During the summer, Gabe takes several risks that seem to him to be quite dangerous. Make a list of all Gabe's adventures that you can remember and rank them in order from the most dangerous to the least dangerous. Then, in your opinion, tell me if any of Gabe's fears are appropriate.
During the summer of 1976, Gabe experiences success and failure, thrill and disappointments. How is this summer a turning point in the lives of both Gabe and Frita? When they are older, what do you think each will most remember about this exciting summer?
#1. Well i think that they will remember over the summer that they are not afraid of anything. Like scary spiders,millipedes,and other scary things. lol! I think over the summer they will be braver. I also think they are going to best friends for ever i just wanted to throw that out to all of you. lol! I think that they should make a second book of it because that was the awsome book every but i have to go bye, now class!!!!!!!!!! xocandy
Well I think that Frita is fearless because she was pretty much fearless before,and Gabe how ever was kind of scared of a lot of things but he's mostly fine now!
ps. I give that book a 10!!!
1. the encounter with Evan's trailer.
2. the rope swing.
Gabe's fear of bugs was unecessary.
Both Gabe and Frita got braver. They learned a lot of stuff about the Evans. Personally, I think they will really remember jumping off the rope swing.
The summer was a turning point for Gabe because got over most of his fears. He'll look back at the summer and remember as the time he finally stoped being a big chicken and got his wits together to go to 5th grade. The summer was a turning point for Frita because she realized that if everyone stands up to the K.K.K the K.K.K won't be so strong. I think Frita will look back at the summer and remember it as the summer Gabe stoped being a chicken. I also think she'll remember it as the summer that they struck back at the K.K.K through the rally. $Cam$
#1. I think that,that book was funny because like they are scared of a lot of things and it is funny to me because when they want to go try something out that they are scared of they do it but they are still scared the next day well anyways i have to go bye class. xocandy
I think it was a big turning point in Gabe and Frita's life because Gabe decided to go to fifth grade and Frita crossed off stuff on her list. I think when they get older they will still be friend's like Candace said and I think they will never forgot about Mr.Evans.
.:~Anna Thee Banana~:.
I think Gabe's most dangerous is going to the Evans' trailer. The next one is rollerskating on the yellow line. The next is MAYBE going on the rope swing. I said it might be because we don't know how high the rope swing is. I can't remember any more. I have a question, what is the next group we are reading? Either tell me in school or tell me on the blog.
10 days until X-mas!
-julia is coolia-
I liked this book and I would rate it a 9.5. I liked it because Gabe takes alot of risks just to face his fears. He spends most of his time facing his fears and having fun with Frita. My favorite read aloud book is "Where the Wild Things Are". I really like the way the pictures are drawn they are awesome.
Mullet Man
In that summer of 1976 Gabe experiences a lot of change because Frita is being bullied by an adult and others that think that African Aericans are bad (but they are not).
Also Gabe is getting braver and stronger.
When Frita and Gabe are older they will probably remember gonig on the rope swing. They will also probably remember Jimmy Gabes spider.
When they get older they will definitely remember this summer!
Henry, I don't think that Gabe's fear of bugs was unecassery. I'm not saying that he shouldn't of been afraid of them but still.....
1.The dirt road incident.
2.Rollerskating down the yellow line. 3.Walking through the swamp trying to catch a spider. [The alligators!] 4.The rope swing.
5.Evans trailer incident.
I think Gabe's fear for Mr.Evans is appropriate because Mr.Evans is with the K.K.K and he's plain old mean. I also think Gabe's fear for Duke is appropriate too because he makes fun of him and he was bound to beat Gabe up one time. I think Gabe's fear for alligators is appropriate because he lives in Georgia [they have alligators there] the catfish pond may have alligators in it and the water is murkey so you wouldn't see the alligator if one was there.
All of Gabe's other fears he shouldn't be afraid of--toughen up Gabe! This message is for Julia: why did you think the Evans trailer was the most dangerous thing that happen to Gabe it wasn't really that dangerous.
:)Cam & Co.
He was outside with the sixth graders 5.He was being nice to terrance2. And he was talking to terrance1.Some of his fears are appropriate.Because strange things are happening this summer for Gabe and Frita that is causing their turning point.I think they will remember how much happened.And how much fun they are going to have.
by Andrew Leduc
#1 Gabe and Frita's summer was definitely a turning point in their lives because they both got rid of all their fears. Like Gabe had a spider on his list and next thing you know it, he has one for a pet(Jimmy). Also, there was one fear that they didn't acomplish, Duke's trailer. When they wre trying to look for Duke's mother's corpse, they ended up almost getting whooped by a broom. What I'm trying to say is, they are more brave and courageous in the end.
#2 I think when Frita and Gabe are older they are going to remember the rush or feeling when they conquered a fear. All the amazing and fun things they did. Like jumping off of the rope swing, playing with Terrence, everything. Also, I think Frita is going to mock him when they're older, about when Jimmy was on him and he ran away screaming to his trailer in his underwear.
100% Sarah
It is a turning point for them because they are getting rid of their fears and throwing them out the window, and they are taking new risks every week that could get them in big trouble.
I think Gabe will most remember when he talked to Terrance and found out a little about his life and why he is always violent and punchy. I think Frida will most remember when she got Gabe to keep the spider, Jimmy, she probably was really proud of her self.
Facing Terrence is the one of the least dangerous ones because it just made me happy inside.This fear gets the most happy award.:>
I think the spider one where Gabe has to get a spider and name it was not that dangerous. I mean even if I spider was on you it probably would not bite you.This one defenitly gets the funny award when Gabe ripped his clothes off.:D
I think going to the Evans' trailer was a bad idea from the start.I mean the owner is a member of the KKK let alone his wife!This gets the heart pownder award.:o
I know there are more but I can't think of any.
From your award giving servant ALEX :> :D :O
I agree with Cam. But on his list i would add going to fifth grade as #6 on Gabe's list.
Gabe is afraid of Duke because his dad is part of the KKK. Gabe is already scared of Duke's dad enough.
Gabe was also scared of the Rope swing, beacuse when he went to get Jimmy (the spider) he thought there was Alligators in the pond. He still probably thought that, so he thought that when he swung off the rope swing he would land with some alligators.
I think Gabe and Frita got braver so that was definitly a turning point. I think they will most remember all the trills they faced like the rope swing and Terrence.
(a.k.a not Gigi if thats what u think!!!!!!)
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Red Robin yum!
I agree with sarah because it was a turning point that summer by getting rid of their fears. When teir older they will probably remember that they got all their fears gone, the K.K.K., and MR. Evens.
posted by justin
#1. #1. Duke and Frankie
#2. the rope swing
#3. roller skating down the dirt road
#4. spiders
#2. I think the rope swing and roller skating down the dirt road are appropriate because if you roller skate down any road you could get run over or something could happen to you, I would be afraid of the rope swing because i'm afraid of hights.
#3.I think Gabe and Frita will remember that they got braver and over came almost all of their fears.
I disagree with Alex because your nor Gabe and he might of thought that is was really scary like you cat tell what the persons feeling if they dont say it.
Both of thier lives change because they face their fears and stannd up to those bullys.Probably all of it because it was fun and they got braver and they spent a ton of time together.
Will D
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