I would give it a 9 or 10, because it was a thriller to me.
It also told me a lot about 1976 for example I didn't know anything about 1976 but now a lot, like I know that the K.K.K. was still very active close too were they lived.
Well you all know the book that I'm going to say (maybe Alex.L) well it is Schooled by Gordan Kormam.I like this book because it was about a 8th grader how dos not know what to do or when to do it. I also like it because it is sooo funny.
Well a good read-a-loud book should have a grate hook and have a good problem and a grate Ending.
one more time!!!
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