Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Words, Words, Words.......

In today's reading, Professor Savant asked the kids their three favorite words.
Lindy's were "Yellow. Sunshine. Mother of Pearl."
Ben just gave one, "Acetylsalicylic."
Tom also just gave one, "Antidisestablishmentarianism."

Professor Savant's favorite word was "Papilionaceous", from  Latin, meaning resembling a butterfly, or shaped like a butterfly.  The French word for butterfly, "papillon",  is similar.

Discussion Points:

What are three words that you really like?  Why do you like them so much?

What do you do when you are reading and come across a word that you have never seen before?


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Simonds,
1.I have LOTS of favorite words. But her are 3 of them. Isthmus, because it is really fun to say. Yourself, because it reminds me to be myself. Family, because it makes me think of my awesome family and friends.
2.I usually reread it lots of times and think of what it could mean.

Biz <3<3

Anonymous said...

One of mine are dance because that my favorite sport and it keeps me busy. I also like it because I learn new thing and I challenge my self to make them perfect.

Another word I really like is gymnastics because I can't wait every week for my class. I also like it because it also keeps me busy and I love doing all the tricks.

The word happy is one of the words I also really like because when I am sad and I think of the word happy it makes me happy.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Simonds,
1. Supercalafragalisticaxpaladousious, because I like how it is really long and doesn't really have a meaning.
2. Dachshund, because I like how it is spelled a different way that it sounds when you say it.
3.Illusion, because I like what the word is and how it sounds when you say it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds,
I have some weird favorite words. The first one is smile because I like when people are happy. I like sunshine like Lindy because it makes me feel warm and bright. This next one is really weird. I like the word Chunchy, it is a magical creature from a book I have read in the past. I don't remember what the book is called.

If I don't know a word in reading or if I don't know what a word means I usually ask someone I think will know or look it up. Also If I don't know how the word is said, I try to sound it out.
From: Lucy

Anonymous said...

Hello There Mrs. Simonds,
If I had to choose three words the first one would be arogola, it is either a fruit or veggie! The second one would be phophyrophobia, which is the fear of the color purple. Last but not least . I choose these three words because I love the way they roll and tumble off of your tounge!!!
If I come across a word I am not familiar with I either read it over and make a guess or I ask an adult! I <3 2 READ!!!

Anonymous said...

hey josh here,
Three words i like are phalosophy, pie, and biohazard. When i am reading and find a unknown word i usually either josh they to figuer it out by reading the rest of the sentance of as my mom.
lata blogas,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Simmonds
My favorite three words are monster truck dog and traxxas.I like traxxas because I have a RC truck called a traxxas that goes over thirty mph+.I also like the word Monster truck because that's my favorite thing to watch.I picked dog because my dog is really special to me and I love her very much.she is also my only dog and we have a cat but I don't like cyclops cats with one eye.When I find a word that I don't no I try to purnouse it right and I ask someone what it means.for example,when I was reading my book Messi a bunch of the words In the book where in spanish so I had to ask you about them.~Matt:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-( :-) :-( :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Anonymous said...

My favorite word is flummoxed because it slides well. My others are heiroglyphs, and quantom. Heiroglyphs because they are cool puzzles. Quantom because in my head it reminds me of black fire. When I see a word I take a guess, it usually doesn't interfere with the plot.

Paul B.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.S
The words that I like are discombobulated, basketball and baseball. I like the word discombobulated because it is a confusing word and it means to be confused. I like the word basketball because it is my favorite sport. Basketball is my favorite sport because it's a fast pace sport and you have to trust your team. Baseball is also one of my favorite words because it's my me and my dad's favorite sport to play together.
When I am reading a book and I come across a word that I don't know I either ask my parents or look it up in a dictionary. If I don't find what it means I make an assumption on the information in the rest of the sentince.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Simonds
My three favorite words are....
Supercalifragalisticexpeallydoesious- Because it's a crazy word just like me.
Nike- because of the Greek god Nike and it's my favorite brand too.
Luna- Because its my bunnies name also it means moon I Latin and the moon happens to inspire me.
Wil Masterson¡!§&

Anonymous said...

Three of my favorite words are:
1. firework, because it's an exciting word. And it kind of tells a message.
2. Flower, because it makes me feel calm for some reason.
3. Explore, because it is all about exploring the world or your backyard. Or having an adventure some place in the world or in your state or anywhere!!
Grace. :D

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds,

My three favorite words are Aqua, Science, and Hugo. Aqua is one of my most favorite words because it is my favorite color. Science is one of my most favorite words because it is my most favorite subject. Hugo is one of my most favorite words because I love the name Hugo and I think that it is the most interesting name I know. Whenever I come across I word I have never seen before, I read the beginning of the sentence and try to figure out what the word means.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Simonds
1) Three of my favorite words are:
1. barnado
2. awkward
3. ba-bam

2) When I am reading and I find a word that I have never saw before I usually read on so that I can see how the word fits in the sentence.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Simonds

My favorite words are, flower, bunny, and perpendicular. I like flower because it is sounds so pretty when you say it. I like bunny because it is so cute to say! I like perpendicular because it is fun to say and it sounds cool.

