Thursday, February 11, 2010

Different Angle

Ok history buffs, you have learned about a different side to an event in history. You read about Christopher Columbus from the point of view of the native people as well as people who witnessed the events that we have read about. You even read Columbus' own words in his journal. I think we can all agree that you are all feeling pretty negative about events that happened and Christopher Columbus himself.

I would like you to try to look at it now from another angle. What reasons might Columbus have had to act the way he did? I would like you to really push your thinking here. Try to think of things around him, or things that might have happened to him that would have caused him to make the choices that he did.

Many historians paint Columbus as a great man. Did he do anything to warrant that? Try to find some positive things that he did. See what you can come up with........


Anonymous said...

Christopher Columbus was really not a nice person. He was actually kind of greedy. All he wanted was to be recognized. Well he exceeded his goal. All he wanted was gold. If he didnt get his gold he killed them, (well most of them). Like with the arawaks (i think) he cut of their hands and let them bleed to death.

I wonder how he got killed.


Anonymous said...

I just did some research and i found this...

Christopher was born on 1451 in Genoa, Italy and died on May 20, 1506 at the age of 54.

The death is thought to have been caused by an autoimmune, (form of arthritis) which caused joint swelling, eye disease, and some other symptoms. This was deduced based on observer accounts of his symptoms, and his personal writings in his notebook.
When Columbus died he was still unaware that he had reached the Western Hemisphere (he thought he was on the east coast of Asia).

(deduced means you reason something out and make a decision).


Anonymous said...

C.C might have been really poor. When he was given the chance to get a lot of money in gold and be a governor of new worlds I don't know about you but that sounds really nice. If I were C.C I would want that really bad and probably try really really hard to get that. I wouln't kill a MILLION people though [Alex C. would:)ha!] He did discover the "new world" so he had to become famous. Since people thought he was a great man for hundreds of years writers didn't want to change history and create a great new era about how C.C was a horible man. Positive things: he discover the "new world" well his crew did more than him and that's it.
See you after vac. Cam

Anonymous said...

Columbus might have did what he did Because he really wanted to report back to Spain with something of importance , such as gold and slaves. He might have brought extra slaves with him back to Spain because he didn't find any gold.
When other explorers went searching for the Indies , they might have inspired Columbus to go a different way. That might not be true but I think that Columbus believed that the Earth was round.

From Justin

Anonymous said...

Will.p will.p

Well in Columbus's time it was all about new land and gold. So I think Columbus though life was all about gold and new land so he probably though he was not hurting anyone. But he was still a very bad man.

Well I think he was so much in love with money, he would do what ever he want. So hears another way to think of it.He just had money in his mind and could not stop and think correctly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with herb that he wanted to be recognized. But I also think he may have got recognized half good half bad because he was really mean to people and he did discover America. I think he thought he was going to get everything he serched for. He may have made people think he was a great man but others not so much. I think he could have been much nicer then he was but he just wasn't.


Anonymous said...

I think Christpher Columbos acted so badly because he hates INDIANS wants GOLD and KILLS KIDS.He was also very greaty about the gold.I wonder how he was finally killed???
I wondered what it was like when C.C controlled the land.I was like the Holuacost with the nazis.That stanks that this happened.

By Will Donnell

Anonymous said...

Columbus might have done that stuff because his parents told him that money was good, and he was raised in greed, or he could of really wanted to impress the Queen/King, or he could of just liked to torture people that he didn't like or that didn't give him what he wanted. The people he knew might have teased him, his parents might have been mean to him, he could of had a bad past with black people, maybe he was just greedy.
No. I don't think Columbus did anything to earn people's respect. All he did was go around, demand for gold, and then if they didn't have any he killed them or cut their hands off and left them to die. And no. I don't think he did anything positive. >:(

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