Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Book Talk from Mr. G

Hello Class of Readers!
So happy you were able to get all your book talks recorded today! I can't wait to watch them!
For today's blog, I would like you to visit Mr. G's blog, Bloggin with your Noggin, and read his latest post.  It is a book talk on a great book. 

The link to connect to this is, which is also at the side of our blog.
You will notice the look of his blog is a bit different than ours, and you will want to click on the picture that says "Judy Blume". 

After you have read the post, answer the discussion questions here......
Happy Blogging!

Discussion Points:
a. Can you find any of the writing strategies we've been learning to use in class, in this book talk? Which ones?
b. Have you read Freckle Juice?
c. If so, what did you think of it? Why?
d. SPECIFIC feedback on this booktalk?
e. What did you like or not like about it?


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Simonds,
With the book talk I realized I really need to check my work well because some sentences I write don't make since. I have not read Freckle juice but I have heard of it.When my group some people were distracting when you were recording your and some people were not specking slow and clearly. I liked doing the book talks because they were a lot of fun and some books people did I really want to read. Can't wait to watch them all.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Simonds,
A.In Mr.Gs booktalk I saw that he had writen a summary about the book.
B.I have never read Freckle Juice but I want to.
C.(Never read it)
D.I think that he should have put books like it in his booktalk.
E.I like that he put lots of detailes in it. I also liked when he said 50 pages divided into 5 chapters.

From, Biz:D:D:D:D:D

Anonymous said...

I have not read Freckle Juice. The description Mr.G gave on it made it sound ok, but I'll read it before I turn 35 (no promises).

I think the booktalk was pretty good, I liked how he gave you a brief description then left you wanting to read it.

I thought it was good, but that wouldn't be my kind of book. If I mostly read books like that, I might read it.


Anonymous said...

Aloha Mrs.Simonds,
I relized that it used other books by the author and I wrote that in my booktalk and a lot of other people wrote that two. It was also written really well. I noticed that he had had the paragraph in the same order as I and everyone else in the class did too.
Yes I have read "Frekle Juice". I liked it a lot.
I really liked it becasuse it was humorous at some parts and serious at other times. I really like books like that because they are good and not just sorry my space bar fell off I and trying to fix it.

Anonymous said...

To Mrs. Simonds,

1. We have learned how to make eye contact when we are reading our book talks. We also learned how to speak loud and how to speak clearly.
2. I have never read Freckle juice. But I mite read it.
3. I think she put a lot of details in it but not to much details. she also made it funny and you wanted to read more. Another one is that she makes you want to read the book.
4. I think everything in it was great,it was funny and it made me want to read it. I think I will read this book before I turn 35 years old. I also think she put a lot of details in it but not to much.

Will MacDonald
"Bye Bye"

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Simonds,
I have never read FRECKLE JUICE, but it sounds good.
I think it helps to write a good summary without giving it away, so they will know wether they might like it or not. I have not read FRECKLE JUICE, so I can't really answer the letter C . I thought it was really good at telling a summary without giving it away. He made me want to read it!!!!!!!
~ LUCY!~

Anonymous said...

Dear mrs simonds
I think there is a couple but I'm not sure witch ones.I have not read frekal juice.But if I did I'm not sure I would like it.i think Mr.G wrote a really good book talk.It had some really good questions.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Simonds,
A. Mr. G put a lot of of other books by the same author and also wrote a summary on freckle juice.
B. No. But might keep it in mind.
D. I liked it because it was humorous.
E. The only thing I've got to say is I will read the book before I turn 35!!!!!!!!
Wil Masterson!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Will Mac,
I have read Freckle Juice and I think it is a very funny. I would suggest reading but you might not like because you never like any of the books we read in class. I would say you should read it before you turn 12. If you read it after you turn 12 it might be to easy and then you wouldn't like it that much. Now you have it from me that it is a good book.

Anonymous said...

Hi paul
I definitely agree with you it's not my type of book but I love how you are so some what funny in your blog.
Wil Masterson!!!!!!!!!

mash potatoes

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Simonds
One of the Strategies in the Book talk is the five S's. I used the five S's in my book talk.I have not read freckle juice. I thought that the book talk was really good because it really explained the book and how it was written. I will probably put the book freckle juice on my "To read list" because of the book talk. I really like how Mr. G discribed the book without giving the story away.


Anonymous said...

Hola Mrs. Simonds,
The writing strategies that I think that Mr. G. used were when he gave many examples of books that were like 'Freckle Juice', he also think that he expressed his real feelings about this book!!!
I have never read 'Freckle Juice' or any other books by Judy Blume either.
Some feedback on this blog would probably be I really like how Mr. G. conects it to your life, and I like the fact that he tells you that 50 cents today would be like 3dollars, it really helps to understand!!!
I liked that Mr. G. put alot of details into this blog (not that Mrs. Simonds doesn't). I also like that he uses very interesting words!!!
Nothing about his blog I didn't like!!!

Anonymous said...

You said that you have read 'Freckle Juice'. You also said that you liked it, but what esle did you think of it??? Is this the kind of book that gives you life lessons and things to live by. Or is it more of a book that is just super fun to read?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.S,

I have never read Freckle Juice, but when I read Mr.G's book talk I really wanted to read that book! I really think that it sounds interesting because there is a girl that plays a trick on a boy! I wonder if that boy will be okay after that girl gives him that special juice. I would like to congratulate Mr.G for doing a great job on his book talk! Now I really want to read freckle juice! I really liked how Mr.G really described that book talk. He is a really good book talk writer!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.S!,

I would like to compliment on Emma's blog. I liked how she complimented on how people did their book talks. I never thought of doing that for a blog. I like how she had her dislikes and her likes. I also agree with her that I did really want to read other peoples books that they did for a book talk. I really enjoyed doing book talks!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Simonds,
I actually have read Freckle Juice. I forgot to put it in m book talk. It is about a kid who does not have any freckles and makes a juice. I read it along time ago so I don't remember that much of it. When I find the book in my house I am going to read it.


Anonymous said...

Dear Paul
I have not read frekal juice etheir.Paul i will proboly not remember to read frekal juice before i was thirty five.Mr.G did makesound good but i don't think i would read the book.He did give a good brief description

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs.Simonds,
We learned about realistic writing and he talked about that. I have not read Freckle Juice. But it will most likely be a 100. This was a very good post. I liked everything about it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Brianna,
I agree that he gave examples of books like Freckle juice. I have not read any judy Blume books either. I agree that telling us the money thing really helps us learn. I also like the details in the blog. And the words!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. S,
I have not read "Freckle Juice" because I don't think it would be a book that would interest me. Even more so no that I have the book talk.
The strategies I found in the book are, giving book titles that are similar to "Freckle Juice." A summary of the book. And he tells you how many pages are in the book.
I don't really have any complaints about the book talk, but I do have one! I would have liked him to put more things in it like the main character, and the genre.
Nice book talk Mr. G!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy
I also have not read FRECKLE JUICE before.I agree with you he did a really good job not giving the story away. I really want to read FRECKLE JUICE TOO!

Anonymous said...

Hi Biz
I never noticed how he didn't put books like it in his book talk. I also liked the details in it too. I have never read FRECKLE JUICE either but I plan to.