Anonymous said...

To Josh, I agree bio-hazard sounds bro. It sounds as if there is some dangerous chemical and gene-splicing thing brewing. Pie is a good word because who doesn't like pie? Philosophy is an evil word that hurts my head. Good word choices Bro, you chose wisely.

Paul :/

Anonymous said...

Dear Sydney,

I also like the word flower because I like seeing all different flowers like the colors and shapes and how it smells.

I also like the word bunny because they are so cute and soft. I also like the word bunny because I love all the different breeds and colors they come in.

I love the word perpendicular because it is so fun to say. I also like the word perpendicular because I so long and it sounds funny and cool.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds

1. I have lots of favorite words but here is three. I like the word, scrumptious because it flows good when you say it. I like the word, scull because it is fun to think that a really hard things in your head. I like the word, calculator because when you say it it kinda tickles my throat.

2. When I come across a word I do not know I just keep on reading till I find out what it means.

Will MacDonald

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul, Sydney and Riley
Sydney I thought some of your favorite words would be honey and Badger. I say this because if you put them together you get Honey Badger.
Paul I agree with every thing on your comment on Josh except I don't like pie very much. I have a little piece of advice for you, the word bro is so 22 minutes ago.
Riley I thought your blog was the best in the world. I too think it is funny that discombobulated means to be confused and the word itself is confusing.
Rïłę¥ :D

Anonymous said...


One of your most favorite words is firework. You said that it kind of tells a message. It does tell a meesage. I have never thought of that. It brings a spark to the soul and gives people ideas. The word Flower makes you calm. Maybe because flowers are beautiful and so soothing. I also like the word Explore. I love exploring in my woods because sometimes on the edge of the field next to my house I find old rusty tractor parts. One time I found a piece of a slate and old horse bridles. Exploring is fun and if you find something, bring it home it could be important.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. S.,
My first favorite word is red, because it is my favorite color. My second word is X-Box becasue I like to play a game called Mind Craft. My third favorite word dog because dogs are my favorite animals.


Anonymous said...

I was reading your three words and one of them I got very hooked on! It really got me thinking!
It was Luna. I loved how you siad that the moon inspires you. Also I was shocked you knew what Luna meant in Latin.

Anonymous said...

Hola Mrs. Simonds,
I relized that that I ended my sentance and never told what my last favorite word was. I will tell you it now, family. My third favorite word is family because family means everything to me. It is so important to me. That's why it's my favorite word!!!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved your reasonings as to why your favorte words were your favorite words. Espically explore!!! The words you choose were outstanding.
Also the word firework, I suppose in a way it does tell a story! Although I am puzzled and wondering why you think flower is calming.

Anonymous said...

Dear Biz,

Isthmus is one of your favorite words because it is fun to say. I like saying the isth part. it sort of sounds like a snake. Yourself is another one of your words. You said it reminds you to be yourself. The word is yourself, so be yourself and try not to be somebody else. Family is one of your three favorite words. Everybody should have an awesome family. An family that is awesome treats you well and cares about you.

I also reread a word lots of times if I can not read it, but you have to try. Brianna said "Make a guess". I usually do that too if I am having trouble reading it over and over again.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds and Riley,

I think you words were interesting especially the word,discombobulated because it is 6 syllables long. I thought baseball and basketball were kinda dull. I also agree with you on how fun baseball is. Sometime we have family baseball games at my house. Basketball is also one of my favorite spots too. PRETTY BRO RILEY.

Will MacDonald

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds and Wil,

I also like the word supercalifragalisticexpeallydousious. I think it is very interesting. Was it in the movie mary Poppens?I never new the name, Nike was the name of a greek god. But I also like Nike for a brand. I know that your bunnies name is Luna and I think she is a great bunny. But she is Feisty.

Will MacDonald

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds,

My three other favorite words are historical becasue it reminds me of all the historical places I have visited. My next favorite word is fuzzy because it reminds me of me reading a book under a blanket on a rainy day. My last favorite word is violin because I play that instrument and it makes such beautiful sounds.

When ever I do not know a word I usually ask my parents in the morning or look in a dictionary
